food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

Ashen said:
Chemically identical to the MSG in seaweed or parm or literally hundreds of other foods

It gets a bad reputation but there is no scientifically supported evidence it is problematic.

In fact there are many articles that tie the reason why it came to be considered unhealthy with racism.
I'm not jumping on one side the fence or the other on this topic.  I have seen some reports where people refuse to eat Chinese food claiming MSG allergies, then they eat chips or other foods with MSG and they have no problems.
salsalady said:
I'm not jumping on one side the fence or the other on this topic.  I have seen some reports where people refuse to eat Chinese food claiming MSG allergies, then they eat chips or other foods with MSG and they have no problems.
I'm with SL as I've never experienced an adverse effect to MSG (Or at least one I noticed.). My MIL has and checks ingredients as she reports she has. In looking around I've often seen the amount consumed can be the trigger -So how can you tell how much the product contains...
salsalady said:
OK, KBK, You gotta explain this ^^^...what do cats/racoons have to do with that nice looking steak???  :lol:
Sorry I missed this one SL. Well its a funny story (see my previous status) that involved me doing my normal clean groceries off routine (yes its a bit extra but I have a higher risk COVID susceptible individual at my house.) Anyways, long story short a racoon that steals regularly from my cat food bowls snuck up on me while my back was turned and I was cleaning groceries. I had placed a packet of steaks and other bagged items on my front porch to carry in and when my back was turned the cat/racoon (still not sure which) clawed at the corner of the packet and tried to eat one of the rib eyes. Quickly they found out the meat was too thick for them and gave up, but I had to toss out that portion of steak as a precaution. There were two more rib eyes in the same packet that I salvaged because thankfully they didnt tear the cellophane wrapping on.  I debated throwing out the whole pack, but I figured cooking them wouldn't hurt as I usually cook the steaks around 500 degrees or so. 
And I have no real opinion on MSG. Other than that I was always under the impression it was bad and caused cancer or something. So I never use it in my food intentionally. But I know some use it to increase flavor. But thats about the extent of my knowledge on the subject.
Pepper steak and 'shrooms.  Nice, Ashen!  That rare meat doesn't gross me out like my raw beef wellington did.  :shrug: 
Your shrimp tacos were an inspiration, I picked up a bag of shrimp when shopping yesterday and I plan on working up some tacos tomorrow. 
Ashen, killing it dude! Spectacular...
I'm a big fan of Chinese food and God knows I've spent thousands$ over the years in consumption thereof. But, in so saying, there have been those times afterwards that I had an intense insatiable thirst. Drink water till my belly almost pops and still thirsty yet for an hour or so after. Maybe wrongfully so, but I have always attributed this to the MSG.  Some places now advertise "no MSG" and I haven't had such problems with those. I think it (MSG) does have its place, but even though it may be great for "flavor enhancement" (or meat tenderizer as oft touted) "high" doses perhaps are not always pleasurable.  My "opinion" for whatever weight you give it.
I get that same thing with a lot of take out food. Pizza, chinese food that is no msg, and other things.

High sodium content will do that no matter what kind of salts, you are talking about.

High enough doses of anything can be problematic.
There were people dying from drinking too much water from stupid internet challenges not long ago.

A 1/4 tsp msg in 3/4 of a cup of batter on pound of shrimp isnt even a blip on the radar.

I will stick with the evidence of the double blind tests that were done on the other so called side effects.
Ashen inspired some shrimp tacos...but we didn't get to that.

I made fish and chips today using Ashen's shrimp batter recipe. Wanted to do some coleslaw and other stuff. Spent 5 hours working on what it is...

Let's see if I can get the pics not happening on the new (recycled) phoane.

I'm trying to work on bids, and the critters are just....well, this speaks for itself.....

And then there's This Guy!~~~

Well, the food got DONE!
This is what our front porch looked like this morning.  The grill under the roof, there was a good wind blowing all the snow up onto the deck. 

It melted off enough to use the side burner on the bbq for the fish and chips.


sorry, no coleslaw, etc....
Ashen's batter recipe cooked up really nice!.  There was a lot of the oil.  I picked those out while the fish was cooking.  I thought the crispies would burn and not be good for the 2nd batch of fish that had to cook.  It seemed to work.  
I cut the halibut fillet into 1/2"x1/2"x4" strips based on the halibut fillet I picked up at the market.  Thinking I was gonna be cooking outside on the side burner in coooold temps, the smaller strips sounded like a better cooking scenario. 
It worked!
Homemade Tartar Sauce.....coming right up...
Homemade Tarter Sauce
1 Tbsp dried diced onions with hot water*
1 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp dill pickle relish (finely minced dill pickles if you don't have 'relish'  )
1tsp lemon juice
pinch salt-optional
1/2-3/4c mayo
place 1 tbsp dried minced onion pieces in a bowl and add 1 tbsp very hot tap water.  let set for 20 minutes.  Add all the rest of the ingredients, refer for 2 hours or overnight.
You Northern Hemispherers are welcome to keep that snow to yourselves thanks. I am afraid that it would do me in.
I will stick to down here with the snakes and spiders and turn the aircon on if I want to be cold.
Meat is a little too pink for me there Ashen, but it does look like a great feed.
SL, your fish and chips makes me hungry.