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"Sawdust" on some plants

Whatever they (it?) is they are back. But there is no damage to any plants at all; actually the plants look healthier than ever. I'm wondering if it might be microscopic flakes from the lights?

I would still lean towards mealy bugs, but you say they aren't bugs, and I know you're no slouch at plant care, Mike. So, I guess we're back to ghost poop.

Another plant has it real bad, but I know what the white stuff on it is!!!

A Hungarian Wax burst into bloom and spilled its pollen. I don't know how, the plant is less than three inches tall, but it sure has a bloom. And a Filus Blue looks like it has two buds, though I can't tell for sure.

I have to agree with LD on this one...simply because of the "legs" and body shapes..
You guys realize that the pictures a couple of posts up belong to ABurningMouth, not Wordwiz, right?
Pam said:
You guys realize that the pictures a couple of posts up are belong to ABurningMouth, not Wordwiz, right?

oops...thanks Pam for straightening me out...

Here is the Hot Wax spewing forth its pollen. One photo is lighter than the other because my monitor is calibrated for my newspaper's images and it seems things always look darker to me than others see them.


Pam said:
You guys realize that the pictures a couple of posts up are belong to ABurningMouth, not Wordwiz, right?

Riiiiggggghhhhttt I knew that :oops: but in a pic post that WW posted http://www.valleycat.net/plant.jpg lookes like exoskeletons and the new pic are youngins I also see on the lower right leaf evidence of legs as well however that pic is notta so good I still suspect to aforementioned my .02
it's hard to see but it looks like in the background the new growth at the stem of the plant is all damaged. i still say aphids. look at the pictures i posted at the bottom of page one of this thread, there were live aphids, so even if the 'sawdust' was pollen that doesn't change the fact that you still did have aphids.
That's a bloom directly above the stuff. I brought the plant down here and tried serveral different shots. Maybe this one will show more.

are the undersides of your leaves like this?

if so then it is a simple diagnosis Mike...here is early aphid damage on the underside of a leaf...it may take a magnifying glass to see it but...text on picture...

here's your best friend....no words needed

Aj said>Here's your best friend.
ok that's why it took so long to load this time.
Anyway. Is this pollen on my filius? It's hard to get my macro shots the way I want. (I have to read the tutorial still).
It looks like raised crystals of sap when I look at it real close.
I don't know what as filius is....hope its not catching...

thanks, that is their home...