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RocketMans Theriac

So, what is a Theriac you ask, we'll a Theriac is an ancient word for a cure all. It could also be called a Panacea. In the 16th century Adam Lonicer wrote that garlic was the rustics' Theriac or Heal-All and as this sauce has over 2.5 pounds of Garlic, well there you go. The sauce also has celery root and other proprietary ingredients as seen in this picture of the ferment jar.


45 days and we'll see what we have, man I can't wait to see how this one comes out :)

Oh, did I forget to mention White Bhuts? Thanks JoynersHotPeppers
Loved the sauce. Sent a bunch out and kept one for myself and it was gone in one dinner party :)
Make sure you read the Fermenting 101 and have a firm understanding of how it's done. If somethings not clear, ask questions. 
So, I know this is a year old...
But do you know the amounts of the other ingredients?
I'm planning on a garlic and potato ferment, and wonder how much potato I need to add
Halburst, I used 1 big Cleric, celery root, in mine so maybe the same or less potato. I don't know what the difference between the 2 starch wise is and your flavor is going to be a little different. So far as the other ingredients, I'd have to go look.
Hi Halbrust,
I'm making a Rocketman's Theriac "tribute" atm!  :)
My recipe is below.  

(I did mention somewhere that I'm pretty retentive about record keeping!)
You could substitute all the liquid for a brine, if that's your preference.
This photo from about a week ago (it's the second one from the left).

It's now a very awesome radioactive "Laba" garlic blue!  Can't tell you how it tastes yet, as it's still fermenting, and this is my first super garlic-focused!  The recipe above is a half gallon quantity.  Hope it helps a bit; but there's really no "right answer"; everything depends on the taste profile you're going for and your preference/tolerance.
Best of luck though - please post details!
James N
Thanks Rocket and James!!!
Life got in the way, and I ended up installing a computer last night instead of starting this ferment.
The ingredients will be:
4 parts garlic
1 part purple potato
Lacto tablet
4% brine solution
Solids will be run through the food processor until it's a chunky paste, then covered with brine and put away to ferment.
I went with purple potato because I'm hoping to come up with a very blue final sauce.
I'll make my own thread with pictures after I get it started. I really hope I get it started tonight.
Sounds fantastic, Halbrust; your portion quantities seem spot on.
Mine's gone from blue to a very serious green!
After much googling, I gather the onion helps create clusters of carbon-nitrogen "pyrroeles" (not chemically unadjacent to chlorophyll); and the greener it goes, the stronger the garlic flavour is likely to be...  My batch would probably go down swimmingly in northern China where the Laba garlic has a special place in cuisine around December - apparently a precursor of financial good-fortune to coincide with the the New Year and Buddhist tradition!
Pic below:

James N
EDIT: "not chemically unadjacent to chlorophyll" is a really cack-handed way of saying "chemically adjacent to chlorophyll" XD
Time for another round of Theriac!

1,360 g Garlic
136 g Sweet Onion
136 g Leek
907 g Celeriac
150 g White Habanero
40 g Salt
Zest of a large Lemon
1/2 cup of Whey
Letting this ferment for 90 days :cool:
Last time it came out a pale white color but I've seen a lot of people have really green sauce come out from the fermentation process. I'll be interested to see how this comes out.
RocketMan said:
Time for another round of Theriac!

1,360 g Garlic
136 g Sweet Onion
136 g Leek
907 g Celeriac
150 g White Habanero
40 g Salt
Zest of a large Lemon
1/2 cup of Whey
Letting this ferment for 90 days :cool:
Last time it came out a pale white color but I've seen a lot of people have really green sauce come out from the fermentation process. I'll be interested to see how this comes out.
Wow RocketMan that looks amazing about how many heads of garlic is that I'd like to give this a try!! :)