• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Seth, I am glad you were able to enjoy some of my peppers. Always puts a smile on my face when I can make a fellow chiliheads taste buds explode :onfire: . Your grow looks superb!

Nice to hear from you linda. Hope all is well . My wife is the reason I got into growing and eating chili's. She is amazing . I cooked her up a Brain last night and she gobbled it down. She did have a little hiccup explosion :drooling:

Shane my man! Thanks for complimenting my chocolate bhut. I am mighty fine proud of that beast :lol:

Prod. I have never pruned that Brain Strain. I have noticed the older plants seem to drop most of there lower foilage. The leaves also get smaller with time. :D

What up BEE? Thanks for the props. The smaller pots are 3 gallons. They have been ready to go into 7 gal's or in the ground for quite some time. :fire:
Cool -unexpected pod porn!! Nice "guts" shot of the Barrackpore!I had paid so much attention to the "grow" plants , that I hadn't noticed all the overwinters podding up! I too ,was out of practice...and rediscovered throat burn as well..thanks to that overwintered 7. Now a non pepper question ....the lime green bush by the Brain Strain....I have several(like to mix it with Persian Shields)and the name has been escaping me for months?!!!!
Conrad where you been hiding bro? Hope we can hook up this weekend! :dance:

Matt my man! Thanks for checking in. That Barrackpore is one evil pepper :hell:

Gnslngr, Honestly I don't remember the name of the bush either. But they grow great all year around and never require watering so I like em. Other than the tiny little thorns :confused:

On a side note my boy Paul (chile_freak) sent me 3 strands of douglahs, caramel bhut's, red rcocoto's, and a douglah
bhut cross. I have had no luck with growing a semi pure douglah so thank you Paul. I had JJ and Cris plant them since they have the magic growing thumbs :onfire: :party:

Will keep ya posted!
Took a few pics yesterday. First is a chocolate bhut that grew between two stems . Very cool. Guess I should have move him at an early age but I am a slacker ;)


Chocolate bhut ready for dinner


chocolate hab powder in my future


Plants are greening up again :dance:

Barrackpore reloading


Bhuts o plenty PLant is looking sick . When the pods ripen I will top and put in the ground!


These two plants only get a couple hours of indirect sunlight a day. They are about a year old.


red 7 stacking up again. This plant is amazing. It is always dark green and produces tons of pods every month


And a nice little chocolate scorp.


That chocolate bhut looks painful...just looking at the pic I can hear it saying "I DARE YOU PUNK!" That Chocolate Hab is really showing off too. great update as always my brother!

Tried to like your post...but "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
Thanks Shane! Yes sir those Choclate bhut's are nasty. The oils inside those turds are thick. :rofl:

Hey Jay thanks for checking in. Well I have a bunch of little babies slow poking along. Some Butch T's,yellow brains, primos,scotch bonnetts,ts morouga, morado pepper, whipstail, red fatali x, sbj7, madballz, chocolate nagas, and some other stuff. If you look you can see something has been eating my babies on the back corner of my house. Not sure what?

Hey pulp . I do love taking pics of that chocolate bhut pods. They are some fine specimens.

Couple more pics since I am here! Sweet venetian hab. In ground plant.


Goats weed?


Funky yellow scorp

My goat's weed isn't growing like that??? Your pods and leaves look right, but the growth habit doesn't look right? Here's one of mine...

I'll bet they taste the same though!

That little yellow scorp look D'Licious! Every time I think you're done showing off...you post something else that is BA! Having a ton of fun following your glog.

Shane my brotha! I really have no idea what it is. I was thinking chile de arbol or goat. I thought I saw you post something that looked just like my plant and you said it was Goat. That's what I get for thinking :rofl:
Shane my brotha! I really have no idea what it is. I was thinking chile de arbol or goat. I thought I saw you post something that looked just like my plant and you said it was Goat. That's what I get for thinking :rofl:
Melissa did...could be a chile negro de arbol??? They all taste about the same and have around the same heat. All about like a cayenne. I use store bought dried arbols as fillers in my powders...that is until mine start putting out enough pods to not need them anymore! Between the 4 goats weeds, 2 Cayennes and all the piquins, tepins and wild brazils I hope I have more than enough for a few flakes and some powder. It's going to be different having to use these to reduce the heat of my stuff instead of to add it!

The pod test vids I did with your pods has socalchilihead wanting me to do a vid review of one of his cayennes :dance: I think silversurfer sent him the seeds...who knows I may turn into the next Ted. :rofl:
Thanks Shane and SC. I have had this plant for over a year and can't wait to try them in powder form :dance:

Oh no Shane not another Ted. The chiliworld can only handle one per decade :rofl:

Those Chocolate Bhuts look wicked, it would be cool photo if the one stuck between started to fully ripen above the branching before the bottom half.

You sure do have the pods coming in....those plants are loving that "Tropicana Sun"

Hey Jamie, thanks for the props, and the peppers am really enjoying them! Wow! I can only stop by your glog once a week or so otherwise the green monster breaks loose, and I dont mean the hulk :rofl:
Anyway, your plants look awesome tons of luck on the douglahs, for some reason this season all the chocolates have been doing real well for me, and the yellows, it been the reds that have been a pain in my ass! completely the opposite of last year might I add, very little luck w/ any of my chocolates!
Thank you Greg. That would be cool. It is starting to turn but I have noticed these chocolate bhuts don't have the two tone coloration change like my scorps and 7's. They go all or nothing. :cheers:

Paul. Thank you again for all the killer seeds. You know I will keep you posted on the outcome of those babies :onfire:

Well today was a great day.Just got back from playing golf with my son. He is a natural :dance:

I also managed to harvest some nice peppers as well. Here are a few pics!

Brains are geeting fat!



That choclate Bhut stuck in the middle is almost ready to gobble up :party: Amazing what can happen in one day:)


And the harvest shots. The first was taken by JJ. A little lower perspective :drooling:


And from my perspective :drunk: