beer RocketMan's BrewLog

I'll do my next batch using it ...
Wheebz prefers it, has now mentioned it twice, and made a pretty compelling case for it Saturday ...
Sorry GM, should have said this before but, don't put it in your Airlock. Well, unless you really enjoy the taste of Iodine :)

[SIZE=20pt]Bourbon Barrel Vanilla Imperial Stout [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Grain Bill (70% Efficiency assumed):[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]12 lb. - 2-Row Pale Malt
2.5 lb. - Munich Malt (15 L)
1.5 lb. - Brown Malt
1.25 lb. - Chocolate Malt
[SIZE=14pt]1 lb. - Crystal Malt (120L)
½ lb. - Crystal Malt (40L)
[SIZE=14pt]½ lb. – Roasted Barley[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]½ lb. – Steel Cut Oats[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Hop Schedule:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]1 oz. - Magnum Hops (60 min)
1/2 oz. - E.K. Goldings (10 min)
[SIZE=14pt]White Labs California Ale Yeast (WLP001) - 900 ml starter[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Mash at 155° for 60 min. (Strike water at 165 dF and balanced at Ph. 5.2)
Fly Sparge
Cool and ferment at about 68° 1 week
[SIZE=14pt]Add 2 split Vanilla Beans and Bourbon soaked Oak Chips along with the Bourbon they were soaking in to Secondary before raking over beer. 2 weeks in secondary.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Prior to brewing:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]1 month out start 4 oz. Oak Chips soaking in Bourbon. Just cover the chips with bourbon.[/SIZE]
Ingredients arriving today :)
And they're here, brew day coming up

I'm cleaning my brewery instead of brewing, but the weekend's not even started yet, so there's plenty of time still ...
But, for today =( ...
I know the feeling, I was going to make a starter and get it on the stir plate. Got everything together and then couldn't find my magnet. Looked around a bit and then it dawned on me, it's on the bottom of the pumpkin ale. I forgot to strain it to catch it

Oh well, Pumkin Ale goes into the secondary tomorrow morning
RocketMan said:
I know the feeling, I was going to make a starter and get it on the stir plate. Got everything together and then couldn't find my magnet. Looked around a bit and then it dawned on me, it's on the bottom of the pumpkin ale. I forgot to strain it to catch it

Oh well, Pumkin Ale goes into the secondary tomorrow morning
There's a stir-bar in the Bhut Subduction batch too, ^5 ;)
Nice read.  I just went and checked on my sage bushes.  The poison ivy has tried to overtake them all summer.  I have a big jar full to try in my next brew. 
Rairdog said:
Nice read.  I just went and checked on my sage bushes.  The poison ivy has tried to overtake them all summer.  I have a big jar full to try in my next brew. 
Oh man, that sage brew was wicked cool. Was also thinking about a Rosemary one.
For Ozzy and GM
English Brown Ale
6 lbs. 2 Row
4.5 lbs. Marris Otter
13 oz. Crystal Malt
9 oz. Chocolate Malt
3 oz. Black Patent
2.5 oz. Willamette (pellet)  4.3 AA   60 minutes
.5 oz  Goldings Kent (pellet)  4.2 AA  15 minute
White Labs  WLP007 English Dry
Wyeast  1098  British Ale
Dough In 
60 minutes  150 dF Infuse at 165 dF
10 minutes  170 dF Infust at 210 dF
Looks pretty good. What L on that crystal? I've found that I really like beers with a lot of crystal/caramel.
Oh what temp for fermentation too? I assume 65-68 on that yeast. That's what I used in my DFH 90 clone.
Ozzy, I went back through my notes and it was 60L.

Coming up sometime soon

Pliny The Elder Clone

This is not my recipe, i found it on Home Brew Talk supposedly its Vinnie from Russian River homebrew recipe for PTE. Either way, its a tried and proven recipe with lots of great reviews.

12 pounds 2row
8oz Crystal 45 malt
8oz Carapils malt
12oz corn sugar added to boil

3.5oz Columbus hops @ 90 minutes
.75oz Columbus hops @ 45 minutes
1oz Simcoe hops @ 30 minutes
1oz Centennial hops @ 0 minutes
2.5oz Simcoe hops @ 0 minutes

1oz Columbus dryhop
1oz Simcoe dryhop
1oz Centennial dryhop

add an additional .25 columbus, .25 simcoe, and .25 oz of cententennial to the dryhop after a week of adding the first dryhop addition

mash approx 151F for 60minutes

us05 yeast
I haven't seen or had it either but the recipe had such rave reviews that I thought I'd give it a shot. If it's good I might even try Pliny the Younger recipe I saw too.