• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Here is the list so far:

7 pot Jonah (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot mystery (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot Red (Jamie/Romy pod)
7 pot yellow (Mgold/Matt pod)
Aji Lemon (Romy pod)
Assam (Mgold/Matt pod)
Barrackpore (Pepperlover)
Bhut Giant Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Peach (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Chocolate (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Hybrid (Jamie/Romy pod)
Brain Strain Yellow (DVFSTR/Dave pod)
ButchT (Dvfstr/Dave pod) and Mgold's (Pod)
CARDI Scorp Yellow (Jamie/Romy pod)
Choc Hab (PaulG pod) (Romy) (Matt/Mgold)
Datil (Jamie/Romy pod)
Dorset Naga (Jamie/Romy)
Douglah Red (Dfstr/Dave pod)
Douglah Hybrid (Jamie/Romy Pod)
Fatalli x Red Savina (Matt/Mgold pod)
Goats Weed (PaulG pod)
Habanero BLK (Matt/Mgold pod)
Moruga Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Naga Morich (Matt/Mgold pod)(DVFSTR/Dave pod) (Paul G I think)
Suave Red (NMSU) two seeds
Trinidad Scorp Yellow (Matt/Mgold pod)
Trinidad Perfume (Matt/Mgold pod)
Uba Tuba (NMSU) I only have two seeds
Zavory (Burpee) Two seeds

Seeds yet to purchase:

7 pot infinity
7 pot Primo
7 pot Brown
Black Cayman
Black Naga
Black Stinger
Cleo's Dragon
Malaysian Goronong
Moruga Scorp Yellow
Naga Viper
Red Savina
Safi Red
West Indian Red

Wish list:
Billy Boy Douglah
Sepia Serpent
Pia have you fed the larger seedlings yet? You may want to start. If you're still planting seeds for superhots it's about time to stop. They won't have time to produce unless you take them inside next fall. Save them for next season.

You're doing well.
Ok here are my bubblegum 7 pods


Me too Spice most of your crosses are still in my grow. Thanks be to Jesus ahahahaaaaa

Patrick. I adore your input and yes I'm still sowing. It's my last batch. You maybe right but I have a serious case of ODD. Oppositional Defiance Disorder. So I'm gonna do it any way. When you look it up, cuz I know you will, it's a disorder contributed to children. Well, I have adult onset ODD. That solves that. Aahhahaahaaaaa. I have to see what happens with my last sow. But, I do think you are 99% right. Lets watch and see

Shane, ya I think it's dead. Dunno why but. It's still in dirt. Ohhhh. My beloved Sepia Serpent is struggling. Gave it some fish shit so we will see. Fish shit and mycos

Ohhhh ya Patrick. They love fish shit. So ya been feeding them. That was a new seedling
Patrick. I adore your input and yes I'm still sowing. It's my last batch. You maybe right but I have a serious case of ODD. Oppositional Defiance Disorder. So I'm gonna do it any way. When you look it up, cuz I know you will, it's a disorder contributed to children. Well, I have adult onset ODD. That solves that. Aahhahaahaaaaa. I have to see what happens with my last sow. But, I do think you are 99% right. Lets watch and see

Hey Sanarda. great glog and nice variety choice :)

Just wanted to say you are not the only adult with ODD disorder :D
I'm still waiting for some 7 pod, moruga and rocoto seeds to arrive so I can sow.

Since I am to in zone 7, we are in similiar situations.

I think we stand a chance. Judging from my last season, if I start in week or two, we can have pods in September. extra feeding and care could be of great help.

