food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

This weekend's cooking is looking like...

Epic burgers....or just good burgers by the standards on this site...

Flat bread and tzatziki...

Butter chicken....

It's been a crazy last month and a loss of use of my right hand due to a cat bite. Yep. Tried to be nice and save a treed stray cat. Ended up in the ER and an appointment with an orthopaedic hand surgeon which ended in a 90 minute surgery.

Time to get back to cooking!

Greek yogurt is draining on a couple coffee filters in a colander. Pics tomorrow!
salsalady said:
This weekend's cooking is looking like...

Epic burgers....or just good burgers by the standards on this site...

Flat bread and tzatziki...

Butter chicken....

It's been a crazy last month and a loss of use of my right hand due to a cat bite. Yep. Tried to be nice and save a treed stray cat. Ended up in the ER and an appointment with an orthopaedic hand surgeon which ended in a 90 minute surgery.

Time to get back to cooking!

Greek yogurt is draining on a couple coffee filters in a colander. Pics tomorrow!
So sorry Ann for your plight with the cat.
I don't wish bad 'thangs on cats.
But my dog Trouble would disagree.
All my best to you.
And then....
You had me at tzatziki.
Sorry to hear about your hand SL. Cat bite = bad.
Now Butter Chicken...sounds delicious! Chicken = good.
Thanks, for the comments, guys~
Start  of a couple cooks this weekend.
Tzatziki and flatbread-



Followed this recipe-


the recipe called for hot cast and a bit of oil.  The first one came out greasy and a little doughy.  I rolled the rest out thinner and cooked it in a basically dry skillet.


They were OK, I'm not sure if I did it right.  But it was good with butter and garlic salt and also with the fresh tzatziki.  The tzatziki is better today, flavors melded together. 



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Last night's burger, and the start of butter chicken.


yogurt, garlic, turmeric, garam masala, cumin, ginger, yellow blend peppers

de-tendoned chicken strips

chicken diced and in the marinade for overnight

chain mail -vs- garbage disposal
minus a few links, but the scrubber still works....and so does the disposal!  :whew:
