• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

saugapepper's 2012 Grow Log

Ladies and Gents,

This year's grow list includes

Piri-Piri (Portugal) - Seeds from Two Wings Farms in British Columbia, Canada

St. Helena Island Yellow - Actually from a friend who lives on St. Helena. She sent the seeds in her Christmas card. For the remainder of the 2012 season my avatar will be the St. Helena coat of arms. :) I have mailed my extra seeds to Alabama Jack, Silver Surfer, ajijoe, and RedTailForester. They have promised to distribute seeds after the upcoming season.

Unknown Chili from Bhutan - Purchased from JungleRain

Wild Brazil - Thanks to ajijoe for the seeds

Wild Sonoran Desert Tepin - Thanks RedTailForester for the seeds

Florida Wild - Thanks RedTailForester for the seeds

All have popped and are under the lights




This morning the St. Helena's came up!!!! So excited to grow this very rare pepper.


This is their new Grow Tent... a wonderful thing. I need a bigger T5 though. Anyone in the Toronto area want to buy a 2ft x 4 lamp T5??


Just checking in Saugapepper. Things are looking great! I hope the St Helena you gave me does as well as yours. Good idea on the 'wife-acceptance-factor', or WAF. Makes for a less an easier summer I'm sure.
Took these just now...

St. Helena early pod stage, looks like it is going to be a rather long pepper. Am I wrong?


Now for the Florida Wild. I can't believe how fast and how prolific it is considering it is only the end of May here in Canada. The peppers got a little too much sun last week and have a little burn on them. :)



Sweet grow! That Florida wild is kickin ass. Got a shot close up of the flower and fruit forming early on? Do they start out light green and go dark? And it appears the flowers have the kinked neck thing until the fruit begins to form after polination! I found two great looking plants down here and just trying to compare!
Hi Conor, the plants look great! Nice pods going on over there :) If I remember correct, Silver Surfer is growing the St. Helena as well? You should check his glog, his has bigger pods already and they are long indeed.
@ Pepper-Guru: Thanks, I will take some photos of the flowers and early pod stages tomorrow. The weather here is rainy and crap. :)

@ PaulG: I will send you some seeds so you too can grow this beauty next year.

@ hooda: Yep, I am taking the early pods and saving the seeds. There will be plenty to go around. :)

@ meatfreak: Thanks Stefan, I just had a look at Surfer's St. Helena... that is one impressive pepper. If indeed the pods turn out to be yellow this variety is going to need a different name from the current St. Helena Yellow that is going around.

@ RedtailForester: It's all thanks to you! I dried the first two pods... lovely flavour! Far better than fresh. Not to say fresh is bad... just not as good as it is dried.
From what ive read Conor they start out yellow & turn orange (could be wrong) ?

How are the Black Price doing? mine have flowers galore now & at chest height, will i need to manually pollinate them though? no insects/bees etc in winter & especially inside my tent.


These St. Helena's are different from the ones found on the internet. Hence why I'm thinking of renaming them to the St. Helena George pepper. 'George' being the last name of the woman who sent them to me.

My Black Princes are just under a metre high and starting to flower. I have no idea if you will have to manually pollinate them. See how it goes. We don't have the climate to grow them in winter here. :)
First powder of the year!! I made it with mostly Florida Wild, Piri piri, and Wild Brazil's. It has a wonderful taste with the wild Brazil really shining through. The heat level isn't over the top, it is pleasant.

I plan on trying to trade my powder for some Biker Billy Jalapeno seeds. Burpee won't send to Canada. :confused:

Welp, my St. Helena George pepper is finally starting to ripen. I have no idea what the heat is like and I'm very excited about it all! The history behind the seeds is the main reason why I can't wait for this one to show it's final colour. And the last pic is my (and my wife's) small tomato patch. Several types of cherry tomatoes (Elfin, Blond Kopfchen, Black Cherry) and of course the Black Prince.


Im interested to see the Helena as well, very curious.

I recognize them leaves for sure Conor, fruit are almost the same size as the leaves & i was thinking they was a smaller fruit than that,

Little update. This morning I spent an hour picking peppers, then another good chunk of time chopping them for the dehydrator. Filled up the Nesco and got her running. I was just cutting the grass out back this evening and decided to see if I could get a few peppers to snack whilst I worked. I ended up with a few more than I could eat. Here's the ones I didn't manage to finish... lots of Wild Brazil's ripened today along with a few more St. Helena George peppers and some delicious red piri-piris.

Looks great, Conor. Do you cut up the small peppers for
drying, too, or just the larger ones? How small do they
need to be not to be cut up?
Paul, thanks. Again, that is just what ripened between 8am and 6pm today. The others are in the dehydrator... 4 racks going for probably another 24 hours. I cut up every pepper... the smaller Wild Brazils are a pain but I split them in half and the Florida Wilds, I just chop as best I can and throw them in. I usually have between 100-300 Florida Wilds. They take up a whole rack. Amazing plant but I'm getting damn sick of picking the buggers!