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fermenting RocketMan is right, there is no need to open a fermenting mash!

I just knew I was gonna skillfully avoid the dreaded kahm yeast funk in my mash! Well, guess what? It reared it ugly fuzz right on top of my first mash.

Opening the gallon jug to stir the yeast under or, to scoop-the-poop out, was out of the question since RocketMan has so vociferously warned us against doing that. Opening the jug would just give the yeast more of the O2 that it likes.

I thought the violence of shaking the jug would sling the airlock water out, breaking the seal in my little plastic, floating-cap style airlock. Or, I thought it might actually break the little airlock itself. Fact is, you can sorta shake-n-flip the mash ONTO THE TOP of the white fuzzy yeast, burying it back under the fermenting mash.

Now, it certainly can't get any oxygen while drowning under the mash. And, the shaking has very little effect on the water in the airlock. After about a dozen flip-sessions I had to add about 3/8ths of an inch of water to the airlock to get the water level back at target.

The most active time of fermentation has ended and the solids in the mash are no longer floating high-up out of the liquid. So, I have not needed to do the shake-n-flip deal nearly as often. Just hope that the burying of that funky-fuzziness doesn't cause any off-flavor to my sauce?
I tried Jeff. That fungus is not only fuzzy-skinned but it is thick-skinned! I told it things like;

"Go away, you'll never be the man your mother is"

" Ya know you nasty when a Cajun won't eat you"

"Do you have to leave so soon? I was just about to poison the mash"

"You may not be the best-looking micro-organism here but, beauty is only a swish-n-flip away"

Just couldn't shame that single-celled abomination! It just sat there in all of it's hairy indignation and ignored these laser sharp insults without so much as a quiver. I am beginning to seriously question it's mental capacity. Sheesh!

BTW Jeff, I know your sauces are gonna be out-the-park Brother. Sounds like you have enough mash to sink a batteau!