• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Your under table space is a closed environment, so mold has a better
shot at getting going. I usually just do what Meez said.

Otherwise I agree with Beeman - they really look pretty good for what
they have been through. Check the nodes often for new growth; once
you see green shoots emerging, you know you are on your way!

Good growing, Sanarda!
Thanks Paul. I have decided to leave them alone and let them do their thing. I am really sad about one of my naga's that has damage to its stem. I dont know how it happened. My most expensive morouga is starting to form little shoots (Thank God). I wanted to smack the owner of the company I purchased it from or the shipper.


You know, you might try cloning (take a cutting) of that Naga and
re-root it and start a new plant. Tthe top looks to be in good condition.
How do I reroot from a cutting. Sorry I am such a novice. The top has looked like that for 5 days. Since last weekend. Its weird.
Here's a post from my glog that describes the process. Rootone is widely available.

I just looked at the pics I last posted. It is so wet here in Jersey that the soil still looks wet. I have not watered any of my peppers in forever... Why do they still look so wet? I have not watered my last pic plants since well before last weekend and they have been in the house for atleast 2 days. The top of the soil should atleast be a little dry

Paul under that broken looking part, is very green. I will post pics later on today
I just looked at the pics I last posted. It is so wet here in Jersey that the soil still looks wet. I have not watered any of my peppers in forever... Why do they still look so wet? I have not watered my last pic plants since well before last weekend and they have been in the house for atleast 2 days. The top of the soil should atleast be a little dry

Paul under that broken looking part, is very green. I will post pics later on today

Hey, Sanarda! A lot of folks use a mild fan to help the peppers develop stem strength and help keep the water cycle in motion for the potted plants - i.e. evaporating from the top of the soil and causing water movement among the soil particles and roots. Kind of a balance between evaporation and gravity. You might also consider a moisture meter. I got one at our local Kroger chain for $7 - no batteries needed. They also have pH meters. They are good for learning how physical signs of the plant relate to water conditions in the root ball. Once you have that in hand, you really don't need to use the meter much, except for diagnostic purposes. You will see that different plants have different water needs. Also, what soil mix are you using?

edit: If your outdoor plants are looking soggy, try cutting off a 2 liter soda bottle top off and putting it upside down over the plants for a little cloche. Just be sure to punch holes in the side for air circ, and don't let them bake in the sun!
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the info. I will start using a fan and take you up on that. They are really looking good after being in their safe haven during all this rain. They look wayyyyy better with the exception of some little green bugs that were on some. I have them in a potting soil that I purchased at a nursery near my home. I cant remember the name. Here are some pic updates. OH and I am going to try the root one this weekend.

My morouga has little sprouts!!!




OK here is an update.









Wow they bounced back quite nicely! Agree with Mezo, the sun and good air flow will help with that. I'd take the stuff that is infected out of the pot though. Good call on the cut back. They will be twice as lush when it all grows back and plenty of time for them to pod up. Seems as if your catching on quite nicely!
Wow they bounced back quite nicely! Agree with Mezo, the sun and good air flow will help with that. I'd take the stuff that is infected out of the pot though. Good call on the cut back. They will be twice as lush when it all grows back and plenty of time for them to pod up. Seems as if your catching on quite nicely!

Thanks Jamison,
I am so excited I just keep staring at them hoping to see some growth as i stare.. aaaaaahhhhh !!!!!!!!!!! Im now an official pepperhead nerd

OHHH.. since I have nodes on the bottom under the damage should I just cut off the top if this narly looking naga. I only have two




stem was really damaged somehow. So I buried it in the soil. ahahaaa
I'm gonna have to say yea. Only because I can see the thing snapping in half once it gets bigger. Better now that YOU do it before the wind gets to it and pisses you off. Them two nodes at the bottom of the plant will become main stalks. Plant will thank you later. Plus once you cut that off all new growth goes straight under the cut and really focuses on new growth. I'm guessing you don't have rooting gel, but if you did you could take that cutting and make a clone. Good luck.
I do have rooting powder. I bought cuz Paul G tole me to reroot my other naga. The roots look good. Should I still use the rootone?

Told me*. Typo
I think both my nagas are done. But my Thai is doing great. My Trinidad Scorpion is looking much better. So now I'm down to 20 plants
Even if you are down a few plants i think your doing great. Youve have an awesome comeback! And if i was you i would cut that naga just to see if it comes. back. either way awesome job!
I did bee. And replanted it. I think my soil was holding water and there were some tiny red spider looking bugs in the soil. I also purchased some root powder but I couldn't find it. I don't know if I left it in the basket when I checked out or if I put it somewhere and can't remember. I used regular soil with fish fertilizer. I wish I knew what healthy roots looked like cuz I washed off the roots but I couldn't tell if they were dead. We will see what happens. The other plants are doing great. I need to thicken up their stems but they are outside. I plan on putting them in the ground soon.
BOTH NAGAS ARE GONE... BUT THE REST ARE LOOKING GREAT. They are going to stay under my table until I feel comfortable. They are thriving so well I cant see me messing up now. I hope CCN has naga plants. I am determined to try again
sorry for the loss man...i might loose 24babys they all stunted and messed up after they fell over from the small greenhouse i purchased at amazon...but i have a feeling there's pests in the soil and they messing with there growth