• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

S.S.Tupperware's Orlando Grow Log 2012

Hi all... Here is my grow log for the 2012 season... I will try and post pics as often as I can.

To start with I needed some source of heat to try and germinate my seeds with better results than last year, that said i figured i would put one of my old water bed heaters to good use. Took some leftover wood and stuff from some jobs i had done, and made a heated bed to start seeds on. I framed a 24x42 box, added plywood for a bottom, laid a piece of 3/4 in. radiant barrier foam on the bottom, followed by a piece of cement backer board on top of that. Then I secured the thermostat from the heater, laid in the heater and the temp probe...


Then I proceeded to put in 2 bags of sand for a thermal mass to help regulate how often the heater comes on and to keep the temps from varying too much. It goes from 75 deg. up to 100deg.


It will hold 3 10x20 flats and has a lil room for misc. ziplock/coffee filter seeds also.


I will probably build a small foam box to cover it to help keep the heat in. I guess when I'm done the cat has a nice heated litter box...NOT!!
I haven't quite got my list down yet, so many people were generous with seeds I'm not sure which ones will make the cut for this year. I know I am not going to grow as many superhots as last year, I plan on some for stuffing, and general eating. The wife likes peppers, but won't do anything hotter than Jalapeno poppers. So I plan on growing some she can cook with and such, some for seasoning powders, and some for sauces that the rest of the family will eat. I'm only growing for the fun of it, and not for a profit, so I will have a variety instead of growing 5 of 1 kind. I might start some superhots to try and sell to help cover operating costs for the year, I figure 50 @ 3$ apiece for ones in a 4 in pots should cover it, if not I will pass them along to friends and neighbors. I will be cutting down a crappy lime tree to make room for 2 or 3 more 4x8 raised beds, and some will be grown in pots to over winter next year. I still have all my plants from this year growing and producing like crazy... tomorrow might be the first night with frost, so I am only going to attempt to save one choco bhut that still has a hundred pods on it or so. The beds i will let nature take it's course so I can add one timber higher on the existing beds and work the soil with a fresh load of composted horse manure. I failed on my labeling last year and relied on volunteers last year and let me tell ya 1 Tabasco is enough, I sure didn't need 8 taking up valuable space. I will probably start my seeds in the next few days since I can probably have them out by mid to late Febuary.
Lookin great SS. You florida kids and your inground pod producing plants and your outdoor starts in february.. freaking amazes me everytime! The only thing green in my neck of the woods right now are fir trees lol. Dragon fruit? that's pretty cool man. Ha we sell them at my market in the summer time for 10 bucks a piece sometimes, and that's cheap up here!

Well it was good to check up on how everythings goin for ya. Finally got some time on my hands! Good luck with the rest of your season.

Hey S.S.

Do you still grow plumeria's in your yard? I saw an old thread you had some so was curious if you still do, I am looking to buy or trade for some cutting's depding on the flower color's.
Yeah the dragon fruit is cool to say the least... <2 weeks ago they were just nubs, it's growin fast... I do have a bunch of plumeria cuttings, but I picked them up randomly and i really have no clue on color. I have seen um bloom, but never labeled them. If ya want some let me know... They are one of the best smelling flowers i have ever smelled... I also had some seed damp off so i am trying the mass sowing method. I put 10 or so in 1 gallon pots and see if it's a lil easier to control the moisture. I also have a crap load of choco bhuts that were soft pods I had so I put then in the pot with the plant. I have seed sprouting everywhere on the ground where pods fell from last year...
I do have a bunch of plumeria cuttings, but I picked them up randomly and i really have no clue on color. I have seen um bloom, but never labeled them. If ya want some let me know... They are one of the best smelling flowers i have ever smelled... I also had some seed damp off so i am trying the mass sowing method. I put 10 or so in 1 gallon pots and see if it's a lil easier to control the moisture.

