• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's Glog - Starting Second Season

Finally getting around to germinating my seeds to start growing some peppers. I took 14 varities out of the 42 in my seed library (Special thanks to everyone that helped out with seeds) and some of the old pill bottles I had saved (usually that's where I keep the screws I collect when I strip out an old computer system) then added 8 seeds to the bottles and filled with water. Going to let the seeds soak for 24 hours, then place on coffee filters and back into the bottles till its time to plant them. Here's a shot on the bottles:


The 14 I picked are:

1. Peruvian White Hab......................Pic1
2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate...............Pic1
3. Douglah......................................Pic1
4. Fatalii.........................................Pic1
5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T............Pic1
6. Datil...........................................Pic1
7. Red Savina Hab..........................Pic1
8. Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet......Pic1
9. Chocolate Hab............................Pic1
10. Black Hab................................Pic1
11. Trinidad Scorpion Yellow...........Pic1
12. 7/Pot Red................................Pic1
13. Bhut Jolokia.............................Pic1
14. No heat Jalapeno.....................FyrDad4
*Thank you Gentlemen

I really wanted to get a nice cross section of heat levels and to grow some peppers that I hear alot of talk about but can't find locally. most of them will be going into sauces however if I happen to get a really good crop of peppers I might have to look into drying some and making some powders. This is the first year that I'm growing peppers from seeds. I've planted Jalapeno and Habs that I picked up from Lowes or Home Depot before but never really done the research and gotten the dirt under my fingers.
I thought about whether to use Peat Pellets or Rock Wool but right now i'm thinking about just going with some good soil or a seed starting mix and I already have a bunch of Red Solo Cups. I'm planning on 6 or 8 holes in the bottom of the cup so I can bottom water them and I might place some up and down the sides so that some air can get in.

I'm really looking forward to this and if it goes good I might even be able to convince the boss to let me take a section of the back yard and put in a garden. Might even put in a flower or 2, well so long as they're edible that is.

Thanks for stopping by and check back I'll be here.

Thanks for stopping by,
Yes, continued new growth! The Jamaican Hot Chocolates are especially off to a good start.

Tray 2


Nothing showing in number 3 yet but it was planted after these were by a day or so. This is,I think, a really good area for them as they're only getting indirect sun. So I don't think I have to worry about them getting burner.
Man, I love coming home now as every day new growth is showing as the seedlings push their way through the dirt to spread their leaves.

Tray 1


1. Peruvian White Hab - Second one is pushing through
2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate - Growing strong with 4 up
3. Douglah - 3 pushing through and should have their first leaves out tomorrow
4. Fatalii - 2 starting to push through
5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T - Nothing showing yet but they take longer to get up
6. Datil - 4 up but one of them is in the ssame cell as another

Tray 2


7. Red Savina Hab - 2 up looking good
8. Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet - 3 up and going
9. Chocolate Hab - 3 up and going
10. Black Hab - 1 up
11. Trinidad Scorpion Yellow - None up yet
12. 7/Pot Red - 2 up and going

Tray 3


13. Bhut Jolokia - None up yet
14. No heat Jalapeno - 2 up and should be opening their leaves tomorrow
15. Thai Long Hot Pepper -2 rows - none yet but expecting these to take longer
16. Thai Short Hot (very hot) Pepper -2 rows - Maybe 2 starting to poke through will see tomorrow, expecting these to take longer

Thanks for stopping by to look at my grow log. Have a great evening.
First...I love heat. Love it. Hotter the better...BUT....

C'Mon no-heat jalapeno!!! Please Work! Please Work! Please Work!!!!!!!!

Imagine the sauces for kids you will make with that!!!!!!
And poppers for wives!!!!!!

I'm so excited for you RM. That looks like a proper garden!
Imagine the sauces for kids you will make with that!!!!!!
And poppers for wives!!!!!!

Oh yeah, I already have some ideas along those exact lines! Besides being able to add the great flavor of Jalapenos to anything I want to cook and not having to worry about it being too hot for someone at the party.
Good start to your grow season, RM! It looked like you
had pretty good germination in your plastic bottles.
Good luck going forward!
Thanks Paul, this is my first season growing and I'm as excited watching it as my 6 and 7 year olds are. Everyday when we get home we have to stop and look at how much they have grown and for new ones coming up. It's so cool to see the excitment in their eyes that it's hard not to get caught up in it. Now I just have to figure out where everything is going to go.

