• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SadisticPepper's (aka Elcap1999's) 2013/2014/2015 Oceanside glog update

Unfortunately, about half of the trays I had set up got shriveled up on account of a nasty wind storm drying them out. Oddly enough all the plants I had potted up already made it through without a problem, so I've spent the last couple of days redoing the ones I had seeds for, and the ones I didn't I just swapped them out with ones I recently got from PepperLover. Here's a couple pics:
Here's the trays I set out yesterday and today

On the left (going top to bottom, I have Red Brain strains, Red Morugas and Yellow Morugas. The middle group is Chocolate Morugas, Red Bhuts and White Bhuts, and on the right is Purple Bhuts on one half, and orange bhuts on the other half of the first tray, and Red Butch T's on the 2nd tray
Here's a little color coded legend I put together to keep them all straight. The color for the chocolate moruga didn't quite come out too well in the printer.

I have to say, in the month since my last update, it's been a mix of both good and bad. The good news is, (and for a change) the Morugas I potted up have been doing a fantastic job growing, and several of them should begin pushing out flowers sometime in the next month. Sadly, the other seedlings I had prepped and ready to go, unfortunately didn't make it through the cold we had a couple weeks ago, but since I have plenty of seeds, I'll begin several trays of seeds this coming weekend.
I've noticed that the ones in the pots have been bigger with more lush foliage, but the ones in hydro have more roots, so it may just be a matter of what the plants have determined to be a priority, roots or foliage. I would imagine the soil-based plants are encountering more resistance in the soil for root growth than the ones in hydro. But then again, the plants I have in hydro now are Giant Jalapeno plants which are C. annums, while Morugas a C. chinese
I finally got around to taking new pics of the progress thus far, including a couple pics of the flower buds. Enjoy!
Nice overall shot

One of the plants

Flower buds

More flower buds

Couple of lizards "guarding" my plants


Giant jalapeno

Shots of the back yard


This is the area I'll be converting, removing the grass and putting a black fabric over & adding a drip irrigation system. It's wide enough for 3 rows of 2 plants each, and about 35-40 pairs of plants per row (as soon as I can get my tax return that is!
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
Nice area. I have 10 more years then me and the bride are going to retire in Bakers Florida and grow peppers on our 10 acres. You sure have a nice spot to grow.
It's not huge, but it's perfect for my needs right now. And 10 acres is a lot of pepper growing space :)
Peppers look great and so does the grass. We just found our grass again yesterday. It has been buried by quite a few inches of that white stuff for a month or more. Nice warmer weather finally melted that crap. 
My main worry now is that I don't water them quite enough or that I don't give them enough ferts.. I've been giving them water several times a week, I gave them eacha handful of the slow release fert for tomatoes and veggies a couple weeks ago (2nd dose in as many months), and I do a foliar spray of liquid worm castings and a few drops of seakelp & fish emulsion once a week
Ladies & gentlemen, drumroll please!

I have my first Morugas! These are on a Yellow Moruga plant, and I have several more tiny ones just having formed on other Yellows and Reds right now. I saw these this morning as I was installing my drip irrigation system, so I should have quite the crop by the end of next month!
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
Way to Grow.....Good Ole Florida Sunshine!!!
Nothing like it! My drip irrigation system is all finished, and had it on for an hour or so to water all my plants. Now I just gotta buy a digital timer and a fertilizer incjection rig and I'll be all set! :)