• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Nice video bro,you've done a good job getting rid of those pests and feeding those big boys. That first brain is a giant!!! Good to hear all the wildlife sounds in that jungle,heard a pilated woodpecker early in the vid. The critters are starting to get active around here too. Nothing like stepping outside and hearing that morning song.
Love the OW's they really came out full speed, already podding up. I've never tried keeping one before but will seeing how well it's worked for you.

Grow's looking great!

Keep it coming on...

Thanks Scott. At times I wish I scrapped my older plants but two times out of the year I think otherwise. ;)

love the pod porn Jamie

Hey Pia . What is happening? Looks like you got your work cut out for ya with all those babies. Hopefully the pod porn is about to get crazy :dance:

Looking marvelous Romy!! Best of luck with the pup ... its going to be a great battle ;) :rofl:

Trip, nice to see you out and about. Thaks for the love and I hear ya on the puppy. He is a handfull but love every minute of him:)

Nice video bro,you've done a good job getting rid of those pests and feeding those big boys. That first brain is a giant!!! Good to hear all the wildlife sounds in that jungle,heard a pilated woodpecker early in the vid. The critters are starting to get active around here too. Nothing like stepping outside and hearing that morning song.

Brother Johnny. Coming from you I am blushing all over :oops: Your grow is so much more kick ass than most. Good call on the pilated woodpecker. Got a nice youngster that has set up shop in a big maple in the frontyard. He is a magnificent speciman. You shopuld come over and take a few pics of him :D
Took some pics today. Just too tempting not too ;)

yellow 7'

aji lemon right before i ate it :drooling:

yellow primo not looking very primo so far :rolleyes:

Just for my brother John I got a pic of that woody woodpecker

Flower power

aji lemon

choco hablicous

not douglah's

bump please
Thank you J / sicman. Muchas photos :party:

Tepin was almost dead. repotted and now is loving life

And dinner consisted of pork chops, one hot ass bhut. grilled zuke and garlic taters . Life is good in romyville :fireball:

And my birgits that may win it all :liar:

Dude, lovin' the shots around Romyville! Your plants are kickin'! And that grill...let's just say I just finished dinner about 1/2 hour ago and you almost got me hungry again! Go Birgit, Go!!!!

Love the pod shots!
Careful Jamie, that pepper looks like it has a serious bite to it.

Oh the things we have to do to occupy ourselves when the servers are down and we have to sit and wait :)

Man I need to get some of those Aji Limons and some Primos. Be ready though Breadren, cause when these 5 pods I have get close to ripe I'm going to need to ID dem.
Totally Awesome Jamie, loving all dem pics, killa plants, killa pods & killa foodie. Now I have to go eat thanks a lot ;)

Bill that looks supper cool for Halloween, when can I expect a t-shirt like that \o/
Very impressive video and all. Some of your plants have more flowers than leaves.
How you do dat ? Reverse psy..growology on the plants........ :D

Either you photograph your plants early in the morning , late in the day, or you just get plenty of shade in your yard ? How many hrs or direct Florida Sunshine do your plants receive Sir Jamie ?
Like the foodie shot...and I just ate !
Looking awesome Jamie. That Aji Lemon looks tasty! I love those peppers, and they are such a great producer.

It's funny, I was wondering if it was late day or early morning too. Of course, I'm still amazed at how Greg read one of my pictures last year... I'm guessing you took it early morning. Just a guess.
Dude, lovin' the shots around Romyville! Your plants are kickin'! And that grill...let's just say I just finished dinner about 1/2 hour ago and you almost got me hungry again! Go Birgit, Go!!!!

Love the pod shots!

Thank you Brett , Haven't been this stoked with my plants in a long time. I am gonna have the grill smoking alot . Keep an eye and nose out :)

Hey Jamie! It looks like you're in full shwing dude! Once I get planted outside I'll have to follow your example and dig out the grill from the basement and fire it up! Cheers!

Rickster, get that grill out and wipe off the cobb webbs. It's time to slip on the flops and chill.

Very nice.
Like Stickman I am thinking it is time to break out the grill and clean it up.

Thankyou Kosko!!! I exspect pics or it didn't happen:)

Careful Jamie, that pepper looks like it has a serious bite to it.

Oh the things we have to do to occupy ourselves when the servers are down and we have to sit and wait :)

Man I need to get some of those Aji Limons and some Primos. Be ready though Breadren, cause when these 5 pods I have get close to ripe I'm going to need to ID dem.

Brother Bill. That has to be one of the best things I have ever seen on my grow. I will send you some seeds of both and some pods. I will have more than I know what to do with. Might have to make that pic my new avatar :)

Totally Awesome Jamie, loving all dem pics, killa plants, killa pods & killa foodie. Now I have to go eat thanks a lot ;)

Bill that looks supper cool for Halloween, when can I expect a t-shirt like that \o/

Ray, what be happening. Still not up to you and pic1's level of food but one day I will . Thank you!!!

Very impressive video and all. Some of your plants have more flowers than leaves.
How you do dat ? Reverse psy..growology on the plants........ :D

Either you photograph your plants early in the morning , late in the day, or you just get plenty of shade in your yard ? How many hrs or direct Florida Sunshine do your plants receive Sir Jamie ?
Like the foodie shot...and I just ate !

Greg my man. How is life in the windy city? It takes hours of cohersing your plants to make them put out that many flowers. :rofl: I realize my food pics most likley look like a school lunch compared to your amazing concoctions but thank you.

I have a 200 year old oak tree tha almost blankets one side of my house. I usually do my vids and pics early am or late in the afternoon. Shade is my camera's friend. My plants average about 6 to 8 hours of direct sun and a couple hours of indirect. Come June I will be struggling to keep them hydrated knowing they are all rootbound and begging for more space :rolleyes:

Andy my bretheran. Thanks for the love . Always a pleasure to have you stop bye. Heading to your grow now to give you some much needed love :fireball:
... Brother Bill. That has to be one of the best things I have ever seen on my grow. … Might have to make that pic my new avatar ...
Agreed, I think it would make an awesome avatar and I still say someone should make some T-Shirts with that picture. Subtle front left side or back of T ... heck even on the sleeve with some verbage below it like “Killa,” “PepperMon,” or even "romy6 Bad Azz." Again very cool Bill!