Have a great day and wishing you great success with your grow
Ok, time to take a look at germenation rates. For numbers 1 to 14 I planted 1 row of 6 cells each and for 15 and 16 I planted 2 rows each. Some cells had more than 1 seed in it. For this count I counted all of them that had come up including hooks So, were looking like this

1. Peruvian White Hab 4
2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate 5
3. Douglah 5
4. Fatalii 3
5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 1
6. Datil 8
7. Red Savina Hab 7
8. Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet 7
9. Chocolate Hab 6
10. Black Hab 3
11. Trinidad Scorpion Yellow 0
12. 7/Pot Red 5
13. Bhut Jolokia 1
14. No heat Jalapeno 2
15 Thai Long Hot Pepper 0
16 Thai Short Hot Pepper 3

Allowing for 108 total cells planted it gives me a germination rate of 55.55% after 5 days in dirt.
Here are todays pics:

Tray 1


Tray 2


Tray 3


Close up of the Thai Short Hots


Thanks for stopping by and having a look,
Well, these little guys are excited to grow. some of them already are touching the lid so, I'm going to leave it off from now on. I'm not really sure why but they have their little leaves reaching for the sky, do I need to move them into the direct sun for a bit each day? Also do they look like they're getting a little leggy?

NOTE: They're a better color than this, darn flash!

Tray 1


1. Peruvian White Hab
2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate
3. Douglah
4. Fatalii
5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
6. Datil

Tray 2


7. Red Savina Hab
8. Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet
9. Chocolate Hab
10. Black Hab
11. Trinidad Scorpion Yellow
12. 7/Pot Red

Tray 3 and my little Tamarind Tree in the Red Solo Cup


13. Bhut Jolokia
14. No heat Jalapeno
15 Thai Long Hot Pepper
16 Thai Short Hot Pepper

Side shot showing the leaves reaching up


Trays 1 and 2


I am still amazed at this and how fast they're growing. Thanks for taking a look.
Ok, I think the reaching for the stars thing is due to the fact that I have thm in a 30% or so shade area and theyre reaching for the late afternoon / evening sun. Tomorrow I'll try moving them out to full sun for the day and see how they do. Well, unless someone comes by and gives me a good reason not too.

cool Thanks SST, I think I have a spot where theyll get maybe 3 hours of direct morning sun and the rest would be indirect. The way they're reaching up like they're doing is a little worrysome to me. Question: How do you know when to transplant the seedlings to a larger container, say from the little cell trays they're in now to solo Cups?
Thanks Paul, this is my first season growing and I'm as excited watching it as my 6 and 7 year olds are. Everyday when we get home we have to stop and look at how much they have grown and for new ones coming up. It's so cool to see the excitment in their eyes that it's hard not to get caught up in it. Now I just have to figure out where everything is going to go.

Have a great day and wishing you great success with your grow

That's great, RM! It's good to get the little ones into gardening at an early age!
Good luck solving your space issues! I would pot up the seedlings when there
are root tips poking out the holes in the cells, as long as they have true leaves
appearing. As for legginess, you can just plant them deep - I sometimes plant
them up to the first leaf node or even more depending on the situation. Always
at least up to the cotys.

Thanks for the good wishes - same to you. I hope you have a spectacular grow season!
I had started leaving the lid off the trays in hopes that the leaves would not be reaching so much for the heavens and Saturday morning we had a thunderstorm come through and the dripping off the eves of the garage I think washed out my Douglah and Chocolate Habs. I'll know in the next few days but when I went out and looked a portion of the soil had washed out and I planted the seeds only about a 1/4 inch down. I topped then affected cells with fresh soil and reset a few plants that were knocked over a bit. All the rest look ok just the 2 rows were really hit hard. I'll take some pics tonight and post. I also moved the trays to the back pourch where they will be getting about 3 hours of direct morning sun and indirect the rest of the day and be a little more protected from any more storms. I moght go haead and start getminating replacement seeds just in case. :banghead:

The damage:

This tray has the least amount of seedlings afffected

These were hit pretty hard and had a bunch of smaller seedlings

Closeer looks


We'll see over the next few days how they're going to hold up. I'm pretty sure that one of the rows, Douglahs, are gone as the cells in that row were almost empty of any soil.

Yesterday and today are nice sunny days and I've moved them to an area that will be less affected by the rain.
Well after watching them for a day or 2 it looks like Tray 1 is going to be ok. Tray 2 is shot and what I lost from Tray 3 I had 2 rows each of so it'll be ok.
Today I started soaking new seeds for Tray 2:
Red Savina Hab
Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Hab
Black Hab
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow
7/Pot Red
and for Tray 1 some Datils

Going to use the same process again and soak in plain water for 24 hours then onto damp Coffee Filters and into some small plastic cups I found with lids.

Down but not dead and still growing,
Ahhhh lifes set backs... My cay was liking to sleep in my starter trays, well he was fixed of that really quick. Keep at it, it'll end up alright.