food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

Had a few drinks so can't leave it at that.
What to do with the left overs.
Pies of course.
Had some puff pastry left from the sausage rolls the other week so mini stir fry pies it is.


Also had some left over charcoal cooked chicken from the corner store. That's a good idea.
Chopped with some onion

Cooked with some gravy

Grate some cheese


These little pies are a great size, freeze them and stick one in the microwave for one minute when you want a snack.

Nom, nom, nom.
The stir fry pies are great, but the chicken and cheese pies are stand out favourites
You have never seen pie makers like this before?
I guess we use meat pies to wean kids in Australia so they are a common thing down here.
What about toasted sammich makers like this one (also common)

You put a slice of bread (buttered side out) in it, fill it with anything you want, like baked beans or something, put another slice of bread on top (also buttered side out) and cook. It will toast it, cut it in half and seal around the edges at the same time.
Often called "jaffles"
George Foreman grills and that sammich cooker are popular, waffle bakers, panini grills....but not the pie baker.

We will occasionally have Marie Calendar's frozen chicken pot pies, microwave and cook/brown. I made some meat pasties earlier in the thread. But those small pies are wonderful.

Like Boss says, meat pies just arent a thing outside of a few communities. I also like the puff pastry.
Ok, this one has a few pictures that are DC quality, but here goes.

Dinner idea- Beef Suya

Thin strips of marinated beef, skewered and grilled.

Tri-tip beef
Peanuts and spices blend


Pulse the peanuts in a food processor then pulse in the spices.

Thin slice the beef, mix in the spices and peanuts. Marinate for a couple hours. Added a couple tablespoons lemon juice and a spoon of sambal.

Roasted Yukon gold potatoes, can of black beans, 2 ears LO corn on the cob, onion, olive oil, Italian herbs, garlic, salt pepper.

I wasnt happy with the meat strips, the tri-tip had some fat and silver strips that looked bad even when sliced cross grain. I didnt think they would work on skewers. So I decided to cut into small bits, hot cast iron pan , quick fry and set aside.



Set the meat aside, make some gravy with sour cream, halfnhalf, seasonings

Looks like a hot mess, but dang good.