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romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Jamie my condolences on the Birgits, that’s sad to see and read :/ I’m glad you have mas in pots, great move! I seriously hope it’s not Bacterial Wilt :(
Canned sauce looks fantastic, I make one that’s similar but always with one pepper VS a blend of them. Seeing your mix inspires me to try a blend when my Trinidad Scorps are ready to pull, great job mon!
Whoa looks even better on your breaded Flounder with rice & corn, killa plating pic brethren!
Keep up da awesome work and have a great week ^_^
Nice looking sauce Jamie, I bet it tastes as good as it looks! Too bad 'bout the Birgit, but you probably wouldn't have caught Shane's anyway...
The canned sauce looks great. Sorry to hear about the 2 in ground Birgits, everything else looks like its doing great and a good pod haul the other day too.
You've had a tough run here with losing a few plants, sorry to hear it. If you could only train Tebow to attack bacterial and fungal infections and not plants...

The hot sauce looks nice! And those not orange primos (I think they were) have a great shape to them.
Great looking bundles of love from Matt and Annie.  Your own sauce looked great, as well, especially on that tasty looking flounder.  Glad to see the harvests still rolling in.
Still so freakin sorry about the dying plants.  I agree, it doesn't look like mites.  Hopefully it doesn't spread to your surrounding plants.  Totally sucks when there is nothing you can do about it and just have to watch them die. 
Time to turbocharge that in-pot Birgit if you want to catch Shanes!  ;)
Made some Korean style coconut frog legs for dinner with have of one your douglah's, half a 7 Pot brown and some thai chiles.
 That looks splendid Mikey. You got some cullinary skillz.
WalkGood said:
Jamie my condolences on the Birgits, that’s sad to see and read :/ I’m glad you have mas in pots, great move! I seriously hope it’s not Bacterial Wilt :(
Canned sauce looks fantastic, I make one that’s similar but always with one pepper VS a blend of them. Seeing your mix inspires me to try a blend when my Trinidad Scorps are ready to pull, great job mon!
Whoa looks even better on your breaded Flounder with rice & corn, killa plating pic brethren!
Keep up da awesome work and have a great week ^_^
 Ray, would love to see some of your sauces . If they are anything like your meal they will be top notch!!!! 
stickman said:
Nice looking sauce Jamie, I bet it tastes as good as it looks! Too bad 'bout the Birgit, but you probably wouldn't have caught Shane's anyway...
 Oh contraire Mr Ricky. That plant was just about to grow wings and reach for the sky. Shane is lucky  :liar:
Sauce was splendid. Might have a bottle for ya  :party:
Fremp said:
My fav!!!
 Can't go wrong with Flounda :)
Seacowboy said:
The canned sauce looks great. Sorry to hear about the 2 in ground Birgits, everything else looks like its doing great and a good pod haul the other day too.
 Thanks brother man. And double thanks for the cool seeds. Already had a choc scorp x scorp sunrise sprout. Glad your baby boy is heading home . 
PIC 1 said:
I'm digging the Flounder shot....it's a good fleshy fish.....Aha, remember "squirrel and moose"...message in the bottle/ "Fan Mail from a Flounder"
The hot sauce looks great ! ...That's a good way to preserve them
 Oh my Rocky and Bullwinkle. Now that takes me back a long time Greg.  That was my favorite cartoon as a kid. Sauce is fantastic !!!!!!!!
Pulpiteer said:
You've had a tough run here with losing a few plants, sorry to hear it. If you could only train Tebow to attack bacterial and fungal infections and not plants...

The hot sauce looks nice! And those not orange primos (I think they were) have a great shape to them.
 Andy my man. Compared to most I am one blessed chili man. I have harvested hundreds of pods this year and many more to come. Just a small set back. Will only  make me stronger. 
DocNrock said:
Great looking bundles of love from Matt and Annie.  Your own sauce looked great, as well, especially on that tasty looking flounder.  Glad to see the harvests still rolling in.
Still so freakin sorry about the dying plants.  I agree, it doesn't look like mites.  Hopefully it doesn't spread to your surrounding plants.  Totally sucks when there is nothing you can do about it and just have to watch them die. 
Time to turbocharge that in-pot Birgit if you want to catch Shanes!  ;)
 Thanks for the love Brent. I think Trippa was right. Bacterial wilt. Pretty sure my maters got it and it spread like wild fire. Hopefully it is under control . Doesn't look good for me in the grow contest but really glad Shane and John ( prodigal_son) are running away with it. They are master growers. 
