sicman said:Lol. How about Just a "looks great Salty."
tctenten said:
So it doesn't melt away….I didn't think so.
The Hot Pepper said:it melts, but not away
the fats end up binding to the meat but the fibrous parts disappear
You know, what salty said lol
salty knows all
be sure to LIKE his posts!
Hahahaha I've got a long way to have that honour but thanks JayTJayT said:Old Salty is the new GM.... minus the gadgets.
JayT said:Old Salty is the new GM.... minus the gadgets.
The Hot Pepper said:rancho gordo star dust.
haha 150+JayT said:128 posts in one day? I don't know that even Grant ever accomplished that kind of post whorery!