• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

saugapepper's 2012 Grow Log

Ladies and Gents,

This year's grow list includes

Piri-Piri (Portugal) - Seeds from Two Wings Farms in British Columbia, Canada

St. Helena Island Yellow - Actually from a friend who lives on St. Helena. She sent the seeds in her Christmas card. For the remainder of the 2012 season my avatar will be the St. Helena coat of arms. :) I have mailed my extra seeds to Alabama Jack, Silver Surfer, ajijoe, and RedTailForester. They have promised to distribute seeds after the upcoming season.

Unknown Chili from Bhutan - Purchased from JungleRain

Wild Brazil - Thanks to ajijoe for the seeds

Wild Sonoran Desert Tepin - Thanks RedTailForester for the seeds

Florida Wild - Thanks RedTailForester for the seeds

All have popped and are under the lights




This morning the St. Helena's came up!!!! So excited to grow this very rare pepper.


This is their new Grow Tent... a wonderful thing. I need a bigger T5 though. Anyone in the Toronto area want to buy a 2ft x 4 lamp T5??


Here are a few updated pics. I removed the metal shoe rack and lowered the lights onto the 22 peppers that I am growing. I only have 18 five gallon buckets so another 4 will be culled. My wife says it keeps her backyard from pepper-clutter, I disagree but "happy wife, happy life". The Unknown species from Bhutan that I got from JungleRain are really taking off! Faster than my piri-piri that are usually the front runners. The St. Helena's are now all under the lights. I think I have about 8 or 9 of those as they will be my focus this summer. Hopefully the things taste good! The soil is a mixture of seed starter and coconut coir... a very light mix. I have to invest in a little fan in the next week or so to blow air around. I'd love to hear some opinions as to how long I should have the fan on per day.



Show her the hammer of Thor and grow your peppers Damnit...., there lookin good. If ya get a ripe Fl. wild, please let me know what i have to do to get some seeds.
Looking awesome, I find it hard at this stage because I want em to grow faster.

Great set up! you will be breaking out the bigger pots soon. good luck! SC
Looking awesome, I find it hard at this stage because I want em to grow faster.

Great set up! you will be breaking out the bigger pots soon. good luck! SC

Thanks, and yeah it is tough at this stage because some are taking off while others just seem to be lingering. I have the bigger pots ready to go, they should be transplanted in a few weeks. Saying that they won't be outside until the last week in May so I have a long way to go!
romy6: I plant out the last week in May. It is going to get really tight in that prior to that date. I do fortunately have a window that gets most of the early May sun and reaches temps of 80 degrees + for the majority of the day. So while they can't go out until the end of May, they head to the front room at the end of April. It has worked well for the past two summers.
.... I have to invest in a little fan in the next week or so to blow air around. I'd love to hear some opinions as to how long I should have the fan on per day....

More is better. Some say run them all day in tandem with the lights. I do less than that and still get some tough stem growth. Oscillating fan is better than fixed direction. Some models have a clamp instead of a base, might work well in there. Seems like a fan would be a high priority in an enclosed tent, so get after it!

Good luck on your wild grow.... :cool:
I need a bit of help ladies and gents. I have included a few photos below. My Bhutan seems healthy enough but pepper leaves look very dry and rough... are they getting light scorched? Also my Wild Brazil's seem to be stunted and going yellow. Any ideas on what is going on with these two? I would really appreciate suggestions, many thanks in advance. :halo:




Not sure about first pic but second looks like overwatering or nitrogen deficiency. I am curious to see what others say. I have never grown indoors.

Jamie, thanks for the comment. I haven't used any ferts on them and only been watering them with distilled water. My water here sucks. All of them have been getting the same amount of water however it may be the reason. Maybe the Wild Brazils want to be very dry.
There lookin good, I know my Pequin dosen't mind being a lil dryer than the other, if ya have fed them anythin ya might want to. I have been using Tomato Tone, and like it, and i got a sample of fox Farm Vegetable ferts and I liked it to.
I will keep it dryer than the rest from now on. Hopefully it will come back. I will feed them with ferts the next time they need watering. I used the Fox Farms trio last year and really liked them. :)
I had this last time I grew inside also, from the info I found reason they said was that the air humid was too high. Since I grew in a pretty small and closed box it made sense since there was hardly any air circulation. Not sure if that's the same in your case but could be wise ventilate more?
That would make a lot of sense. I had the vent holes still covered and there was hardly any way for the humidity to escape. I opened up a couple of the vents now and I picked up a fan today for the grow tent. I will see if it helps over the next week or two. Thank you!!! Now to figure out why my Wild Brazil is at death's door. :) Oh and meatfreak, we were born on the same day, same year except me in Canada and you in Nederland.