RS67Man's 2011 pepper patch

A camera that makes them look that way? Good Lord I have no idea.........
I need to stop ignoring my grow log........ :banghead:

I have finally potted up my chili plants into 2 gallon planters using Fox Farm Ocean Forrest potting soil, last week. They were EXTREMELY root bound, and I was having trouble with too little/to much water, root rot, leaf curl and yellowing........lets just say that some of the plants were not doing too good. Everything is bouncing back now, but they still look a bit sad. I have one Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon that was really bad off, I probably lost the top 3 nodes, (they just died off) but it will make the plant bush out like it was pruned off. I even took the Bolivian Rainbow that Malingator gave me last year and gave it a slightly larger pot with some new soil, and pruned it back. It has started to explode with new growth. I gave a bunch of extra plants to co-workers, and the fun part was I did not keep track of what plants were what. I told everyone that if they want to know what they got, they will need to bring me a ripe pod when they get them. :hell:

The two 7 Pod BS plants are still going, and I have two pods set! as soon as I get two 7 gallon pots I am going to pot them up out of the 3.5 gallon kitty litter buckets they are in now. It is not going to be easy to change pots on two plants that are 4+ feet tall!

Now for the best news, I have a greenhouse! I have just finished assembling it, and will be spending the rest of the day getting all 42 chili plants moved out to it and happy. It is a 6' X 8' with double layer hard panels. I purchased a automatic vent opener to keep tabs on the inside temperatures for me. With the weather forecast having mostly cloudy/rain next couple days, then partly sunny, I hope the plants won't get too much sun burn.

Happy Photos!!

Monster 7 Pod Brain Strain plants!

Some of my starts sitting in a bay window:

Is this root bound? :think:

To Be Continued
Greenhouse photos!

The "foundation" ready for assembly to begin:

Scotty checking things out;

The automatic vent opener:

Assembly is complete!

Wow Thanks for that excellently written update. I'm jealous of your progress; those plants are just beautiful. And your greenhouse is rockin'. <-- No pun intended.
Looks like your spuds did great this winter. There must be double the number as before.

I've never seen a rabbit that large before. Must be a WA thing. [Puts glasses on] Oh sorry 'bout that
. Your dog is really into that greenhouse project.
I can't wait till the next update to see those monster plants.
I also forgot to mention that I have started my C. Annums, like Jalapeño, Purple Jalapeño, Cayenne, Bells, and Nambe Pueblo. Nothing has sprouted yet.....

OK, photos of inside the greenhouse with all 42 plants inside.


More new photos!

Here is my Jalapeño, Fresno, Bell, Nambe Pueblo, and Cayenne starts:

And some shots of the inside of the greenhouse:



Lastly, a shot of the lone 7 pod brain strain pepper that has been developing. It is the size of a large pea, or a small marble....
Been busy out in the green house. I bought a couple bags of Fox Farm Ocean Forrest potting mix, and 6 bags of generic top soil. I have found the Fox Farms a bit on the "hot" side, and needed to cut it down some. I shall see how a 2:1 mix goes. Transplanted my C. Annum like the Jalapeños, Fresno, Bells, and Nambe Pueblo into #5 nursery pots. I bought 3 Roma tomato starts and put them in #5 pots as well. 24 hours after the potting up, everything is looking happy. The combination of some chilly nights and being planted in full strength Fox Farm has my C. Chinese's growing slow, but they are getting a lot of new growth on all of their main nodes, and the main stems are getting very stout. On one orange habanero the plant is about 10 inches tall, and the main stem is 3/8" in diameter. I also have many pods set, mainly on the 7 pod Red? plants, one has 5 pods set so far, with more buds on the way. All of my pepper plants are putting out loads of flower buds, the next few weeks are going to be interesting. The two Monster Brain Strain plants are starting to take off as well, lots of new growth on all available nodes, and more buds on the way. They had dropped almost all their buds when I moved them out to the green house and then transplanted them into #7 pots. The pod that set while they were in the house is still there, but it has only gotten as big as a macadamia nut. It has started to ripen, so I have my first ripe superhot pod! This year is being a learning year, but getting the greenhouse set up has been a huge blessing. Once I get soil combos figured out, and have all the stuff that I need available when I need it, (like pots to pot up in so plants do not get so root bound they are severely set back) I will get even better at this.

Happy Photos!

Looking in the door of the green house:

The three Roma Tomato plants:

The majority of the C. Chinense plants:

Pods on a 7 Pod Red? plant:

The ripening 7 Pod Brain Strain, its tiny!

Nambe Pueblo, the flower is about a inch across!
The super hots look a little deficient, try a weak slow release fertilizer. and i always use match heads in the soil for sulfur, which most soil lacks and peppers need. Epsom salts work good for fruiting.
The supers are not deficient, they have the opposite problem. I transplanted them in soil (Fox Farms Ocean Forrest) that was too hot, or in other words too much good stuff. What you see there is nute burn, with a slight case of cold night time temperatures. They will bounce back, and probably go nuts with new growth when they do.