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Roguejim's 2014 Glog...Rogue Valley Oregon...6/29...Warmer weather = Podding up!

Only my second season, destined to be better than the previous. 
My goal: more pods; more ale.

1.Scotch Bonnet Choc (1)
2.Scotch Bonnet FTL (2)
3.Scotch Bonnet MoA (4)
4.Scotch Bonnet Faria (1)
5.SB7J (1)
6.Bhut Peach (1)
7.Bhut Assam (1)
8.Pimenta Leopard (1)
9.Carolina Reaper (1)
10.Bahamian Goat (3)
11.Jamaican Mushroom (1)
12.Big Red (1) (7-pot cross)
13.Brainstrain Red (1)
14.Caribbean Red Hab (3)
15.Red Savina (2)
16.Choc Hab (1)
17.Scarlet Lantern Hab (1)
18.St. Lucia Hab (1)
19.Isabela Island Hab (1)
20.Trinidad Perfume (1)
21.Moruga (1)
22.Scorp Red (1)
23.Scorp Tongue (1)
24.Jay's Peach Scorp (1)
25.Trinidad Congo (1)
26.7-Pot Primo (1)
27.7-Pot Yellow Giant (1)
28.7-Pot Savannah (1)
29.Siling Labuyo (2)
30.Siling Bilong (1)
The seedlings above are all germinated. They were planted in early December, 5-6 weeks earlier than last season. I'm giving them a longer start indoors, and a slightly later plant out. I switched from Jiffy pellets to a seed starting mix in a Burpee mini-greenhouse. I never liked putting all that peat moss into a Solo cup.

31.Aji Lemon Drop (2)
32.Aji Teapot Orange (2)
33.Aji Dulce (1)
34.Aji Pineapple (2)
35.Aji Omnicolor (2)
36.Aji Colorado (2)
37.Jalapeno Cracked (4)
38.Fresno (2)
39.Numex Big Jim (2)
40.Italian Roaster (1)
41.Rooster Spurs (1)
42.Cherry Bomb (1)
Over Wintered Plants
43.Red Fire
44.Big Red
45.Bhut Cross
46.Carolina Reaper
47.Brainstrain Yellow
48.Scorp Choc
49.Bahamian Goat
50.Peruvian White Hab
51.Bhut Yellow
Things I've learned.

This being only my second season, I vow not to over water, nor to over fertilize my seedlings like last season.

As soon as I plant the sprouts to Solo cups, I am adding a layer of sand to the surface to prevent fungus gnats from laying their eggs in the soil. Prevention is the way to go with these bastards.

Avoid fish based emulsion indoors.

Kelp extract is good.
Over wintered in the brewshed,

Under T8s.

MoA Scotch Bonnet.

Hey, Jim, welcome to the glogosphere!
Always good to see another Oregon grower
on the forum!
Miniac67 said:
looking awesome, and great grow list. what are you using for soil?
I''m using Gardner & Bloome Potting Soil mixed with an inexpensive planting mix that contains forest humus, compost, pumice, perlite and peat moss.
Good luck, Roguejim!
On the last two pics leaves are a little bit purple-ish. Is it normal or does it perhaps indicate some problem with nutritiens, pH, lights?
Montmorillonite said:
Good luck, Roguejim!
On the last two pics leaves are a little bit purple-ish. Is it normal or does it perhaps indicate some problem with nutritiens, pH, lights?
its their own protection from intense lights, they embedd pigments into the leaves :)
Looking good RJ! Very nice list, and beautiful starts...I'm right with you on "lessons learned"...I seem to still be making the very same mistakes!

Montmorillonite said:
Good luck, Roguejim!
On the last two pics leaves are a little bit purple-ish. Is it normal or does it perhaps indicate some problem with nutritiens, pH, lights?
Hey, I like your screen name! Are you a geologist?
I hope Rougejim doesn't mind if I answer here and not in PM. I'm not a geologist, I'm a student of civil engineering. I'm glad you like my nickname.
It's going to be my second season as well but I haven't started yet.
My apologies to RJ, as well...

Civil Engineering is a much wiser career choice!

Cool, thanks! Good luck on your grow and in your studies...I'll be watching for your glog!
Well, I hit a few unexpected speed bumps since I last posted.  I did, in fact, over water again!  I may have even over fertilized...I did, in fact, use fish fert indoors...All but one (Choc Scorp) of my over wintered plants are dead, dead, dead.
I repotted all of my seedlings to Happy Frog, and replaced the sand with perlite.  I replaced the T*s with a 400 watt HPS.  I'm still undecided/confused as to the best fert regimen for seedlings.  Too many choices...oh well, here goes with some photos.
Pimenta Leopard

Bahamian Goat, my best plant, thus far.


Scotch Bonnet FTL

MoA, courtesy of Steve954

Wee Maui Purples

And there has to be a really ugly plant..I present my Scarlet Lantern Hab that has, well, issues?
Hi Jim,
No ferts until they are 4"s tall, and that's if they are in plain old potting soil. If I was using that I would go with a 25% solution (a 100% is 1 oz. per gal) . I've been using MG green bag stuff here, mainly because I can't find anything else around here...guess they have the local market cornered. I just planted mine in the garden and just started the ferts, I have been hitting them with a really weak dose of Seaweed Extract and Hasta Gro (6-12-6). I have some jugs that hold almost 3 gals of mix and put one oz. of the Seaweed, and 1/2 oz. of the Hasta gro. The plants range from 6"s to 14"s, once they get older I will hit them with a 50% solution which would be 1 oz of each to 2 gals. I can do this twice a week. Always better to use ferts in small doses and watch, just can't take them back, always can add more ;)
That Pimenta Leopard sure is sexy!
Good luck!
I "try" to live by "the more I leave them alone the better off they are", but I always have an eye on them ;)
Today. I prepped a portion of my raised bed with alfalfa meal and chicken manure. 

Alfalfa meal in place.

Organic chicken manure in place.

Final mulching.

I think my plants are going to love this .
Great list, great start! Wish I'd been as diligent and punctual. I'm sold on overwinters, so hopefully I'll be on similar standings by my 3rd season. I'm a slow learner haha.
Thank you very much for posting. My over winters are all dead except for one, maybe. Next season, they will come into my house where it is warm. Cut them back, and treat them like houseplants in a window, and they will do fine. Aphids, however, will most likely have to be dealt with, indoors. Thanks again, and the best of luck to you.