• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


I think that's what happened to my nagas. I saw little red spiders in there soil but most of my healthy plants have them too.. I also think my mulch burned the stems and killed them..I made newbie mistakes that wont happen again








looking sooooooooooo goooooddddddddddd
You've got some nice plants there. Those little green bugs are aphids (earlier post). I'm sure you have killed them by now since I saw some spray killer somewhere after.
You've got some nice plants there. Those little green bugs are aphids (earlier post). I'm sure you have killed them by now since I saw some spray killer somewhere after.

I sure did Seth! I still see some from time to time. They are annoying. What do they do to your plants? Do they eat them.

One my question if you would be kind to answer :P What is going on with my stem. I see tiny little red spider looking bugs in the soil. They run so fast I can't photo them and they are hella tiny.


The roots look great. Despite the dirty the roots are white


The leaves still look really good. It was the plant with the aphids on it. It still has new growth
The aphids eat on the leaves juices I believe. They compromise new growth and leave the plant fighting aphids instead of growing new strong leaves. Supposed to reduce pepper yield too.

Here is a link to some info on them.

Those little red things could be spider mites which is a more serious issue than the aphids. Do a google image search for red spider mite and see if it looks like your critters. If so, find a way to kill them!

As far as your stem, I have no idea. It looks like it got woody (they all do eventually). But it's also thinner looking than the rest. I would take some of that rooting compound of yours and coat it, then bury it deeper, so the woody part is in the ground. Use rooter above it too. Maybe bury it up to two inches above where the wood ends? Your roots look rough. Not like a ball. As if something is eating them. I had fungus gnats that made my plants look like that...

Here is another good link to types of pests.

Thanks Seth. That is great info. Maybe that's why they aren't getting as big as I think they should be I think the soil stayed way too wet. It held moisture to the point that I never had to water them at all. I think that may be the reason why

I am going to try to upload this video

OK!!!! My thirty dollar Morouga looks horrible since I transplanted it in the ground yesterday. It was stunted in its pot because the crappy soil held wayyy too much water. It was still green and and the leaves looked healthy, but they weren't getting any bigger and my plant wasn't growing after about a month. I was able to get new leaves back but unable to get it to grow because of the soil. I decided to put it in the ground with some fish fert in the whole with a thin layer of soil over the fish fert.

Pic of when I first received it

Here is the pic of the plant the way it looked right before a planted it


This is the way it looks now


This is my Trinidad Scorpion before the transplant

Pic now


OHHHHH!!! And I think this is some type of leaf spot issue I have going on


My daughter's Cayenne has its first flower :dance:
One of my morugas looks exactly like yours only with two leaves. It was doing terrible so i trimmed it down to a stem and shes finally coming back. My seven pods came back quick and bushy im sure yours will do great too. :dance:
It looks like you are getting the hang of it San... Keep it growing!

My morouga is sick and my trinidad. I have another trini but I paid 30 bucks for that morouga and I think its gonna die.

They look like they came out their slump, only one way to go from here.....UP!

Thanks Gns!!! Prettys soon I will be able to purchase seeds and trade.... Get me some exotic shit. :dance: