• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Lovin' the new avatar from RM! And that "monster Brain" is aptly named! You could supply the midwest and eastern seaboard with plenty of BTUs for the entire winter with that tree!

Somewhat jelly of the Florida climate you have for growing these things, but I guess So Cal is a not too distant second!

You always have great stuff to show, Jaime. Love catching your updates! Keep it up, man!
That's freaking awesome! I will like any plant you got that looks like that...unless its your birgits!

Thanks Shane. You guys are kicking my ass on the growdown for now but I see somehot humid weather pirking up dem babies fast.

I came to see some peppers, and the booze has got my mouth watering.... :lol:

Looks like yet again you are gonna be keepin the heat flowing year 'round.

Matt my brother. So nice to hear from ya. We are inpatiently awaiting your arrival back. Take care and be safe.

That Brain Strain is outstanding! One of the best I've ever seen. Mad skilz dude, mad skilz.

Wow Patrick that is a unbelievable compliment. I am very grateful you are my friend. Thank you.

that 2nd year brain almost qualifies as a tree :shocked: :D ;) Very nice indeed.

Thanks David. He is quite a pepper tree :)

Like everyone else says, WOW! Huge Brainstrain man. That is soooooo cool!

Thank you J man. You are a good man!!!!

Yep, I'll chime in on the BrainStrain tree. :shocked:
I think that's the plant that produced the pod that you sent me last year. The pod that made me throw up. The amount of heat on that pepper shrub is mind blowing.

You are correct Andy. I remember it like it was yesterday. The monster brain has provided alot of misery too many people and looks like it will continue it's heritage again this year.

Lovin' the new avatar from RM! And that "monster Brain" is aptly named! You could supply the midwest and eastern seaboard with plenty of BTUs for the entire winter with that tree!

Somewhat jelly of the Florida climate you have for growing these things, but I guess So Cal is a not too distant second!

You always have great stuff to show, Jaime. Love catching your updates! Keep it up, man!

Thank Brent. Us southern growers are very lucky to have such perfect pepper growing weather. You Cali peeps are not far behind. Your grow is kick ass too.

Few pics and small vid

yellow scorpion

Pods galore

Not yellow brain is so loaded it falls over almost every day. I just pick it up and water and move on :)

Cucumber plant taking over backyard

Had to have some grilled asparagus, steak,rice, aji lemon and choc hab with tons of garlic for dinner. It was so gooooood.

Small vid. Sorry for the lame music but it beats hearing me ramble on about the same old same old :rofl:

Good night all

Always love to see da romy6 pepper jungle exploration video’s, wow great job mon! Now that foodie is killing me, after seeing steak, wild rice (one of my favs) and asparagus (another fav) … I’m starving :/
Brotha Bill . . . now, go over to Jamie's and I'll send plans for a tree-house in that Brain. Dear GAWD, Jamie! :shocked: Love the pod porn, porn soundtrack! :rofl: And I'm +1 on SS/Allen, some heat, please?

Looks beautiful . . . but ya kill me with spargus, steak, aji limon, choc hab, garlic, just chapped chin, here :drooling:. NICE!
Great vid Jamie! :dance:
Your plants are going off bro!

Them steaks and asparagus look off the chain man!


Thanks my brotha from anotha. I know you are a steak eatimg machine like myself.

I dig that "Behind the Green Door" plant porno sound track!........... :cool:

Jamie I can't believe the amount of foliage and pods since the last video. .........and the season's just beginning !

Thank you Greg. I too am dumbfounded by the growth and mass poddage. Whatever it is I am doing I am gonna keep doing it :rofl:

"Dirt" Diggler.... Bow chika bow wow

The best patch of plants I have seen in the glogs this season. Makes me happier than seeing my own plants thrive.

Johnny dog!!! I know you are just saying that to make me blush :oops: but I will enjoy till the big dogs start showing there gardens. Thank you mi amigo :party:

Nice tour d'yard Bro. Your going to be swimming in pods in no time.

Bill my bro! Hopefully soon you will be viewing my pods in living color. Prayers heading your way :pray:

Looking good man,
can only hope that my plants will look like and produce pods like yours are.

Thanks Rob. I am sure you will be over run with pods sooner thank you think.

Ya got some kick ass plants pumpin' da heat early this season.

Send me some of that Florida weather. :)

Might kind of you to say Allen. I will make sure to blow some heat your way and dry up that wet garden :cool:

Always love to see da romy6 pepper jungle exploration video’s, wow great job mon! Now that foodie is killing me, after seeing steak, wild rice (one of my favs) and asparagus (another fav) … I’m starving :/

Thank you Ray Ray. Glad you enjoyed the grubb and food. Trying to keep up with you bretheren :whistle:

Annie, thank you for the love. I can't wait to see your garden explode with that great plot of yours .

Also wanted to give a big thanks to Vincent ( coheed196 ) for the amazing powder he sent me . It is a combo of red Billy Boy Douglah, chocolate scorpion, 7pot Jonah, and 7 Pot Barrackpore. It has the perfect color and plenty of heat. Nothing beats pure 7 pod fresh powder. Great on a grilled chicken salad for sho!!

And thought I would share the walk Tebow and I take everyday. It is our happy place after a long day at work.

Woot! Liked that first post for the great vid, the great plant shots, Tebow...and most of all because you quoted Andy's recap of his Brain Strain episode! I get a chuckle watching them all over again because I KNOW EXACTLY HOW IT FEELS!!! The second post because I am jealous! I miss my duty days down in Fl, I would be workin that lake with a soft plastic....Hahahaha....great stuff Jamie, you're about to have a freaking monster season!
Thanks my brotha from anotha. I know you are a steak eatimg machine like myself.

Thank you Greg. I too am dumbfounded by the growth and mass poddage. Whatever it is I am doing I am gonna keep doing it :rofl:

Johnny dog!!! I know you are just saying that to make me blush :oops: but I will enjoy till the big dogs start showing there gardens. Thank you mi amigo :party:

Bill my bro! Hopefully soon you will be viewing my pods in living color. Prayers heading your way :pray:

Thanks Rob. I am sure you will be over run with pods sooner thank you think.

Might kind of you to say Allen. I will make sure to blow some heat your way and dry up that wet garden :cool:

Thank you Ray Ray. Glad you enjoyed the grubb and food. Trying to keep up with you bretheren :whistle:

Annie, thank you for the love. I can't wait to see your garden explode with that great plot of yours .

Also wanted to give a big thanks to Vincent ( coheed196 ) for the amazing powder he sent me . It is a combo of red Billy Boy Douglah, chocolate scorpion, 7pot Jonah, and 7 Pot Barrackpore. It has the perfect color and plenty of heat. Nothing beats pure 7 pod fresh powder. Great on a grilled chicken salad for sho!!

And thought I would share the walk Tebow and I take everyday. It is our happy place after a long day at work.

that is so beautiful Jamie.. Thanks for sharing. You have no idea how much these pics are a vacay for us in the northeast.
looking good Romy!! Digging the food porn.!! The landscape of Florida is so much like the Gold Coast in Australia it's scary!
Great looking walking route! I am looking forward to seeing some green and life again. Also, that powder has got to be hot, those peppers aint a joke!