• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

windchicken said:
Wow, great review, Jamie, and thanks so much for the kind words, however undeserved they may be....I went to sleep with a huge grin last night after reading that.  :P
I think it would be real interesting to grow the Chocolate NagaBrain out for a couple generations, at least. After all, she seems to have honored you and me by picking us to carry her line forward...(no pressure dude :cool:) We have some really good growers here on the THP who would probably be glad to devote some space in their future gardens to seeing what her babies might be like...
I love the pik of you and the kids standing in front of the water (The Vans gear only makes it that much better.  :party: )...Looks like a day they'll remember for a real long time...
Oh, and those are some beautiful pods from your garden! They are obviously getting lots of love!
 Thank you so much for the pods and love G man. It is a really tasty pepper. Perfect heat and texture. I can only hope my pods are half the size of yours. Gonna spread some seeds for sho!
 That pick was taken on the top of Castillo de San Marcos. Neither of them skateboard yet but I will make sure they get the opportunity. 
patrick said:
Good to see you Jamie. Grats on the pods, looking forward to seeing more shots of them.
 Nice to see you back as well Patrick :dance: . I will be sure to post many more pics like I always do  :P
romy6 said:
 Thanks Trippa. Great time with the family. I could lie and say it is great to be back but I won't  ;)
 Thanks Scotty. Fun was had by all. Can't go wrong with powders and breakfast.  :fireball:
 Man Dave that sucks about the seeds. It has happened to me a time or two as well. Hopefully I can get some seeds for ya before next years grow. I have had several already pop their heads . 
 Thank you Stefan. I use a cheap 20 dollar ph tester . Same they use for swimming pools. It works great. 
 Thank you Shane . It was a blast!!!!!!!!!!
 Mikey. Been out but will check out your grow asap. 
 Thanks Jeff. As long as your not giving away or storing your sauces in a non refrigerated area you do not have to worry about ph. Just set in the fridge and it will last weeks. 
   Thank you Pia. I will be checking your grow for some tasty ideas as well. 
 Thanks Ray. Love me som redhotchilipeppers. Just too bad I didn't have two weeks off. One is just a tease. 
 So I had a great Vacation. Got a whole lot of nothing done. Just relaxed at the beach in our favorite condo. Came home to find my peppers where in the same shape I left them. Some look great . Some not so great. Got a few cool crosses from junglerain ( via seacowboy) to pop. Lots of peppers to pick as well. Here was a small harvest . Tonight should be  a much bigger harvest. 

 And I wish I was still here  :confused:

 Giant castle we made
great looking family . . . you must be very proud of them!
Glad to see  you got a way from it all for a week brother and had a nice harvest to come home to. Awesome! 
With all the dealings going on with the house I've got some catching up to do on my Glog reading, that's always fun :)
Look for good news to come out on Monday though :cool:
wahlee76 said:
Nice harvest and some great looking pods. I wouldn't eat one of those nagabrains myself, but I bet it would be great in sauces of powdered. 
  Thanks wahlee. The nagabrain would be great for any type of chili related food additive .  :party:
BrooklynXpat said:
Jamie - would love to get some seeds. I am planning a much larger grow next year (details to come in the next month or so) and would love to help you guys grow out your love child seeds in my garden - like artificial inseedination  :eek:
 Got some seeds drying for you as we speak. Can't wait  :fireball:
buddy said:
great looking family . . . you must be very proud of them!
 Thanks T. I am super blessed for sure. 
meatfreak said:
Maybe for you, Jamie but that pod would burn me a new hole  :doh:
 Oh don't get me wrong. There was some pain involved but it was tasty. Gonna cook one up tonight and really enjoy it. 
compmodder26 said:
Looks like you had a great vacation brother Jamie!  Harvests shots are awesome as usual!
 Thanks brother Brian. Hopefully more to come. 
RocketMan said:
Glad to see  you got a way from it all for a week brother and had a nice harvest to come home to. Awesome! 
With all the dealings going on with the house I've got some catching up to do on my Glog reading, that's always fun :)
Look for good news to come out on Monday though :cool:
 Wild man Bill. Thanks for checking in. Can't wait to hear the news Monday. Prayers are a coming.  :pray:
Hey brother Jamie, Glad you had a great vacation with the family... it sounds like you weren't quite ready to come home yet...  Hopefully the pepper harvest when you got back made it easier to swallow... ;)
Nice review of the Naga-Brain pods, but I couldn't help but wonder what your impression of the taste was.
It looks like I'm gonna have a lot of chocolate hab pods this year, so I'm going to try to come up with a sauce that shows them off to best advantage when I get enough together, and you'll be getting "a little sumpin" in the mail when I do. Cheers!
Rickster, you are correct it was such a relaxing vacay withe the family I still am struggling with reality. But everyday is more better. 
I love all chocolate varieties and the choco nagabrain was no different. Has an almost smoky nutty flavor with a hint of citrus. No earthy or bitter flavor like you get in some red varieties. If I were making a sauce with them I would add very little to it. I would smoke them in cherry wood and add some carrots to thicken up and some garlic cause I love garlic. Allowing the pepper to steal the show. Maybe a splash of vanilla extract to sweeten the pie  :hell:
Hey Jamie

Took me a few hours to catch up on your glog brother.

You gotta tell us what is was that Tebow did after he took down the "Tree"?

The kids are growing faster than your peppers dude! Good job with em Jamie.

Start encouraging that friend of your son's to one day play for the Purple-N-Gold here in Death Valley.

That white stuff that grew on top of your mash was an oxygen breathing "Kahm Yeast". All is not lost when you see that. If you had been using airlocks, you could have simply "swirled" the contents of the jug, forcing the yeast below the surface where no oxygen exists and been just fine. Just having the top of the jug loose, to avoid over-pressuring, seems to always let in too much O2, causing problems.

I have some NagaBrain seed started. You know I'm not into the superhots to the degree that most of you guys are. But, I am growing enough hots and superhots to give a substantial kick to my hot-sauces, powders and seafood boils. The NagaBrains will always have a place in this Cajun's garden. It just so happens that some really fine dudes I "know" started these peppers.

Thanks for all of the inspiration here, the PMed advice, and the seeds you sent to me Brother!
hey Romy sorry its been a little while since I stopped in. Looks and sounds like you had a great vacation ...hope all those wilt issues are behind you now ...
romy6 said:
Rickster, you are correct it was such a relaxing vacay withe the family I still am struggling with reality. But everyday is more better. 
I love all chocolate varieties and the choco nagabrain was no different. Has an almost smoky nutty flavor with a hint of citrus. No earthy or bitter flavor like you get in some red varieties. If I were making a sauce with them I would add very little to it. I would smoke them in cherry wood and add some carrots to thicken up and some garlic cause I love garlic. Allowing the pepper to steal the show. Maybe a splash of vanilla extract to sweeten the pie  :hell:
Interesting... I may try that recipe with an Apple wood smoke... I don't have any cherry on hand. Thanks for the idea bro'!
Bigoledude said:
Hey Jamie

Took me a few hours to catch up on your glog brother.

You gotta tell us what is was that Tebow did after he took down the "Tree"?

The kids are growing faster than your peppers dude! Good job with em Jamie.

Start encouraging that friend of your son's to one day play for the Purple-N-Gold here in Death Valley.

That white stuff that grew on top of your mash was an oxygen breathing "Kahm Yeast". All is not lost when you see that. If you had been using airlocks, you could have simply "swirled" the contents of the jug, forcing the yeast below the surface where no oxygen exists and been just fine. Just having the top of the jug loose, to avoid over-pressuring, seems to always let in too much O2, causing problems.

I have some NagaBrain seed started. You know I'm not into the superhots to the degree that most of you guys are. But, I am growing enough hots and superhots to give a substantial kick to my hot-sauces, powders and seafood boils. The NagaBrains will always have a place in this Cajun's garden. It just so happens that some really fine dudes I "know" started these peppers.

