beer RocketMan's BrewLog

Yummy, molasses on the nose, upfront favors of molasses and coffee with a malty finish that has notes of an Oaky Bourbon and a hint of vanilla.



This is the first stout I've made and I'm very happy with how it came out.
Well folks good beer pairs well with good food and tonight I'm prepping for our BBQ tomorrow night. So,

Starting with Brisket


Next is Skirt Steak marinating in a fresh Chemichurri


And lastly the beans


Rest of the cooking starts early tomorrow morning.

Cheers Y'all!
There's probably a more eloquent way to say this ... but I'm too hypomanic to concentrate on that kind of shit right now ... I'm more in the #FuckYeahBrewDay mindset, but anyways ...
If you think you might get low on homebrew in the coming months, I'll happily brew some extra for you ...
I am pretty sure that I can brew 5 gallons in my system (it's a six gallon kettle) using a partial volume type deal by adding back extract wort after making the first 3 gals of have boiled down, to take it back up and over to 5 gallons from 3 gallons, and then doing the wort chilling, and dividing it up ...

I've never read extract brewing technique because I haven't read anything, really ... and have only done AG, but I think it would work fine, right? ...
I could then split the batch into a pair of 2.5 gallon batches and pitch whatever yeast you want, really ...
So, anyways ... if it seems like you may not be able to brew for a while, I want you to PM me and I'm happy to figure out that technique and cook you some homebrew ;)
Hey, It's National Mead Day!!

So I broke out the last bottle of The Mead I made at the beginning of the year and will be doing some DC cookery with it.

This is an Orange Spiced Mead or rather Melomel. Love the color and it's sparkling too


Check the DC for the rest of it.
Looks good, one of these days ... I've never even had any (yet) ...
Work schedule just shot up (a little early this year), so I'm going to be rushing to brew 15 gallons of stout in the next month or so, so I have my beer for Fall and Winter on hand!
Thinking about watching some football this year, maybe, after taking a few years off ...
RocketMan said:
Yummy, molasses on the nose, upfront favors of molasses and coffee with a malty finish that has notes of an Oaky Bourbon and a hint of vanilla.



This is the first stout I've made and I'm very happy with how it came out.
I want this right nao.
Right meow.
Hey RM ... I've been using StarSan ... but I have a little iodaphor (?sp) ... mind sharing your process for kegs and fermenters using that? ...
grantmichaels said:
Hey RM ... I've been using StarSan ... but I have a little iodaphor (?sp) ... mind sharing your process for kegs and fermenters using that? ...
No problem, I use Ale Pails for fermenting which is handy as I can fit everything I'll be using into one and then fill it with cold water and when it's about half full I add the Iodophor to it per package directions for 6 gallons.
When everything has been in there for it's time I lay all the utensils out on fresh laid out paper towels. Fill a spray bottle with some of the mix and dump out the rest and let the pail drain for a bit before I pour the chilled water that was boiled the day before into it.
For Kegging day I fill my bottling bucket with my racking cane and tubing in it with water and Iodophor as on brew day. When time is up connect the tubing to the tap and drain it into the keg. 