That would be awsome, I can trade ya something or give you a few bucks for the cutting if you like. Also, I see your growing a catcus, I got a 8-9 foot one that i cut some of the branches off if you would like one of them.I think its a san pedro and and every once in a while it blooms with a beautiful flower. Let me know
Well a couple Dorsete Naga sprouted, so I put them in a pot to do their thing. A few of my really twisted up plants are doing better now, I put ferts in the hole when I planted then and cooked a few, but I have been douchin them out and it has helped. Going to do a harvest today, I have loads of ripe pods I need to get off the plants so all the energy can go to the unripe ones. I really don't like to pick green, I think there is so much more complex flavors if ya let them fully ripen on the plant. I'll try and get a pic of what I pulled out.
Getting a harvest already? ? Must be one of earliest harvests in the NH on this forum this year. Nice work look forward to some pictures
It never really got cold enough this year, I think we had one night to 34 deg. so they slowed down, but kept on tickin along. I managed some Red Habs, 34 so far, gonna keep count if I can, Yellow and Choco Bhuts, Datils, fatallis, Peach Habolukia,, Carolina Cyanes and a couple wee lil Tabasco peppers...

I'll dick with cuttin them up later and gettin them in the dehydrator... Josup, I can send ya some, just cover postage, cept I don't know what color your gonna get...
Hey Conrad, how do you like the Carolina Cayennes? Jamie sent me some and I have a few that just sprouted. Those and the indians.
I like the Carolina cayenne well. It has a nice flavor, enough heat that it will be versatile... I am going to try and string up a rista, but not sure with the humidity here, not sure of the Indian? Josup, if ya want, I'll send ya some, just cover shipping... not sure of the color though...
Picked up a couple yards of good soil, so i can get some peppers potted up that I'm going to sell, along with bamboo, bananas, and plumeria. Works has been slow, and since I just have to split them up, I figured what the hell. I'm surprised how expensive hedge boo is. I have been having better luck sowing seed directly 10-20 at a time in a pot, and just puttin them out with the others. I will split them up and pot them for sale when they get big enough... Pods on the ground are sprouting like crazy, just no clue what they were. I did bury some pods slightly and marked what was where, it seems like every seed in the pod sprouts this way. I have been busy cleaning the swimmin hole out, my friend dropped off his stump grinder for me to weld on, so I went ahead and cleared out all the cypress knees that are toe stubbers since the water is so low. I also am gettin a huge stockpile of alage and your typical lake weeks for the compost pile, it's lookin better, but at least it isn't as expensive to maintain as a pool. I will get a pic later on today when i get done what I can, some peppers are still too small to transplant, but at least i ended up getting soil today, so I won't have to worry about it later...
Nice patch, and I've suddenly been struck with Pompano hunger pangs, -thats outta my reach here...but oyster comment I can resolve when I get back on the dirt.I guess the best thing here would be to wish you on keeping the massive brood manageable!
Have a good one-
I filled 21 7 gallon pots with soil for peppers, filled all my airpots and smartpots, topped off the new beds with a few inches, graded a few places in the yard and still have some left... not to mention potted up 30 bananas in 1 gallons, and 12 bamboo in 7 gallon pots. My mass sowing of Nagas, scorps, Brains, and some yellow Brains have worked out well, since i have to rely on my neighbor for watering, it's nice to know the larger pots don't dry out like the small trays. He takes care of me though so I'm not worried too much. The wife has the camera out at the beach, so I can't show y'all anything, but i just popped in to check in on the house, so i will have to remember to get it for the next trip back in a few days. That's it for now... good growing everyone...
Well i know i have been slacking on the pics but I have... So here y'all go...

Here's some of my new starts this year... There's quite a mix of mild to melt your face off... I have planted some of them in the ground, and in pots I can move around if need be.

not sure, but theres a Johan 7, Fish, Serano, Peach Habolukia, Tunesian Baclaudi, and hell I forget...

There's a Trini Scorp, Fatalli, Infinity, some Scotch Bonnets, Jamican Red Mushroom, Bishop's Crown, which are settin tons of pods which is cool since I fell in love with them last year, cut the top, clean out the seeds and stuff with Goat Cheese, and there awsome. I put room temp cheese in a small zip lock, mix in spices knead... then cut the corner and squeeze in the goodness. A few minutes in the oven and there goot to go.
My Pequin I guess it is, it was given to me years ago, froze out, but I got some volunteers seedlings last spring.I really dig this pepper... it's a pain in the ass to harvest, but there a tasty hot snack while out in the yard.


here it is now.... but just on 2-22 here it was... grown a lot... I was at HD and they had more Hailey's Comet, 5 nice specimens in a #1, that were all puttin on growth for 7 bucks. So I got another!