Thanks for all of the inspiration here, the PMed advice, and the seeds you sent to me Brother!
 Ray , glad you stopped bye. After Tebow took down the monster I took him down. Did not phaze his hard headed self. He was back to no good a few hours later:) That is sweet you are gonna grow some nagabrains. Gary will be super happy. Not sure how far you guys live from each other but I would try to meet up with him. He can really help you with your grow. Far more than me. Thanks for the tip on the ferment. Still not sure I will give it another go anytime soon. 
Trippa said:
hey Romy sorry its been a little while since I stopped in. Looks and sounds like you had a great vacation ...hope all those wilt issues are behind you now ...
 Now worries Mate. I feel the same way about your grow and many others. Never enough time. 
stickman said:
Interesting... I may try that recipe with an Apple wood smoke... I don't have any cherry on hand. Thanks for the idea bro'!
 My pleasure Rick. I bet you will add a few twists and make a tasty sauce. Cannot wait. 
WalkGood said:
Jamie now you've got me thinking of vacation when all my is used up, lol ... well at least we have the weekend. Have a great one brethren :cheers:
 Thank you brother Ray. Gonna get those yellow 7's out to ya manana:)
  So another super fast weekend is behind us:( One more week and the kids start school. Then there will be no rest for the wicked . Cannot believe the summer is almost over. I think the only ones excited are my plants. Fall is a time for them to really enjoy life and the almost perfect weather . 
 Wanted to share an amazing package I received from Nigel on Friday. It as a sfrb with a super duper surprise. It had a plant from Shawn( pepperproblem ) he had inherited from him in his way to early passing. Shawn's enthusiasm for peppers and his willingness to give was second to none. I feel very blessed to have one of his plants . It is not in the best of shape but considering what it has been through I am confident I can bring it back. It is a morouga from 2007 seeds from Chris Phillips. I am guessing from the original seeds he received . 

 And as a bonus he threw in some super tasty red blend powder( scotch bonnet, inca red drop, bishops crowns, and manzano's) ans some yum yum yummy aji lemon powder. Cannot thank Nigel enough for the awesome care package. I am not worthy.

 So last night I cut up another chocolate nagabrain. This one was much hotter than the first one. As you can see from the insides it was full of placenta. I cut it up with some peruvian serlanos and grilled it up. The two peppers made an awesome topping for my dinner. 

The steak was a bit over cooked but still made a nice meal with the spicy toppings

 And here is a vid I made last night. Plants are slowly coming around and starting to produce again. Still battling the black ants and there evil friends. 
 Enjoy and thanks for checking in. 
stickman said:
Interesting... I may try that recipe with an Apple wood smoke... I don't have any cherry on hand. Thanks for the idea bro'!
romy6 said:
 My pleasure Rick. I bet you will add a few twists and make a tasty sauce. Cannot wait. 
A question Jamie... have you made and/or tasted a sauce made with a splash of vanilla extract? I don't wanna toss the whole batch because it's unpalatable...
 I have not but my buddy Wayright has sent me several sauces using it. And the last one he sent  was the best chocolate douglah sauce I have ever had. If I were using it I would only add a teaspoonful to a small batch.  Say enough to make maybe 64 oz of sauce.
 Rick you are an amazing cook so I would prefer you stick ( no pun intended) to your own recipes. I would hate to ruin a batch with one of my crazy ideas . I am gonna make some sauce soon and I will try and it out. If it is tasty I will send you a bottle. Then you can decide . 
Nice tribute to Shawn brother...I kept one plant also. I got it growing here at the Barracks. His sister got in touch with me and said she would like a few seeds if I get some pods/seeds from his plants to plant for herself to try to keep a little bit of him going. 
Vid looked great! You're doing it right growing some trees! I am having to adjust feeding myself with some pretty heavy weekly foliar feed and root soak. Need to get some more time release to throw in too. Already seeing results like you. I like your sentiments on some of the plants...I have already yanked 4...because as you said, I am just over it! 
Keep 'em green brotha!
Gorgeous pulls, Jamie! And love St. Augustine! Fave place on east coast of FL! Castillo de San Marcos is amazing, historically, architecturally, and just fun. I mean, there's the Alamo and Ft. Sumter: "Yep; this is it folks." ? You guys look like you're having a blast! :party: Love the beach shot . . . beach, beach, beach . . . :clap: So glad you got away to spend time with your family!
Hot sauce with maters, looks like it rocks! Hot Tuna Flounder!
And you got me again :dance: ! (Just messaged Gary about Choc Naga Brain seeds!) Agree on vanilla extract. Almond extract seems to do something nice for yellow 7's too. Thank you!