• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Just cuz you sling guns doesn't mean I won't whoop that ass. Ahhaaaa. And I didnt have any "brains" so I had to stick to Kaopectate.

On another note, I have been naughty in that I picked my one ripe pepper, Fatalli, ate a sliver and didn't even post a written review. I'm a bad bad girl. I apologize but after Jaime's pepper fiasco I was skerred. Well I love the Fatalli. It was simply delicious and very very hot. I ended up cutting up the rest of the pepper into small pieces after I smoked it beside my London broil on the grill. It was so fking good I couldn't stop eating it. And my mouth was on freaking fire. I felt almost "coital" like Matt did. Ahahahahahha. I will do a video review of my next pepper that ripens. I just pray it's not one of my 7 pots.


Definitely do the Bahamas. It's soooo gorgeous. And I want to go to Trinidad to visit Cardi. Aahhahaaaa super brain strain mode babbbyyyy.
Sounds like you are 'enjoying' the fruits of your labors, Sanarda!
Your grow is looking fine!
Thanks Paul. I'm so glad you check on my grow. Yeah I am a timid little pepper eater now. Yayyyy. Now I check everyday for slight color changes so I can plan on eating my next pod. Aahaaaa. I sound obsessed don't I?
Thanks Paul. I'm so glad you check on my grow. Yeah I am a timid ha :scared: ha little pepper eater now. Yayyyy. Now I check everyday for slight color changes so I can plan on eating my next pod. Aahaaaa. I sound obsessed don't I?
That's okay, it's a perfectly normal totally psychotic obsession :shocked:
I'm glad you are having fun getting into the eating part of the deal.
That's what it's all about, isn't it :D
Nice lookin garden...On your video where you found a seed,but didn't know where it came from.
I'm going to throw a guess out there,as I think its the helmet of one of your two babies. I think my guess is fairly accurate tho,because I can't seem to get these buttheads off of EVERY SINGLE SPROUT I GET. This has been one of my frustrations in learning about growing peppers. I'd say 65-75% of the sprouts I get have helmets. Although I have been getting very good with my technique of cutting them off(very carefully I might add). The reason why I think yours might be helmets. I recently cut a helmet off that stay attached to one of the first leaves tips. Just this morning I had a helmet laying directly under it. So you see,they grow up to fast,they're even outgrowing their helmets! Next thing you know San,it will be Prom night...

Sigh they just grow up so fast LOL :rofl:

Great looking plants!
Yeah Paul. And to give some away. I ate one of my daughter Emani's cayennes today. It was the second one off of her plant. That bad boy was hot. I was surprised. It was very tasty. It had a nice sweet mellow taste along with the heat. I am finishing up eating what Jaime sent me. You have to take your time with Jaime's peppers and eat them with a meal. They are so darn good that its worth the pain.

Thanks Kemp. What happens if you just leave the helmet on to fall off on its own? I am going to germinate some this December I think. I pray that I can overwinter the 16 plants that I have, but I don't have the room. I appreciate you checking in on my crazy glog.
I never let them get that far along. I personally wait a week,and if nothing is happening,then snip. It's reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly hard for me still. Yes I said I'm getting better,but that just means I don't kill 100% anymore :rofl:
My guess tho,they would die? I thought the first leaves that pop outta the ground are like the super highway for nutes on a newly developing plant. Ive clipped the helmet off completely, and that's what it did. Literally in one day,dead.So this is just an assumption,because I've seen one pic in which the person snipped it off(don't recall the website,maybe here?). Then grew new leaves and kept going.
Mother Nature is like technology...Its great when it works,but you look like a complete fool when it doesn't!!! That's how I feel anyways,as I am my own WORST critic!!!
2 things:

1.) Never invite Fremp to your garden...he takes all your peppers...then runs away.

2.) I may be the pepper-snipper in question...

The garden looks great don't worry about being gentle if the pods can't hang they don't belong because all they do is take up energy. I like to every now and then wipe my hand across the plant hoping to knock off any weak flowers and fruit. The pods look great and awesome update.
Nice little update! If you really want to use that soil in pots I would mix it with some perlite and a little compost. Your plants will do well in it!
That's a pretty wild garden! Let those plants sprawl in the nature and you will reap the harvest(s). I can see those gnarly pods growing all the way through the 1st frost...

On an occasion I would take a fork or garden shovel and turn the soil over around the plants perimeter. That helps let air to the roots and aids in moisture evaporation.
Its very helpful during the cooler Autumn weather thats on its way. Folks that hill the're plants in wide rows benefit from the aeration of having the plants above the water line and not having the soil compacted when "browsing through the pepper patch"
Good luck with the rest of your seasons grow...

:dance: Great update Pia. Looks like you are gonna have some nice powder sooner than later. I see big things in your gardens future :dance:
I never let them get that far along. I personally wait a week,and if nothing is happening,then snip. It's reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly hard for me still. Yes I said I'm getting better,but that just means I don't kill 100% anymore :rofl:
My guess tho,they would die? I thought the first leaves that pop outta the ground are like the super highway for nutes on a newly developing plant. Ive clipped the helmet off completely, and that's what it did. Literally in one day,dead.So this is just an assumption,because I've seen one pic in which the person snipped it off(don't recall the website,maybe here?). Then grew new leaves and kept going.
Mother Nature is like technology...Its great when it works,but you look like a complete fool when it doesn't!!! That's how I feel anyways,as I am my own WORST critic!!!
When snipping the helmets, I just barely cut the edge of the seed cover so the cotys can push it off. Sometimes works, others not. I have a giant jalapeno that Fernando sent that had severe helmet head, and the cotys were damaged by the operation. It is still a runt and very slow growing, but is putting on a second set of true leaves. It should eventually get it's groove on and grow out, but it is very s-l-o-w!
Lol LB. I will have to remember that about Fremp

Thanks Fernando. It's good that you said that about the peppers falling off. When I cut open that pepper the seeds were black and it almost looked like it was going dry on the inside.

Thanks Shane. I really am thinking about using that soil. I'll get some compost and perlite closer to autumn fall. I also have to get 16 big pots.

Hey Greg. Yeah I do take my hoe and turn the soil over when I see it's getting compacted. It probably is time to do it again since I haven't done it since we have had all this rain.

Hey Jaime. Yeah I am going to do some serious powders. Your going to be my taste tester.

Hey Conor. Thanks

Thanks Pinoy.

So Paul, if you just leave the helmet on it will either die or be runted and slow??
Thanks Brian. Checked the video on the butch T. Well done. So interesting about how various pods can be. What pepper do you think your growing
2 things:

1.) Never invite Fremp to your garden...he takes all your peppers...then runs away.

But you're married big guy:(

And your garden? Is that what we're going to call it?

Well ladies and gents,LB's GARDEN IS HUGE!


I kid I kid!