 So I put a few monster annuum seeds in some dirt last night, Started some cool hybrids from Jason ( seacowboy) that he got from Grant( junglerain) and watched my pots with all the wilds I am trying to sow. Going on three weeks and still nothing :rolleyes: . I know they are slow but c'mon man :tear:  Heading out of town for a bit so don't think I fell off the map. Just taking a Don Julio break and chillaxing with the Family.
 I will report how my plants do in a week. Fingers crossed my buddy takes care of them  :pray:
Good to hear you are starting again with the monster annuum Romy .... I hope its more monster then the mum! Sorry to hear about the suspected bacterial wilt ... I am sure you will bounce back in no time. Cheers
Enjoy the time with the family
Hey Jamie!
Still catching up from vacation.
Nice score from Matt, Buddy, and Annie, can't beat the peeps here @ THP!
Your hot sauce looks great! I really need to make some.
While in Ohio I shared some of the powder I made from the peppers you sent, lightly smoked with Mesquite, my bro, bro-inlaw, and nephew loved it. You know they like it when they reach for it the next AM to put on their breakfast!
Sorry about the plants cashing in, hopefully that's the last of that!
Glad you're still pulling!
1)Ha! I am safe from your food shots;)! REAL LATE lunch ;)
2)Looks like you had one of those once in a life time Independence Days- bet the noise was exquisite, nothing like the screaming of big mad v-8's :dance: , bet JJ has a case of Permagrin!
3) Another case of a quick 2 page browse, turning to 4+....
4) That looks like a Habanero de Arbol...or did , before it wasn't,...or something like that.
5)Those primos are sexy beasts, as for that monster pod, I 'm hoping that that is close to what the Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragon will turn out like ;)
6) I had those very crosses sent from Jungle Rain recently...they never made it, a nasty warning letter and an opened envelope with no seeds arrived......
Seems the bureaucratic ass hats in customs rescued the US from a highly dangerous shipment of biological materials, thus saving the populace from the maniacal genocidal intent of a known party based in Geelong, Victoria!...and they informed me my name is "on a list".  I will now sleep soundly in my bed at night, knowing just how effective they are at their job.This has only happened one other time , with seeds sent from a party in the Netherlands.What a pathetic joke, eh?Wonder how much heroin or coke slipped by while they were high fiving each other over the successful interdiction of ....chili seeds?
7) I'm still pissed :hell:
Have a good one -
gnslngr said:
1)Ha! I am safe from your food shots;)! REAL LATE lunch ;)
2)Looks like you had one of those once in a life time Independence Days- bet the noise was exquisite, nothing like the screaming of big mad v-8's :dance: , bet JJ has a case of Permagrin!
3) Another case of a quick 2 page browse, turning to 4+....
4) That looks like a Habanero de Arbol...or did , before it wasn't,...or something like that.
5)Those primos are sexy beasts, as for that monster pod, I 'm hoping that that is close to what the Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragon will turn out like ;)
6) I had those very crosses sent from Jungle Rain recently...they never made it, a nasty warning letter and an opened envelope with no seeds arrived......
Seems the bureaucratic ass hats in customs rescued the US from a highly dangerous shipment of biological materials, thus saving the populace from the maniacal genocidal intent of a known party based in Geelong, Victoria!...and they informed me my name is "on a list".  I will now sleep soundly in my bed at night, knowing just how effective they are at their job.This has only happened one other time , with seeds sent from a party in the Netherlands.What a pathetic joke, eh?Wonder how much heroin or coke slipped by while they were high fiving each other over the successful interdiction of ....chili seeds?
7) I'm still pissed :hell:
Have a good one -
That really sucks they grabbed yours someone made out on that deal, maybe its a LA thing or just the office it got routed through, mine made it just fine from him a couple weeks ago.
jedisushi06 said:
Made some Korean style coconut frog legs for dinner with have of one your douglah's, half a 7 Pot brown and some thai chiles.
That sauce color and consistency is AMAZING!!! 
Sorry about those plants. 
Hot Pepper Jelly is amazing stuff.  I was surprised how much heat is lost when doing things like that.  Makes a great glaze for ham as well ;)
Never done any sauces...watching PH and things like that just isn't my cup of tea lol.
Good luck and good reading!!!