• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

condiment Sauce vs Salsa


I made some salsa this morning fresh from garden peppers and tomatoes...store bought onion, cilantro mix, garlic powder, and sea salt....was wondering???? If I cook this down, can I make a hot sauce out of it?...and if I could, what would I have to do to make it?...never made any hot sauce to bottle before...

The peppers I used:
4 Orange Habs
4 Red Savina
6 Criolla Sella
1 Jalapeno (all I had)
10 Serrano
6 Aji Lemon
3 Orange Thai
2 Cayenne

Here is a picture of the ingredients I used...


any advice would be greatly appreciatred...
klyth does the reviews but I may try it too if you want. You'll have to study up on safe canning.
oh yes, in the process of all that stuff now..

hmmm i was just reading the hot pepper awards rules..

if i made a batch of sauce in a commercial kitchen and followed all the other rules regarding ingredients as well as getting my own web page up simply listing my product ( even if its only one product ) for sale and followed all the packaging rules with proper labels on them, would that be enough ?.. there was a note of mass production... how big of a production is a mass production ? 25 bottles + 50 bottles + 100 bottles + ?