• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Roguejim's 2014 Glog...Rogue Valley Oregon...6/29...Warmer weather = Podding up!

Only my second season, destined to be better than the previous. 
My goal: more pods; more ale.

1.Scotch Bonnet Choc (1)
2.Scotch Bonnet FTL (2)
3.Scotch Bonnet MoA (4)
4.Scotch Bonnet Faria (1)
5.SB7J (1)
6.Bhut Peach (1)
7.Bhut Assam (1)
8.Pimenta Leopard (1)
9.Carolina Reaper (1)
10.Bahamian Goat (3)
11.Jamaican Mushroom (1)
12.Big Red (1) (7-pot cross)
13.Brainstrain Red (1)
14.Caribbean Red Hab (3)
15.Red Savina (2)
16.Choc Hab (1)
17.Scarlet Lantern Hab (1)
18.St. Lucia Hab (1)
19.Isabela Island Hab (1)
20.Trinidad Perfume (1)
21.Moruga (1)
22.Scorp Red (1)
23.Scorp Tongue (1)
24.Jay's Peach Scorp (1)
25.Trinidad Congo (1)
26.7-Pot Primo (1)
27.7-Pot Yellow Giant (1)
28.7-Pot Savannah (1)
29.Siling Labuyo (2)
30.Siling Bilong (1)
The seedlings above are all germinated. They were planted in early December, 5-6 weeks earlier than last season. I'm giving them a longer start indoors, and a slightly later plant out. I switched from Jiffy pellets to a seed starting mix in a Burpee mini-greenhouse. I never liked putting all that peat moss into a Solo cup.

31.Aji Lemon Drop (2)
32.Aji Teapot Orange (2)
33.Aji Dulce (1)
34.Aji Pineapple (2)
35.Aji Omnicolor (2)
36.Aji Colorado (2)
37.Jalapeno Cracked (4)
38.Fresno (2)
39.Numex Big Jim (2)
40.Italian Roaster (1)
41.Rooster Spurs (1)
42.Cherry Bomb (1)
Over Wintered Plants
43.Red Fire
44.Big Red
45.Bhut Cross
46.Carolina Reaper
47.Brainstrain Yellow
48.Scorp Choc
49.Bahamian Goat
50.Peruvian White Hab
51.Bhut Yellow
Things I've learned.

This being only my second season, I vow not to over water, nor to over fertilize my seedlings like last season.

As soon as I plant the sprouts to Solo cups, I am adding a layer of sand to the surface to prevent fungus gnats from laying their eggs in the soil. Prevention is the way to go with these bastards.

Avoid fish based emulsion indoors.

Kelp extract is good.
Over wintered in the brewshed,

Under T8s.

MoA Scotch Bonnet.

Jim, for what it`s worth, I do not feed seedlings at all until they have at least 6 true leaves. Then I use 1/10 of the recommended dilution (Kellogg Organic Tomato, Veg. and herb fertilizer) and fertilize with that every third watering or so. I like that one because it is OMRI-listed as Organic and you can use it dry or make a tea with it. It`s full of micro-organisms, too. 
Your last plant, the Scarlet Lantern, looks a little over-fertilised. Not a lot, but a little. If it were mine, I`d stick with just water at the appropriate time, then get it next to a fan on high. 
Sorry about your over-winters. I think i lost about 15/40 of mine since february and I have no idea why. C`est la vie. 
Nice GLOG, though. Congrats, Jim. The raised beds look especially good!
Nigel said:
Jim, for what it`s worth, I do not feed seedlings at all until they have at least 6 true leaves. Then I use 1/10 of the recommended dilution (Kellogg Organic Tomato, Veg. and herb fertilizer) and fertilize with that every third watering or so. I like that one because it is OMRI-listed as Organic and you can use it dry or make a tea with it. It`s full of micro-organisms, too. 
Your last plant, the Scarlet Lantern, looks a little over-fertilised. Not a lot, but a little. If it were mine, I`d stick with just water at the appropriate time, then get it next to a fan on high. 
Sorry about your over-winters. I think i lost about 15/40 of mine since february and I have no idea why. C`est la vie. 
Nice GLOG, though. Congrats, Jim. The raised beds look especially good!
It's quite interesting, and confusing to me at all the fert regimens that people have.  Nagacanario micro-nutes with diluted Miracle Gro African Violet fert, right from the start.  His plants reach 7ft in containers, easily.  I think your own method is safer, though.  I take it you make a tea with your fert?  I don't recall your soil medium.  Does it have it's own nutes?  Thanks for the advice. 
Thanks!  Last year, I planted out around the 3rd week of May, and promptly got hit with a storm, and low temps.  This season, I might wait until June 1, I don't know.  I'll see how the weather is in the middle-end of May, and decide then.
Here's a couple of Morougas the local hydro shop gave me about a month ago.  They were twice this size, but I cut them back since I didn't have an HID system at the time, and could only keep them on my porch near a window. 
Well, I don't know how I did it, but, I deleted photos from Photobucket.  Here they are again, plus a couple extra.
Alfalfa meal applied.

