• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Nice to see things warming up out your way Jamie... Money shots are a definite bonus! I've heard that often destructive behavior in young dogs is just that they're not getting enough excercise. If you're too busy working to do it, maybe it's time to delegate to the kids. Wear them both out... ;)
Nice little harvest there Jamie and the plants are still kicking nicely but, Tebow looks like he's a little pooped out. I thought I was going to get 3 or 4 pods there till that wind blew in and the peppers right off the plant. I think my son might have knocked one or two off too.

Gonna have to have a long talk with that boy :)
Brother I'm back and your pictures are great, much better than what I've been shooting lately ... great updates, sorry no "like dis" left but you know I'll be back :) ... hope dat little flimsy fence keeps Tebow at bay but I get the feeling what Tebow wants when mama & papa aren't around ... Tebow gets, lols. Keep these great updates coming but by all means take your time as I've got loads of catching up to do, hehe. Take care hermano :)

Sawyer, get ready for some awesome powder ... I love dat stuff & the pods are great as well but the powder will last longer. By now I've had it on about everything including pop corn and it's awesome, great job Jamie :)
Ah, rough life down there in Florida. Oranges, gators, ladybugs, pepper harvests...must be rough. Seriously though, looking great! Hope the fence keeps Tebow out of the corner...probably woundn't keep him in there! Pods and plants look great. Maybe that 7 x Bhut is sick (stressed) and that's why it makes blazing pods???

Awesome work, man!

Thank you Brett. All is good in the neighborhood.
Romy6 - What are the small round red peppers in your pics? Some of them look like Aji Cereza's, but some of them are too big and too long to be that type.

Those are some inmature tobago seasoning, barrcackpore, and mystery annuums pods. Thanks for stopping bye :dance:

That mite voodoo did the trick. Keep those plants fed,starting to fill out nicely.

Amazing what the warlock will do for a grow Johnny Miller :shh:

That Reaper is takin off man, its looks super healthy!

Thanks J. Started him in September and it has been a long slow ride to get him where he is at :rolleyes:

I will give it another bump, just in case the offer is still standing LOL

Working in the garden this weekend and my son asked what the biggest killer of a pepper plant would be, I said Aphids. He askes how do you get rid of them, simple answer lady bugs. Told him that if i seen aphids on the p lant I will buy some ladybugs. He was amwazed that you could go buy them. Ten minutes later he finds a ladybug on his 2 yr old sister. Woot Woot

:tear: read through the rest of the thread and see that the offer was already claimed

No worries K. There will be plenty of more giveaways for sho :party:

Plants looking great as usual Jamie. Nice to see those friendlies hanging out on your plants. I'm chomping at the bit to get my plants outside. Gotta update my glog, but lets just say it's a bit slow going right now.

Why thank you Bri. But it has been a long time since my plants looked good :dance:

Nice to see things warming up out your way Jamie... Money shots are a definite bonus! I've heard that often destructive behavior in young dogs is just that they're not getting enough excercise. If you're too busy working to do it, maybe it's time to delegate to the kids. Wear them both out... ;)

I hear ya Rick. If I only had a few more hours in the day. Days I get to walk him he is a gentle giant. Crazy busy days full of soccer, homework, and shit he is starving for attention and letting us know it. ;)
Nice little harvest there Jamie and the plants are still kicking nicely but, Tebow looks like he's a little pooped out. I thought I was going to get 3 or 4 pods there till that wind blew in and the peppers right off the plant. I think my son might have knocked one or two off too.

Gonna have to have a long talk with that boy :)

Thanks brother Bill. Yeah days off he is always happy. It's when the wife and I both work all day is when he is out of control. Damn wind will casue some havoc broter. Good news is you know how to make sauce and I know how to send you blazing hot pods. We are a perfect match :onfire:

Had to make some love with my fresh aji lemons, a jonah ,garlic and stuff. Add some fermented douglah garlic sauce( thank you Kevin) and you have a tasty treat.


Don Julio? You bucking Fastard.....the Tequila here in Ghana?......" .......Oh, ieeeeeesssslike beer"
Name that movie!?
Lots of my in grounds will be back( "bock"...or is "boch"), and I managed 44 starts in back of the FJ and in the hotel(Mr Daveeed, what you grow in room "wink, wink" from the maid...) that made it to 20oz cups.....
Ms' GNSLNGR says "they are all fine "(last year that REALLY meant 6 or 8 have aphids, 4 are dead...and the rest are hunkered down praying for salvation day, and the reappearance of their MOST AWESOME LEADER-which by the way they only say because I MAKE IT RAIN!).
Sauce- still haven't transferred to wozzies, just no damn time cramming this 9 mos project into 3 mos of"Ready,Stand up,stand in the door,JUMP MF'r!"

I adress this to all I haven't visited yet from last year...LOL....because I don't have sheeeeeit for bandwidth over here a lot of the time.I do intend start another short vague "not really a growlog" think, if I can manage this year -beers all!

You dog...lol Frigging living in IA teasing the crap out of me with the pics---food & peppers. Maybe by Nov. I might be able to share pics like yours--if mother nature works with me.

Does it ever get below zero there...lol Anyway enough of my whining----really just wanted to say good job amigo !!!!!
Looks like we might be putting in an offer on a house in Titusville late today or Monday. I'll let you know more as it happens.
That is the best news I have heard all day Bill. Fingers crossed by brotheren!!!!

Thanks Sic,Mike and Scott for the love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats, that's great and a great place for you to grow ... something about Tit-us-ville that always caught my eye when I was living in Apollo Beach :D
Thanks Gary. He is really is a good dog. Most loving dog I have ever had. I will learn him not to be such a vegan :rofl:

I don't know if this is your first pit or not, they are supper loyal, extra willing to please, and extremely loving.

You really don't even have to train them, they seem to know what you want, if you can convey that of course. Now Rat Terriers are another story...