It will be hard but I'm ready to try. Challenge accepted! :D

Good luck with your plants :)
Dem Lolita's and bubblegum 7 pod little ones look great! Lots of good action at Pia’s house :) On another note I’m sad to read about your Cardi Scorpion ... a song to mourn :/ »» Foobar2k ::: Black Sabbath - Paranoid (1970) - 05 - Electric Funeral ::: 0:16/4:53 (•••••••••••) ::: 303 kbps ««
Awesome Pia! I have 4 bubble7s. Hopefully one of us will end up with one with red caps so we can spread that trait. I read somewhere online that someone only got one showing red caps out of ten plants last season. But also said nice pods either way! Crossing my fingers on that one. Yours look very health and green!
The yellow cardi scorp does sound like a must. I only got two seedlings out of what i planted. I feel you on the replant with that one. :)
I think my newest 7 Pot Jonah. It Is a Jonah, I just don't know if its my newest


New growth on the Lady Lolita via Jamison.

I love the leaf on this Lady Lolita. It's so quirky.


Trying to save my las Sepia Serpent


Black Naga Bia Denniz. I sowed six seeds and received six seedlings. Ugh. Denniz, atleast have a 4 outta six ratio. SMH


Barbados recouping after a thirsty day






Can't read the tag on my phone so dunno
Thanks Robert. I am going to do a lot more this year to expand/increase my harvests. Good to know I'm not the only one with ODD. It was a lonely world before. Aahahahaaaa

Thanks Ramon.

Adult onset Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I like that blessing! Most adults who ever achieve anything have it! I seeded the red fataliis, Pia; they popped, under lights, went straight into big pots . . . count me ODD IN! Seems the alternative is lazy. Sloth is still one of seven deadly sins and ODD would propel action that would defy sloth. See? Adult onset ODD is a blessing! :snooty: :party: Not all are fortunate to have it! It does get lonely at the top :rofl:

Count me in with the ODD crowd. I just placed another order (final one, I swear), this one for Yellow Bhut (the only variety that's given me 0% germination... old seed), Pimenta da Neyde (awesome looking chili), and Giant Mexican Rocoto (mango flavor, yum).

You go Arkansawyer! "ODD: HELL YEAH THAT'S ME!" (Mantra for the blessed :rofl:) That yeller bhut . . . dang I have some seeds, man. I didn't plant it this year because it took over garden last year. One plant. Hoping the peach and chocolate bhuts, if they live, and looking like that's happening, won't be space hogs. And got a feeling the peach is a glorified yellow :rolleyes: because it's huge. So much for that. But do it and the Mex Manz mango-taste (I got seed from Judy/pepperlover) are rocking and pop fast. They also take some cold so . . . do it; act upon your blessing! ;)

Pia, I'll send you some CARDI pods if mine do okay. Again, if everything lives. (Ya never know. I gave up hope, almost on a Giant Jal or two, watered, gave some Epsom, fine now; they just gonna need more TLC than others. I got a few Attention Deficient Disorder plants like that: they always deficient for attention.) I put prayers, some Papa Legba on your TSCARDI but . . . even Anancy cannot save that crown look . . . then again, don't give up! Not until it's killed over, some other pepper's played taps, and its death is attracting fungus gnats. Also, Sis Pia--I just posted in Ramon's glog that Steve and Shane are identical twins separated at birth (fam reunion at Ramon's) ;)--imagine . . . you have fam in NC . . . imagine--those bubblegum 7's absolutely thrill me to my soul. Hint. :P Oh: HINT! :pray: Peace lady: looking good and long live ODD!
Dem CARDI's are certainly tasty! All dis CARDI talk, makes me think I should plant one of the seeds I saved … but I didn’t plant romy6’s “not douglah” and I seriously loved the taste of it, well I’m certainly considering it …

Do it, Ramon! C'mon! Ya gotta an infinite grow season . . . "just do it." ;) You're already among the blessed with ODD--that plant didn't die did it?--I rest my case, so . . . plant las semillas CARDI! Go, go, go, go, you can do it, go! :rofl:

