• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

 Thanks Guys . I will respond to everyone when i have had less beers and Don Julio. But wanted to do a quick update while I was still awake  :drunk:
 First I wanted to share an amazing package I received from Nigel Carter. He know's how much I love Manzanos so he hooked a brother up. Also some nice seeds I have been wanting. 

 Proceeded to make some stuffed  pubes ( that does not sound good   :lol: ) . They were so tasty. 


 Got a nice package from Annie. That girl has the ferment thang down.  :hotsauce: I give her sauces a 12 out of 10. 

 Plants are still alive but that is about all I can say . Other than my two pubescens . They are growing like weeds

My green hornet naga plant is still kicking. Left a few pods on the plant almost to the point of rotting. Really cool mustard naga 

 This is my Evil Jonah from Wayright. We both pray it grows like his did

 Denniz hooked me up with some bubblegums

The garden from afar 

 And a tiny winter harvest 

Okay, twice tortured on the food pornage ("and I can't get it outta my head"), Jamie; and dude, stuffed pubes? :rofl: !!! I've already asked you questions about growing them in order to get a ripe pod (and dang those "stuffed pubes" look heavenly)!
Can't believe--yes, I can--you're still getting pods. NICE!
Many thanks on sauce thoughts! Enjoy, sweetie!
Jamie!  How was the heat on the pubescens? 
I ate a stuffed one at a Peruvian friend's house a few
months ago and it was hotter than honk!
Still a bit of harvest, and new plants on the upswing.
Way to go, bro!
 Thank you Annie an Paul. I am such a newbie with Pubes that I cannot answer how to get a ripe pod. But i can say they are some of the tastiest peppers known to man. I would put the heat of these manzanos just above a hot jalapeno  but I have had some from Shane, prodigal_son, and pulpiteer that were much hotter around the 50,000 scoville range. 
Hi Jamie,
   I see you're livin' large down in SoFlo... Cheese stuffed Pubes, and biscuits and gravy like i haven't had since I was in the Army definitely got the juices flowing... :drooling:  The OB report is looking good too. Nice that the Manzanos are growing so well for you right now. I notice that the pods I got from mine weren't as hot as the ones I got from Shane last year. I guess the waning sun at the end of the growing season here doesn't have enough oomph to jazz them up as much, but they were still almost Habanero hot and tasty. They should get more picante for you this year.
   Miz Annie's stuff looks great! I haven't tried mine yet, but I've got a bottle of squealer sauce and a pork roast in the 'fridge waiting on Sunday supper...
   Here's hoping you and yours have a happy holiday, and joy and health in the new year. Cheers!
Jamie ....
  • Great giftage from Nigel \o_
  • Awesome looking stuffed pubes, is that pepperoni on top?
  • I see you got a great gift from Annie, another hat’s off to dat muchacha she’s wonderful … oh and da sauce too :D
Hab an awesome holiday to you and yours :)
Nice score from Annie and Nigel!
Like what you did with the Manzano's, they look fantastic!
Glad you're still scoring pods this time of year.
Have a great weekend!
Florida grow season must be nice, not that I'm in all that different a boat!
The cheese/pepperoni peppers look great. I wonder how well it would work with a little quinoa under the pepperoni as well!
stickman said:
Hi Jamie,
   I see you're livin' large down in SoFlo... Cheese stuffed Pubes, and biscuits and gravy like i haven't had since I was in the Army definitely got the juices flowing... :drooling:  The OB report is looking good too. Nice that the Manzanos are growing so well for you right now. I notice that the pods I got from mine weren't as hot as the ones I got from Shane last year. I guess the waning sun at the end of the growing season here doesn't have enough oomph to jazz them up as much, but they were still almost Habanero hot and tasty. They should get more picante for you this year.
   Miz Annie's stuff looks great! I haven't tried mine yet, but I've got a bottle of squealer sauce and a pork roast in the 'fridge waiting on Sunday supper...
   Here's hoping you and yours have a happy holiday, and joy and health in the new year. Cheers!
 Thank you Rick . Nothing like a fresh Manzano. They are one tasty ass pepper. My plant is really bstarting to fork out so I hope to get pods before summer. Otherwise they are dooomed. Have a Merry Christmas and look forward to your 2014 grow. 
WalkGood said:
Jamie ....

  • Great giftage from Nigel \o_

  • Awesome looking stuffed pubes, is that pepperoni on top?

  • I see you got a great gift from Annie, another hat’s off to dat muchacha she’s wonderful … oh and da sauce too :D

Hab an awesome holiday to you and yours :)
 Thanks Ramon. Annie is one of a kind and we are blessed to have her here. Hab  a Merry Christmas brethren. 
Devv said:
Nice score from Annie and Nigel!
Like what you did with the Manzano's, they look fantastic!
Glad you're still scoring pods this time of year.
Have a great weekend!
 Thank you Scott. I am one lucky dude when it comes to life and chili's . 
maximumcapsicum said:
Florida grow season must be nice, not that I'm in all that different a boat!
The cheese/pepperoni peppers look great. I wonder how well it would work with a little quinoa under the pepperoni as well!
 Never cooked with quinoa but from what I have heard it would be most excellent.Hard to mess up a Manazano. Merry christmas maximus cap !!!! 
Penny said:
The food looks great, and the little harvest too :dance:
 Thank you Penny
Barley-pop57 said:
Looking good buddy!!   Oh yea the plants too.... :rofl:  Had to have a little fun with you---seriously great job
 Thanks Mike. I always enjoy your posts. And your Jerky is outstanding . Can't get enough. Merry Christmas. 
 So this will most likely be my last "official" post on this grow log. Stay tuned for next year. My grow is continuous so not gonna be any surprises. I have received some very rare hybrids that I look forward to growing next year. Yaki Blue, Borg9, defcon 7, 7 pot lava , and daisey cutter to name a few. Hopefully I will keep it interesting. 
 I will leave with a pic of my green hornet naga update. I threw about 4 or 5 seeds in some dirt  a couple weeks ago to see if they were viable. Never grew a plant that produced ripe green pods so was not sure if they were mature. Well went out to check them this am and all 4 seeds sprouted at the same time. What are the odds. So those I have sent seeds to you should have no trouble germinating. Mine were done outside like I always do. 

 Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all 
Great stuff over here as always! Good on Nigel for hooking a brother up! I was fortunate enough to meet the guy earlier this year, great person. If you ever want anymore Manzanos let me know! I have a few still to ripen, and can always grab some from the store! Great little pull to boot! Let me know if you're still looking for any seeds for next season, and if I have them they're yours brother!
Merry Christmas, Sweet Jamie, to you and your family and Happy New Year!!
Thanks for all of your assistance, support, and encouragement and the laughs in 2013! 2014? Brang it on! :party: