• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SadisticPepper's (aka Elcap1999's) 2013/2014/2015 Oceanside glog update

Unfortunately, about half of the trays I had set up got shriveled up on account of a nasty wind storm drying them out. Oddly enough all the plants I had potted up already made it through without a problem, so I've spent the last couple of days redoing the ones I had seeds for, and the ones I didn't I just swapped them out with ones I recently got from PepperLover. Here's a couple pics:
Here's the trays I set out yesterday and today

On the left (going top to bottom, I have Red Brain strains, Red Morugas and Yellow Morugas. The middle group is Chocolate Morugas, Red Bhuts and White Bhuts, and on the right is Purple Bhuts on one half, and orange bhuts on the other half of the first tray, and Red Butch T's on the 2nd tray
Here's a little color coded legend I put together to keep them all straight. The color for the chocolate moruga didn't quite come out too well in the printer.

Portuge said:
Looking good Cappy, off to a great start and already got poddage going on... Keep em happy
Thanks! I'll be getting my fertilizer injector, and will be experimenting some with how much of my seaweed/fish emulsion I need to add, so once I get it right, my plants should explode with growth
I just did the math, and with the 5 gallon bucket of the Neptune's Harvest Seaweed & Fish Emulsion organic fertilizer I have, it should last me until November, since according to the directions, I only need to feed the plants every two weeks, and I'm planning on watering the plants for 3 hours a day, 3 days a week to start off. I'll increase or decrease accordingly, but I'm thinking that should be enough even with the heat. Plus I'm a little paranoid that overwatering them will flush out the fertilizer.
That's not bad if it last you until November. I think once the system is tuned in it will be great. Not to mention the time it saves. I think you we're talking about 120 plants or so. With your climate I think it's going to be a busy Fall.
Tomorrow, I'll be starting the (hopefully) last batch of seed trays for a while. I thought the seed trays I last did had made it through the last cold snap we had down here, and they did for the first couple of days, but they all died within a week. It was somewhat fortuitous because I realized that much variety was a little ambitious for me right now, given that I'll only be doing 120 plants total, and I already have 1/4 of them read to go with the Morugas. Here's the list of what I'll be finishing them off with:
  • Red Butch T (will take up a full row)
  • Chocolate Moruga (to finish up the Morugas and maybe even go to the triangle on the other side of the yard.
  • Red Bhuts (half a row)
  • White Bhuts (2nd half of the row)
  • One row of 7Pots (split 4-ways between Red Primos, Red Jonahs, and Red & Yellow Brain Strains)
Any overflow, I'll just put on the other side of the yard in the mulched triangle, and wherever else they'll fit :) I don't think I'll mind too much putting in a 2nd (smaller) drip system in, since there's an outlet right there on the side of the house :)
elcap1999 said:
Tomorrow, I'll be starting the (hopefully) last batch of seed trays for a while. I thought the seed trays I last did had made it through the last cold snap we had down here, and they did for the first couple of days, but they all died within a week. It was somewhat fortuitous because I realized that much variety was a little ambitious for me right now, given that I'll only be doing 120 plants total, and I already have 1/4 of them read to go with the Morugas. Here's the list of what I'll be finishing them off with:

  • Red Butch T (will take up a full row)
  • Chocolate Moruga (to finish up the Morugas and maybe even go to the triangle on the other side of the yard.
  • Red Bhuts (half a row)
  • White Bhuts (2nd half of the row)
  • One row of 7Pots (split 4-ways between Red Primos, Red Jonahs, and Red & Yellow Brain Strains)
Any overflow, I'll just put on the other side of the yard in the mulched triangle, and wherever else they'll fit :) I don't think I'll mind too much putting in a 2nd (smaller) drip system in, since there's an outlet right there on the side of the house :)
Sounds good. I like the list. Might as well add the drip line. I hope there's no more cold fronts.
I'm tempted to get 1/4 gph drips for them, since when I get the timer, I'll be starting with 3 hours, 3 times a week, and so 3/4 gallon per tray always evaporates away within 48 hours :) Plus the fert is great for seedlings as well
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks! I' was checking this morning, and I'm already seeing quite a few more peppers developing. Some have tails, some don't which is actually normal, even with some TS Butch T's and other normally tailed pods I've received from other sellers over the last couple of years.
OCD Chilehead said:
Peppers already. Do you have a Summer and Fall harvest? How's the irrigation set up going any changes?
Well, seeing as it's technically not even spring yet :)
But yeah, that Moruga plants are doing awesome, and the drip system I have is holding together well, since I've had a nagging habit of managing to screw up things the first go 'round, so the fact there've been no leaks in it, that's a win for me. I still haven't gotten the digital timer or fertilizer injector yet, but I imagine I'll get an explosion of pods in the next few weeks and months.
I was just out shutting off my drip irrigation for the day when I saw several ladybugs standing guard on my plants, which is awesome, since I saw the one leaf the other day have aphid eggs on them, so it's good they're here and guarding my plants.