• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

S.S.Tupperware's Orlando Grow Log 2012

Hi all... Here is my grow log for the 2012 season... I will try and post pics as often as I can.

To start with I needed some source of heat to try and germinate my seeds with better results than last year, that said i figured i would put one of my old water bed heaters to good use. Took some leftover wood and stuff from some jobs i had done, and made a heated bed to start seeds on. I framed a 24x42 box, added plywood for a bottom, laid a piece of 3/4 in. radiant barrier foam on the bottom, followed by a piece of cement backer board on top of that. Then I secured the thermostat from the heater, laid in the heater and the temp probe...


Then I proceeded to put in 2 bags of sand for a thermal mass to help regulate how often the heater comes on and to keep the temps from varying too much. It goes from 75 deg. up to 100deg.


It will hold 3 10x20 flats and has a lil room for misc. ziplock/coffee filter seeds also.


I will probably build a small foam box to cover it to help keep the heat in. I guess when I'm done the cat has a nice heated litter box...NOT!!
I haven't quite got my list down yet, so many people were generous with seeds I'm not sure which ones will make the cut for this year. I know I am not going to grow as many superhots as last year, I plan on some for stuffing, and general eating. The wife likes peppers, but won't do anything hotter than Jalapeno poppers. So I plan on growing some she can cook with and such, some for seasoning powders, and some for sauces that the rest of the family will eat. I'm only growing for the fun of it, and not for a profit, so I will have a variety instead of growing 5 of 1 kind. I might start some superhots to try and sell to help cover operating costs for the year, I figure 50 @ 3$ apiece for ones in a 4 in pots should cover it, if not I will pass them along to friends and neighbors. I will be cutting down a crappy lime tree to make room for 2 or 3 more 4x8 raised beds, and some will be grown in pots to over winter next year. I still have all my plants from this year growing and producing like crazy... tomorrow might be the first night with frost, so I am only going to attempt to save one choco bhut that still has a hundred pods on it or so. The beds i will let nature take it's course so I can add one timber higher on the existing beds and work the soil with a fresh load of composted horse manure. I failed on my labeling last year and relied on volunteers last year and let me tell ya 1 Tabasco is enough, I sure didn't need 8 taking up valuable space. I will probably start my seeds in the next few days since I can probably have them out by mid to late Febuary.
Conrad, those plants look great in the sun! And bananas!
Good luck getting your solar cooker together.
Really nice garden you've got going.
It's 92 here again today, this is a huge pot, not sure how big, but even those are drying out. Wife wants to head to the condo for Easter, but I guess I will have to make sure the neighbor waters them.

I guess it will just make this Choco Ghost even hotter...
Ended up gettin a nice lil toadpounder Friday around nid morn, everything sucked up all it could... it's been so dry around here. I looks like they have been inspired or something... I don't know if it's the Ionated water or what...
I am starting to get some nice pods ripening, or really close to it. I have a few new ones to me this year, that are looking as interesting as I thought they would.
Jamican Red Mushroom... no clue to what it's like, but I hope it might be a nice stuffing pepper with more heat than a BC...


An unknown Pimento ... I was only given it as a Pimento? They first started off flat, but now have canged direction for lack of a better term, but there still kinda flat... interesting.


Some Datils coming around... going to make a nice Datil Relish with some of those... there quite hot if ya never had any...


Nice Infinity coming around, not sure the story behind this one, but I'm sure it will taste like molten MAGMA!!!


Raelly mean lookin Yellow Bhut coming in... there much bigger than last year for sure, a lot of really rough knarley ones, but I like the curve to this one...

A boat load of Carolina Cayannes gettin ready for a lil Rista treatment...

Well I hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter with their loved ones...
Nice lookin Pron Conrad! I have a few Infinities growin, how is it doing for you? Is that your first pod? That is definitely one I am really excited about. It grows very similar to my Red Brain. The plants almost look identical.
Given a closer look today I have a Tunesian Baklaudi with some crazy fused stems... kinda hard to count them all. Almost reminds me of Celery...



Forgive my dry hands... I haven't been able to spend as much time in the Masterbatiorum as I did before...LOL Pods are goin off, time to go to work. Kirk Out
Cool plant, they really do look like celery. Man, your going to be pulling peppers like crazy this year from the look of your plants already. Keep it going Conrad.
Been slackin, Puter is dead, and the wifes is difficult to say the least. I did go out with all intentions of pickin some pods for the dehydrator, Well I started with the red habs, and that was it. I ended up with 181 pods from the one plant... dehydrator is all filled up, and I have nearly as many on the others. I will try and get some pics up soon, just been busy.
33 days is way too long for an update! :P

FIFY. Now that I got that out of the way, 181 PODS?!? Holy shnikes! That is a ton of pods, is that a normal yield? If so, I am gonna need to invest in the deluxe dehydrator...

But I am glad to see ya back and hope to see some pics of these epic harvests soon enough.
181 from 1 plant? Are you using those new Turbo neuts Conrad? :)
Good growin there. Did you get the solar built or using the ole letric one? I started planning on building one but the CFO informes me only 1 project at a time so, since I'm planning on brewing up a couple 5 gal's of cold ones here next that will have to wait. After all, we must keep our priorities streight.

Good to see ya back neighbor,
So my man Conrad stopped by the house yesterday and brough me a sh&*t load of peppers. His camera has been down so he asked me to post some pics! Here they be

It was a solid pound or more of peppers


Here is a pepper that needs identification. Whomever gets it right Conrad will send a box o peppers. Oh wait just kidding if you get it right you get a pat on the back! :rofl:



These are some Infinity peppers. I honestly though he has snuck out to one of my brainstrain plants and stole some pods ;) . Look like brains to you?


Big old tasty sweet pepper. Like a bell without the bitter taste.


And a crazy two for one Fatali. First time I have seen one of these mutants up close and personal


Thank you Conrad. Now my wife is gonna hate me even more when I start drying all these peppers :rofl:

Last pic. Infinity's( aka brains/ red 7's ? ) and mutant.

Way to go man; harvesting the fruits of your labors!
They look really great to say the least! Enjoying the heck
out of your pics (and Jamie's!)

Have a good week, Conrad!
It is a Pimento of some sort... The large sweet bell one is a Golden Calamundo, and gonna be great to stuff. The double yellow is a simase Bhut... I also hads some Tangerine Pimentos ripen, and they are the Bomb as well. I will get some more pics when I can get my hands on a cam... I'm over at the coast doing a Master Bath remodel, so I won't be back home til the end of the week. Happy growin Ya'l.l Jamie, don't forget wings tonight, left my phone at the job...