Everything is growing like gang busters, and i have to thank this fine forum, i have met friends and had a beer with them while checkin their grow out, and all the seeds I obtained, I did manage to have some Bishops Crowns I gave out, so let me know hot there workin for ya.
I have so many flowers on some, I have an outta control CRH that I already pulled 29 nice pods from, and must have 5-6 flowers on each node and there settin, so I am gonna try and see how many pods from a single plant in a season. But I am happy with the progress... I went to Flea Word with a friend to check out their farm swap area... it's free close and I see potential!!! I am just selling starts, the ones I saw were poor to say the least, but a 6 in knarley bell with a pitiful marble sized pod is piss poor. It would be nice to get some of these out there that ya can't get at the local big box... all I need to do is cover some simple expenses... I'm sure many of ya are past the 250$ mark. I'm just talkin us armatures!!!! Kirk out with the windows open and 75 out at 9 fourty6...
Dang it, I wish I had taken advantage of our weather this year and gotten an eariler start! Oh well, it is what it is and I think I'll get a good go of it this year. Besides, I wanted to be able to do some of this with my new son, we'll be adopting him and his sister around August, and I'm hoping he'll catch the grow bug too. Great looking garden Conrad, can't wait go get mine in the ground.
Well lookin around, the infinity has flowers, as well as Trini Scorp, and some others I started from seed this year, I have some nice pods forming on most of the other ones, one scorp has at least 4 flowers at each node, and some should be openind in a day or 2. Gonna see if I can find some 4 in pots, I used the bunch I had, there is a wholesale nursery supply not far, but I don't need a case of 800, but I know someone who might split it with me. I'll see if i can get some pod action shots, but my macro on this cam sucks...
That is sweet Conrad. we nee to hook up soon. I have a few plants for ya. They are small but have room to grow! Chocolate 7 and choco scorp!
Your grow is really coming together, SST!
The red hab and ghost pepper bushes are awesome!
Have fun this summer!
Definatly would like to try the choco scorp, I bet I have 50 choco 7's I am gonna try and sell at the market... I still have that fish and the stem is stsrting to get stripes...

Yeah the red hab is growing as fast as my Bishops Crown, there both loaded with pods i want to try and keep count of pods on the red Hab, I got 29 already, I know i can probably hit 300 we'll see...

Ended up goin up the nursery store, and picked up a case of 3.5 in pots, 450 of them should hold me for this season...
Got my puter back as I didn't wanna fill the wifes with them, and not keep them together on mine. So here we go pics, I know how y'all love pics.
This Yellow Cardi Scorp is just filling up with flowers, there's a few pods set too that are taking shape...


Bishops Crown I kept outside last year with no protection, made it thru, all 3 did actually. Shouldn't be long before I get some ripe pods to stuff with goat cheese.

Guess this pod, I have quite a few odd shaped ones this year, funny thing it's an over wintered plant, not sure why...

Pequin is really filling out and up this year, I have a few I potted up the easy way, just dug uot a few sprouts from the pot it was in.

An assorted mix of superhots, crosses, and unusual peppers, no bells here...

I have started more flats of Red, Yellow, and Choco both ghost and 7 pot. One tray is Butch T, Yellow Scorpions, and a tray of loofas. I plan to unload these on CL or the market they have at the big flea market where you can just show up, no cost. I am having good responce to CL as a way to reach people, and the best part is they come to me.
I am hoping I can get a fruit off my Dragon Fruit... at the rate it's growing, I just might... I am getting a lot of pups off it. This one is a Haileys Comet variety.



The Carolina Cayenne is kickin ass...

So is the Tabasco and Datils...

Thats about it for now, it's gonna be 85 the rest of the week, so they will keep on truckin along...