Organic chicken manure applied, next.

Nearly done.

Just a quick group shot of some annuums that were horribly root bound, and needed potting up.  Last season, none of my annuums needed potting up before plant out, but, with the addition of a 400-watt HPS HID, plants are growing much more quickly.  Goodbye T8s!  Most plants pictured are aji teapots, lemon drops, amarillos, and pineapples. 

Aji Joe's "Ma Wiri Wiri".

This one is labelled "Ai Teapot", but, I'm having my doubts...

Thanks for dropping by.  The larger chinenses will go out tomorrow for solar boot camp.
Plants are looking great Jim!
Can't wait to see them hit dirt, once they do they'll just kick it!
Thanks, Devv. I'm hoping they all like the alfalfa meal and composted chicken manure I've laid down. I'm going to be doing some crowding, too, maybe do the "square foot gardening" thing. We'll see.
Thanks romy6! Coming from a resident guru like yourself, that means a lot. Devv's obviously got it all figured out , too!
Temps are soaring into the 90s this week, so, time to introduce all the plants to Mr. Oregon Sun.  Not all appreciated their first encounter with the solar god, having been rousted from months of prima donna treatment under a 400-watt HPS lamp.  In short, they shriveled up like sissies.  No problem.  They will learn to love it.  Now, on to the photos...








Thanks for watching!!
Checking out your profile, that is a scary grow list.  Lots of ajis, I see.  I have cascabel seeds, if you want to PM me.
Do you have a Glog?
It's not that scary anymore :mope: . Unfortunately I got a big aphid problem and a lot of my peppers didn't make it. I just haven't got around to downgrading my list.
No, I haven't got a glog because I'm not too good at that sort of thing. I love to read other people's though. :P
Speaking of grow list you aren't too bad yourself :P .
Well, for some silly reason, I thought I was going to plant all my plants in a single day.  Not going to happen, so, a few every day.  I planted a few in the raised bed, and employed the skills of my 4-year old grandson to plant up a couple of small pots.  In the raised bed, I have decided to use the "square foot" method, allotting 1-s/f of area per plant.  For each hole, I added bokashi, worm castings, azomite, and my 50:50 blend of organic, composted chicken manure, and alfalfa meal.  Lots of red wigglers in the soil this season, thanks to the organic cow manure I put down last Fall.  On to the photos.
A row of MoAs, FTLs, and Fariahs.

A different angle for perspective.  They look further than 12" apart, but, they're not.

Some Fresnos, Italian Roasters, and Cherry Bombs.

Store bought Serranos and Nardellos.

The grandson, Warren, showing us his Filius Blue and Numex Easter.

Wielding a shovel.

Giving them a drink.

That's all for today's small plant out.  About 50 more to go.
Looking good! I planted out yesterday, when the weather was much more hospitable. We're having big thunderstorms today in Portland. Must be much quieter down south!
Thanks for the compliment! We had very scattered sprinkles, and gusty winds. I had to stop only twice for about 5 minutes each time, and wait for the sprinkling to stop, and for the sun to come back out. Shorts and t-shirt weather, really. Now, I'm also dealing with a gopher, or mole(s). My wife was just in Portland, Thursday, and remarked about all the food trucks she saw! I would love that! Best of luck to your grow season.
You have your work cut out for you, Jim!  
Good luck getting the rest of your grow in the ground!
Plants look great and so do your helpers