You're priceless Annie. And bubblegum 7's plus black nagas can't get to your door fast enough girlfriend. LONG LIVE ODD!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the CARDI can't get to you, Sis Pia, fast enough! Are you growing the Jame/Romy6's 7 Pod Brown x Naga? Indeed ODD :dance: but these prima donna spoiled brat ADD plants I got just irk me! I yelled at a few yesterday when got home from work after doing plumbing, another story . . . damn, why can people who never NEVER touch an outdoor faucet to USE it, why can't "they"/HE leave it alone? Dark, cold, wind blowing, seeing by headlamp, still got on the pro attire that gotta be dry-cleaned; I go to fill my 5 gal buckets to off-gas chlorine and get a face full of water. D-ass took the plumbers tape OFF the faucet because it was leaking. Uh, TIGHTENING, would have worked. After that, the ADD plants got yelled at. And a little water like they wanted, since EVABODY got water! (And he's got a dry-cleaning bill.) smh :rofl:
New stuff looking nice and green! Gonna be a banner year at the Pia place! You may lose another few...but bah, who cares! You've got way more than too many to keep you happy!

And of course my friend, you are correct. But see, this is where the ODD sets in. I know I need not sow one more seed. My heart was set on growing the Jamie's yellow cardi, BB Douglah, Jays ghost/scorp. Just to name a few. I know and you know that I don't need to sow the cardi or the scorp because I already probably have more than I can handle. ODD is telling me FK that and sow the Goddamn seeds. I have to go with ODD. When she's right, she's right.

Dem CARDI's are certainly tasty! All dis CARDI talk, makes me think I should plant one of the seeds I saved … but I didn’t plant romy6’s “not douglah” and I seriously loved the taste of it, well I’m certainly considering it …

Do it!!!!!
Love the black nagas. Don't blame me. Blame semillas for good germ rates. You got 6/6 right ?! As for te bubble gums. Hoping the grow true. Slater1980 sent me those seeds from pods with "majority" red caps. The ones I have are from full red. Which are the ones that should pod up soon. He sent me some flakes and are hot. Nearly killed me as I gag and made ur worse.

Like Shane said. You got enough there girl.
Do it, Ramon! C'mon! Ya gotta an infinite grow season . . . "just do it." ;) You're already among the blessed with ODD--that plant didn't die did it?--I rest my case, so . . . plant las semillas CARDI! Go, go, go, go, you can do it, go! :rofl:

And the CARDI can't get to you, Sis Pia, fast enough! Are you growing the Jame/Romy6's 7 Pod Brown x Naga? Indeed ODD :dance: but these prima donna spoiled brat ADD plants I got just irk me! I yelled at a few yesterday when got home from work after doing plumbing, another story . . . damn, why can people who never NEVER touch an outdoor faucet to USE it, why can't "they"/HE leave it alone? Dark, cold, wind blowing, seeing by headlamp, still got on the pro attire that gotta be dry-cleaned; I go to fill my 5 gal buckets to off-gas chlorine and get a face full of water. D-ass took the plumbers tape OFF the faucet because it was leaking. Uh, TIGHTENING, would have worked. After that, the ADD plants got yelled at. And a little water like they wanted, since EVABODY got water! (And he's got a dry-cleaning bill.) smh :rofl:

Ohhhh NOOOO Annie !!!!!!! Ahaahhaaaaa. I am at work really LOL'ing and people are looking at me like I am insane in the membrane. Aaahhahaaaaa. No NO NO girlfriend. We need to get you a light by that damn faucet. To many disturbing occurrences are happening in that area. And I just hate it when he touches things that he has no business. He now knows to ask me before doing anything AT ALL!

Love the black nagas. Don't blame me. Blame semillas for good germ rates. You got 6/6 right ?! As for te bubble gums. Hoping the grow true. Slater1980 sent me those seeds from pods with "majority" red caps. The ones I have are from full red. Which are the ones that should pod up soon. He sent me some flakes and are hot. Nearly killed me as I gag and made ur worse.

Like Shane said. You got enough there girl.

I do have enough. But, I have a disorder. So I don't have what I need. Get it!! Therefore those seeds will HAVE to go in dirt. And Denniz the sow whore can't lecture me cu I said so.