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S 510 Would Make it Illegal to Grow Your Own Food

they take away freedom, democrocy, health, food, money. how would this win. i am hapy i got my al kuffa maters and ali babba watermelon beause of what he did. dont blame obama. his wife gardens and enjoys it blame monsanto. didnt we want to get away from king george bcause of him controling us now i we want to go find a new country. if i go to jail because of this remember this.

now where is the FDA located so we all can go and get our picket signs
MONSANTO will bring death to individual gardening of anything.

Between Bil Laden and his Al quaida and Monsanto, I think Monsanto is far too dangerous to well being of Mankind than the former.
we could always kick the virgin CEO out of his ; ).

but seriously, ok i jumped on this band wagon really early without reading the actual bill ( 1/10 the way through it ) but after reading the summery it does not seem like the link the OP posted has ANYTHING to do with the bill proposed, but that is just the summary and i doubt senators ever put their true intentions ( if they know it or not ) in the summary and will be reading the bill tonight. but what struck ( pun intended ) me as odd. is that 1/2 the bill has been Struck out.

but once i hear Monsanto. i go nuts. they represent everything that is bad and evil in this world to me. and if they don't to you, you have a lot of reading to do especially if you think they are trying to help ANYONE.
Give me my Garden or leave me alone!!!! No more for me on this, I am done, pointless to discuss an assinine government run by people who dont have a clue about what America stands for. Where is my compost, grow lights, underground bomb shelter and my pepper plants???
This is a bill and an idea that I had not heard about before. Firstly, does it surprise me....no. Does it scare me....yes. I do not feel as if I am a conspiracy theorist, but the folks in office now are really starting to look as if a socialist government is what they want and they are trying their best to push things through as fast as they can before anyone has time to realize the extent of what they're doing.

I for one feel like this country is heading into the crapper. Laws are being passed that the majority of Americans don't agree with and I think that our forefathers are probably turning over in their graves.

I love to grow veggies and plant in my yard. I love to hunt and fish. I love this country. However, if this latest idiotic bill is proposed and passes then I weep for our future. I'm fine with minimal reforms to help industry protect their intellectual property, but not in broadsweeping legislation that can be interpreted anyway they want depending on a whim of some food, financial, etc czar.

Sorry to purge here, but our political powers that be infuriate me! ARGHHHH!
well if this gets passed godbye philadelphia hello vancouver. the only way i'll comback is if the 2024 olympics come to philly
Not just in this forum but lots of others. Hype, hysteria and hearsay. I'm surprised, given the intelligence of most posters in this forum, this thread ever grew legs. The OP's theory is about as far off-base as the earth being flat.

Yeah, you can believe that the "food police" will visit your home and spray your garden with Round-Up if you want. And after that sit down and share food from Monsanto with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Sorry, but the immortal words of Bugs Bunny come to mind: "What a bunch of doofusses."


I think this is more about a group of individuals who do not trust that the federal government will pass laws that are in the best interest of its people. Rather it seems that the federal government is hell-bent on doing everything it can to make multinational corporations richer and richer. Resorting to name calling certainly doesn't help make your point, Snopes.come certainly isn't the best source of information to draw a counter argument. The federal government as always uses fear to push new laws on it people which make it stronger by making us more dependent on it. There is certainly a track record of federal government using fear to clamp down on the people and render the constitution moot...The Patriot Act anyone.