• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SadisticPepper's (aka Elcap1999's) 2013/2014/2015 Oceanside glog update

Unfortunately, about half of the trays I had set up got shriveled up on account of a nasty wind storm drying them out. Oddly enough all the plants I had potted up already made it through without a problem, so I've spent the last couple of days redoing the ones I had seeds for, and the ones I didn't I just swapped them out with ones I recently got from PepperLover. Here's a couple pics:
Here's the trays I set out yesterday and today

On the left (going top to bottom, I have Red Brain strains, Red Morugas and Yellow Morugas. The middle group is Chocolate Morugas, Red Bhuts and White Bhuts, and on the right is Purple Bhuts on one half, and orange bhuts on the other half of the first tray, and Red Butch T's on the 2nd tray
Here's a little color coded legend I put together to keep them all straight. The color for the chocolate moruga didn't quite come out too well in the printer.

No, not yet, I'm keeping it in for the time being, and since I don't subscribe to any newspapers, and neither do my neighbors, I won't have nearly enough to put down in the back.
My other seedlings, by and large, are doing well, and except for a couple instances of sunburn spots (which was to be expected), they're doing well overall...
Overall, I'm satisfied with how they're doing now, and hoping they hold through and eventually grow. I've got more backup plants in case I lose more, all except Chocolate Morugas.
The only thing I have left to do is try and germinate Butch T's (the single one I have out looks damn lonely), and put the Primo's out that I managed to germinate. For the area I wanna put the Primo's out, I have to clear out some old bushes first....
not bad, now you cant have a lonely butch t, it definitely needs some brothers or sisters
all my plants are doing well. but they arent seedlings anymore lol. i just posted pics in my glog the other day.  
lol. i wish i could grow all year.   i am actually looking into a partially underground greenhouse. its supposed to use geothermic's to keep the greenhouse at 56f and you just need to keep it at the desired temp from there.  i need to look into it more though
Cool (no pun intended)!
Best of luck with that! I can't even do that here, since the limestone ridge here is too close to the surface, and is so dense & hard to crack, you almost need military-grade explosives, which is why nobody has basements here...
the county i live in is called "stone mills"   and it has that name for a reason lol  i cant put a shovel 1 inch into the ground with out hitting a rock or boulder lol. digging up my 12 foot by 25 foot garden area gave me enough large stones to build a 2 foot wide x 3 feet tall by 14 feet long wall around a tree in my yard and left the garden area over a foot lower then when i started and i dug down maybe three and a half feet lol   one day ill get some heavy machinery in here to dig it up better lol
Currently, I'm doing the last of 3 seed trays with some of Judy's seeds that I got this week. I'm doing Butch T's, Chocolate Bhuts, and Chocolate Morugas. Reason being, while most of my 7 Pots, took, I need to replace some of the Morugas and Bhuts that I had lost. the last couple weeks for various reasons (wind, wilting, transplant shock, etc.), and of all the Butch T seeds I had sown the last few months, only 2 germinated, and one made it to the point of putting out a set of true leaves. Instead of outside, I'll be keeping these trays indoors on heating pads, since I had such an inconsistent time germinating them outside this summer. Hopefully, they'll take this time around!
Thanks! I'm hope these guys go to a good home soon, or I'm going to have to dehydrate them. I'd hate to keep waiting for people to buy them, ya know ;) Good thing is, my plants are pushing out more and more pods all the time.

And there we go, update the name of my glog to reflect my new name :)
Indeed they do. I gave one to my chiropractor on Wednesday, and he could only eat half of it. Bear in mind, this is a guy who tears through spicy food challenges all over. He was sweating profusely after the 2nd bite of it, since he refused to eat the whole thing at once