food Sandwich of the Month

texas blues said:
You call that a salad sammich?
Them's fightin' words!
I actually thought you'd be all over this one G and jump in here with your sumfin' sumfin'.
C'mon girl, posty up!
Just ribbin', TB, just ribbin'. Going to try to get my act together today and find some daikon and such to pickle. Though since I'm going to the asian market, I almost might as well buy them pickled. We'll see. Some of the recipes I've found on asian food sites use a basic aioli sauce with chile pepper powder or paste mixed in. A few used sweet thai chile sauce (though that's not vietnamese) mixed in mayo. What I've read indicates the original was simply paté on bread, and that most traditional ones still use paté, even if they also include mayo or aioli. Yes, I've been RESEARCHING!!!! :D  
G, as this sammich is relatively off the grid of most american's table fare, I reckon that research is a given.
Do your 'thang and posty up the goodness!
I'm having a Vietnamese roast pork roll (well 2 actually :D) for lunch today from my favourite place.  I'll deconstruct it and take some pics.  If they last that long...I pretty much inhale these things
Ok, I inhaled one and pulled one apart.
From the bread, moving right: Crunchy baguette with mayo and pork pâté, fresh coriander (cilantro), green onion, cucumber, chinese style bbq pork belly, pickled carrot, green onion marinated in a secret soy and mystery ingredient sauce (bottom left) and birds eye chillies.
I like the way they canoe'd the bun to hold all the yumbo.
Looks a tad light on the porkage though or did you eat some of it before the pic.
Are you going to make pate' for your version?
It was light on the pork.  They get a bit sneaky if you look away while they are making it ;)
I'm not going to make pate for mine, just gonna go with this stuff from the supermarket.  It's average but does the job
Ingredients:  Toasted hotdog bun (crunchy outside light and fluffy inside), home pickled carrot, green onion strips, coriander (cilantro), cucumber, red and green Thai chilli, white end of green onion and bottom bun with Anchovette spread.  Mayo went on soon after this pic.

Pork belly simmered over 2 hours in soy sauce, garlic and sugar.

Filled and inhaled 3 seconds after this photo.  Couldn't really taste any difference.  Just the crunchy pork skin was missing.  But my pork was way more tender and juicy.  Next time I'mm fry the skin seperately.
Holy sheeit y'all.
Look at that 'thang.
If that don't make menz harder than penitentiary steel with a head on it like a house cat and womenz wetter than a shampoo'd water buffalo then I don't know what does.
Pork belly.
You better get some y'all!!!
I dare anyone to beat DTS's banh mi.
DTS daaaaaaaamn that looks good! :fireball:

I honestly never thought id ever make one of these, as they are so cheap to buy and my local bakery make them insanely good.
Here is my attempt with sobriety kicked to the curb.....
Ingredients (by layer): Bread roll, liverwurst, whole egg mayo, roast pork belly, home pickled carrots (missing from the first photo), green onions, cucumber (somehow missed making it onto the sandwich lol), corriander, birds eye chilli, fried shallots and Knorr seasoning sauce. Apologies for the shakey camerawork in advance.....


* Charcoal/Rotisserie chicken is a great easy substitute that takes absolutely nadda away from the final result
* I didnt bother with the pickled diakon radish that my local uses, but really think it adds greatly tho the sandwich
* Knorr (or Maggi) Seasoning really is the secret ingredient to this wonderful sanga (atleast the ones ive had here), soy will work though
* Do attempt to take breaths between bites of this mofo.... DTS was not joking about this sanga getting inhaled at an incredible rate
Hail yeah!  Now that's what I'm talking about!  Awesome job Tinnie :dance:
Haven't seen the fried shallots in them down here but by golly I'm gonna be putting them in mine fromnow on.  I've got a jar of them in the pantry.  Adds crunch as well as flavour :party: 
Aussies are now 7,328,948.31 :D
Tinnie rocks it!!!!
That sammich is just loaded up with yumbonessessess.
Well done and welcome.
If Aussie's don't make it...
You don't want it.
Welcome Tinnie, and way to make your inaugural showing! Although i see you have 11 posts which means you may have kicked other cooking threads in the teeth too!
Thank you for the welcomes, that was my first photo post as i didnt know how to it before haha. Most of my previous posts were talking about my favourite chilli... Rocoto.... and Peruvian food which is kinda another interest of mine.
This is my first year growing from seeds and have a good bunch of seedlings on their way.
I like this forum... very friendly... and some amazing cooks.... cheers guys
Siccy 'brangin' the scheezey RB.
I love muenster on a grilled any 'thang!
Sic = Chingon!
On another note...
For Nov. I am considering 2.
1 ~ Meatball sammich. Could be like an Italian or not limited to that. Asian meatballs could be good too. How about a savory meatball sammich with mushroom sauce?
2 ~ Leftovers sammich. This is the holidays and they'll be heaps of food of all kinds. Ham, roast beef, and of course turkey. This one could be good as it leaves it wide open for a variety of styles and ingredients. Ain't nothing that can't be made into a sammich.
What say y'all?
I say leftovers be leftover until December when we have all the leftover holiday food.  I am down with the meatballs!
Jay I think you're right. 
Leftovers for Dec as they'll be heaps more.
Anyone else for meatball sammich?
Meatballs could be pretty versatile.
Use any meat, any style.
Salmon "meat" balls?
Why not?