• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


PM your address... I have some seeds to share San and I'd be happy to help you get your collection started. The sick plants are probably the ones that will teach you the most. Check out AlabamaJack's glog. A wealth of information and a wise signature. Also, if you want to see "living the dream" check out Spicy Chicken's glog. Then do as I do, go numb and drool!!!

Hang in there San, it's a learning process! :party:
I have followed both. I am so thrilled at their grows. And hope one day to do the same. Thanks for the seeds. It will be my first time doing seeds so I will v-glog from the beginning. Your awesome Rich.
can someone identify this poop :rolleyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: !!!

Sanarda, I am scat data deficient currently, but I'll get back with you! Good looking container plants. Hope they do well for you in the ground.

Good luck with your season
Thanks Cap!! Good luck with your grow also. I always check your thread. I think it's rabbit poop too. We have a few that run around the back yard. It's either rabbit or a really huge rat. Thanks Pepper. I'm following your thread too.
Chewi post your link please to your glog so I can follow.. good growing to you and multitudes of pod pornage.... :rofl: :shh: :rofl: :shh: :rofl:
Wow. Plants are looking good. As with the stem problem. Might be forasium wilt perhaps. A few of mine have died. Although yours look brown. Mine were black and crawled up. Eventually killed mine after a week. Yours have surpassed 1 month. Check out mine and see if they are any different from the looks
My most recent loss was my one and only mustard hab. But keep moving fwd

Or could be dampening due to over watering and heat
Keep in mind there will be a 2-3 week adjustment time for the plants when you plant out. They are going to look like hell while they are settling in and then suddenly BOOM, they'll take off. Once you get some new growth on the rough looking plants, pick off the bad leaves. Not only will it give you a bushier plant, but it will also put all energy toward new growth. It's scary as hell but it works. At least it did for me. Now I have a friend who just leaves the plants alone and still gets tons of pods. Peppers are pretty tough. Basically, there is no right answer. Listen to the plants. Do what feels right. Learn from all the mistakes.
Looks like BIG rabbits.....or deer, if you have no obvious cloved foot prints(look kinda like 2 skinny footballs right next to each other, and will be fairly deep in the garden soil if they can't reach the garden from the grass), or an enclosed backyard(?) probably rabbits.

Those plants oughta turn around for you after a week or so.....
I always listen for that boom Seth refers to, but have yet to hear it... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Mezo you are hilarious. I refuse to taste one ahhaaaa.

King I lost both my Nagas and I think it was dampening. When I planted them in the ground I put the plant deep enough to cover that part of the stem. The plant is now taller than all the rest. Do I need to put my ear to the ground to hear that boom?? Thanks for all your info an advise.

Seth, thanks for the encouragement. I am going to let them be and just observe them from a distance. We have a heat spell coming tomorrow and Thursday. I hope that will make them BOOM!!!!! Aahaaaa. Thanks so much. All input is greatly appreciated.

Prodigal and Gnslr I don't see any hoove prints and we have rabbits running around but apparently the consensus is deer poop.

I mean when I planted the last plant I had with the stem damage I planted it deep enough to cover the damage. My bad. I know that was confusing

Here is some more vid to another story about my grow. I am just going to reply here though

Wow. Plants are looking good. As with the stem problem. Might be forasium wilt perhaps. A few of mine have died. Although yours look brown. Mine were black and crawled up. Eventually killed mine after a week. Yours have surpassed 1 month. Check out mine and see if they are any different from the looks
My most recent loss was my one and only mustard hab. But keep moving fwd

Or could be dampening due to over watering and heat

I posted my response on your thread KD.
Ok. Here is a little update. I hope it plays cuz I'm trying to share through my phone.


Yayyyy. Success!!!!!