• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

[SIZE=medium]Jamie, your plants look great, their pods even greater, super lush color of green leaves jumpin off da page. Very healthy looking and your harvest color … dam wonderful colors brethren! Had to put on me shades to see da powder shots with dat brilliant color you achieved by the long slow dehydration cycle … Great job!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Keep up da great work mon and hab a wonderful week \o/[/SIZE]
Jamie, man your grow is looking good. Still loving that Yellow Primo it's, well Primo :D and that Madballz looks evil!
Mine, well, take a couple of pots add dirt and stick a bunch of dead branches in there and thats what mine look like now. The move was just too much for them. Anh, it means I get to start a bunch of new babies and keep the kids away form them so i know what I have :) and can get them in the ground to be nice and BIG!! 
Sucks that they've tightened control so much on interwebs here at work. I actually have to look at the pics on my phone so I can post up here, why I haven't been on as much, but I'm getting it streamlined a bit so it doesn't take me forever to look at something and then post. Plus I'm looking forward to getting my new babies started. Got to process 2 sauces this week so maybe this weekend to get babies into some diaper dirt.
Have a great week Bro!
PIC 1 said:
.......looks very pure.
Greg . . . you write "pure" associated with Jamie? (Okay, the powders look "true" and agree about individual pod shots. :party: )
Kevin, ya kill me man. Would you be my tailgating cookin'-wife (barefoot requisite ;) ) for the Heels v dook game on 30th? It's @ "God's" stadium, where we know our blue. (Oh yeah, and PJ just murdered 4 children with LMac. News @ contingent upon time zone. Effin' NCAA.)
Seriously, Jamie gorgeous pods (although Sepia sent stomach into PTSD flashbacks) and gorgeous powder!! :onfire:


Lookin' awesome there Jamie!
Great to see some nice weather down your way - we got hit with 8" of snow on the weekend here and are currently sitting at -15C.
Good to know that somewhere in the world it's 5:00 pm with a patio to comfortably sip that bevvie on. ;)
That's some great podshots, Jamie! And the powder looks absolutely perfect, really clean and bright color. Got me a new dehydrator also, still gotta try it though :lol:
Devv said:
I see everything is golden at the hacienda!
Beautiful peppers Jamie.
 Thanks Scott. Sun has not been out in a week so hoping for more sun soon. Rain rain go away. 
PIC 1 said:
Looking good Jamie !
I like the individual pod photos....thats a good reference for those who may be growing them in the future.
Nice color with the pepper powder.......looks very pure.
 Thank you Greg. The powder has some of the best color I have made to date. 
jedisushi06 said:
good looking powder you got there.
 U shall see for yourself:)
Pinoy83 said:
all your pods are standing tall and looking good...and those powders looook ssooooooo goooooooddddd :onfire:
 Thanks Jericson. Trying to hang with your yummy powders. 
WalkGood said:
[SIZE=medium]Jamie, your plants look great, their pods even greater, super lush color of green leaves jumpin off da page. Very healthy looking and your harvest color … dam wonderful colors brethren! Had to put on me shades to see da powder shots with dat brilliant color you achieved by the long slow dehydration cycle … Great job!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Keep up da great work mon and hab a wonderful week \o/[/SIZE]
 Very nice of your Ramon. Now I need to add some fruit to the mix. Have some choc mopruga's thinking about adding some fried strawberries and making a lovely powder  :hell:
wayright said:
Ninja please!   :D
Here is what a White 7 of yours did to make me smile tonight Jamie!   :beer:


Thats whats up   :cheers:

Thanks again broham!
 Damn Kev you sure know hot to role brother man !!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks so tasty  :fireball:
Penny said:
Great looking peppers and nice shots too. :dance:
 Thank you penny !
compmodder26 said:
That powder has a fantastic color to it Jamie.  Great job brother.  And of course your pod shots are fantastic as always!
 Thank you Brian my Kentucky brother. 
 I will reply to the rest of you good folks with a bump. Outta of my quota for now . 
Funky Reaper until then
Barley-pop57 said:
Sorry Jamie, don't mean to hijack but Kevin the rest of us would like to try the "Evil Jonah".  Now back to our regular Romy 6 channel.....lol
Now I know for sure you and Kevin have some seriously wicked competition going on.....my the best "mad sciencetist" win :cheers:
 Thank you Mike the Jerky master. No competition against me and the pepper warlock :)
RocketMan said:
Jamie, man your grow is looking good. Still loving that Yellow Primo it's, well Primo  and that Madballz looks evil!
Mine, well, take a couple of pots add dirt and stick a bunch of dead branches in there and thats what mine look like now. The move was just too much for them. Anh, it means I get to start a bunch of new babies and keep the kids away form them so i know what I have and can get them in the ground to be nice and BIG!! 
Sucks that they've tightened control so much on interwebs here at work. I actually have to look at the pics on my phone so I can post up here, why I haven't been on as much, but I'm getting it streamlined a bit so it doesn't take me forever to look at something and then post. Plus I'm looking forward to getting my new babies started. Got to process 2 sauces this week so maybe this weekend to get babies into some diaper dirt.
Have a great week Bro!
 That does stink about work Bill. Nothing is better than THP at work. Hopefully I can come down and see the new hacienda before the Holidays. I will keep ya posted . 
annie57 said:
Greg . . . you write "pure" associated with Jamie? (Okay, the powders look "true" and agree about individual pod shots. :party: )
Kevin, ya kill me man. Would you be my tailgating cookin'-wife (barefoot requisite ;) ) for the Heels v dook game on 30th? It's @ "God's" stadium, where we know our blue. (Oh yeah, and PJ just murdered 4 children with LMac. News @ contingent upon time zone. Effin' NCAA.)
Seriously, Jamie gorgeous pods (although Sepia sent stomach into PTSD flashbacks) and gorgeous powder!! 
 Thank you sister. Your ability to make me smile is unprecedented.  :P
dvg said:
Lookin' awesome there Jamie!
Great to see some nice weather down your way - we got hit with 8" of snow on the weekend here and are currently sitting at -15C.
Good to know that somewhere in the world it's 5:00 pm with a patio to comfortably sip that bevvie on. ;)
 It's always 5 O' clock in romy6 world.  :drunk: Thank you Douglas. Time for you to bring that canadian self down to some warm weather  
meatfreak said:
That's some great podshots, Jamie! And the powder looks absolutely perfect, really clean and bright color. Got me a new dehydrator also, still gotta try it though :lol:
 Thank you Stefan!!!! Cannot wait to see some pics of your powdering process. If AI know you it will be top notch  :)
stc3248 said:

I have complete confidence in your ability to grow pubes in fl...and ear hair...nose hair...just not head hair.
 I knew I could count on the master grower. Thank you brother and keep it green .  :D
Penny said:
LOVE the color of those last peppers!!
 Thanks Penny . But to be honest I messed with the brightness:)
jedisushi06 said:
Good chatting with you my buddy. Looking forward to the powder.
 Did you get the powder yet ? Gobble Gobble
capsidadburn said:
Jamie, That funky reaper certainly display's a mental quality for the rest of the world to ponder!

Love the pods and food pics in your grow log.

Have a great weekend!

 Thank you Mike. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
  So I would like to share my story of the little pepper plant who could. many of you know this story but for those who do not it may entertain  one self for a brief moment. The story starts a few months ago. It starts out not so happy. Our friend Shawn ( pepperproblem ) passed away way to early in life  and leaves many amazing pepper plants behind. The good man Nigel Carter takes them and begins spreading them out all over the country. I was one of the lucky ones to receive a pant. It is  TS Moruga from 07 seed stock ( I believe the original seeds Chris Phillips received). It showed up in a battered SFRB and the USPS look'd like they had drop kicked all the way from Cali to Florida. 

 So I slowly nursed it back to health . Because I do not do anything fast when it comes to growing peppers. 
Today it stands a whole 1 foot tall and about two feet wide. 

It has managed to produce only one pod. Very typical of a late start in my parts. But it is and was a magnificent pod.

 Well last night I finally picked the pepper. Was gonna send it to Nigel for a official review but I wanted to sample and save seeds from this tough guy. Hopefully there will be many more to spread in a few months. I was always one who said the Moruga and the brainstrain may be the same pepper. But after tasting this beast I would have to disagree. 

 The interior is much like the brainstrains I have grown. 

 And oil content too

 But in my opinion the flavor is much more better. Has a very sweet flavor. Very clean with very little other flavors . Unlike the brain that I find can sometimes taste a little earthy. This pepper is a must grow for someone wanting to make killer sauces or powders. Not lacking in heat or flavor category. After eating a small amount of placenta this pepper was chopped up with some garlic and brocc and simmered on the grill . It was a great topper for my pork chop dinner . 

 Another interesting plant I have . It was supposed to be  jays red scorp ghost plant. Well it did not grow true. While it is putting out very largearge nice bhutish shaped pods it is not ripening to red . It is more like a mustard green. These pods have look's like this for a week now. Not sure if it is the lack of light or nutrients causing this but I will keep those interested updated. 

Everyone have a great Turkey day and remember to be thankful for what you have.  :fireball: