• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Romy6 2015

Just pepper pictures 
Side garden 

Atomic SBJ7, , Orand dixie, orange blob ,  cutter and Orange bhut 
Unkown wild cross . Little black pods

Aji Amarillo

Pink Tiger


The big Lava is still alive . He was about 10 feet but now more like 8 feet . Been fighting mealy bugs again 

I also have a cheater tank AKA aerogarden . It is so nice 
Chocolate brain 

 Thanks for checking my stuff out  :party:
 My thinking exactly Rick . Great minds think alike 
Happy Father's day to all the Dad's 
Bhut lah lah de dah 
IMG_3952.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
First ever Brazilian starfish 
IMG_3954.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
some babies just getting acclimated to the Florida Heat 
IMG_3959.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
And my Giant Lava is still alive but not doing much . Might be time to lay her to rest 
IMG_3960.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
Excellent pics Jamie! Glad I stopped by. Jealous of the bhutlahs.
Is the lava just not setting pods anymore? Is it because of the heat, or do you think the plant has simply aged too much?
maximumcapsicum said:
Excellent pics Jamie! Glad I stopped by. Jealous of the bhutlahs.
Is the lava just not setting pods anymore? Is it because of the heat, or do you think the plant has simply aged too much?
 Root bound and  had all sorts of bug infestations . And a little old as well going on two years now .  
 Thank you guys and Randy don't give up on my Lava yet. She may comeback strong !!!!
First ever Flexousom pod 
IMG_0213.jpeg by James Hill, on Flickr
The Galapagoense cross is producing some larger pods. So far one seed out of 10 pods . Crazy plant 
IMG_3956.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
Chocolate Brainstrain finally producing pods 
IMG_3980.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
Plants are taking a liking to that 10 10 8 fert I gave them last week 
IMG_3978.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
Nasty Bhutlah
IMG_3981.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
The not atomic SBJ7 is now producing some cool pods 
IMG_3982.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
Tiny harvest 
IMG_3983.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr