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Scored myself a garden today!!!

I am really happy, because today I found a garden where I can finally grow as much chili, tomatoe etc. plants as I want to and also relax and enjoy the - hopefully nice - weather from next season on!

It looks a bit like a jungle atm, because nobody has moved a finger there this year, but that made it affordable. I have to pay 400 bucks for that jewel. It is exactly what I was looking for: close to home, lotsa space, a solid building with all furniture and a kitchen incl. a fridge and a heater and it even comes with all the necessary equipment like a lawnmower, chainsaw and all the stuff you need in a garden.

Here are some pics:


The left side, mainly lawn and a cherry plus an apple tree. I'll remove most of the lawn to be able to grow more peppers, tomatoes, eggplants etc... I'll probably place most peppers on the lawn in buckets, but I wanna experiment with growing some in the soil.


Here you can see the house in the background. It is well hidden behind two lines of trees, so I can enjoy some privacy.


The right side. All growing space plus a plum tree!

Boy, I wish it was 2009 already!!!! :)
very fortunate for you Chiliac...wonderful news...
Chiliac said:
Thanks and yep!
Holy unwashed underwear, Batman! Where can you get all that land and a place for $400?!?!?!? I want to go there! It is month to month, yearly, or just forever that you own that?!?!
Forever, but I have to pay a fee of 160 each year. The guy was glad to get rid of it, hard to believe, but true. And it's in Germany, of course. Feel free to come over. I looked at about a dozen garden to be had y'day, some were even free as long as someone took it, but they weren't exactly in good shape.

Can you tell what makes me so happy about it, Robin?

Thanks, AJ - I'll never be able to compete with you though I guess even with all that space! :)
Chiliac said:
Forever, but I have to pay a fee of 160 each year. The guy was glad to get rid of it, hard to believe, but true. And it's in Germany, of course. Feel free to come over. I looked at about a dozen garden to be had y'day, some were even free as long as someone took it, but they weren't exactly in good shape.
I'll be passing through that area next year sometime. Look for a posting on that sometime early next year and we'll hook up with info and such. My families from Passow, Germany btw...ever been there?

Chiliac said:
Can you tell what makes me so happy about it, Robin?
The fact that these underpants are unwashed tells me alot, Batman... I noticed you ate alot of corn recently....

Now, can you live there or only garden?
Chiliac said:
Forever, but I have to pay a fee of 160 each year. The guy was glad to get rid of it, hard to believe, but true. And it's in Germany, of course. Feel free to come over. I looked at about a dozen garden to be had y'day, some were even free as long as someone took it, but they weren't exactly in good shape.

Can you tell what makes me so happy about it, Robin?

Thanks, AJ - I'll never be able to compete with you though I guess even with all that space! :)

DAMN!!! I want to buy a house for $400 too!!!!
Chiliac said:
Thanks, AJ - I'll never be able to compete with you though I guess even with all that space! :)

no competition my friend...we each just do our thing and you grow some fine plants...
Chiliac that is fantastic news my friend...Judging by the pictures, with a little work, you'll have an awesome garden next year.
Well, it's illegal to live in there although a lot of people are doing it. But it's soooo cool anyway, I'll probably spend some summer nights in there, but I need my daily HotPepper fix, that'll drag me back to my flat! :) As long as you don't try to make this your official address, you can spend as much time there as you want!

IGG: be sure to keep me posted about your plants, I have never been to Passow (I guess you mean Passau in the very south of Germany), but it'd be great to meet you then!!! I've been to Cleveland twice, but that was in '99...

AJ: I was just kidding, this forum wouldn't be as much fun if it was about competition!

Pepperfreak: Thanks, man! I appreciate it!
Chiliac said:
IGG: be sure to keep me posted about your plants, I have never been to Passow (I guess you mean Passau in the very south of Germany), but it'd be great to meet you then!!! I've been to Cleveland twice, but that was in '99...
Nope, Passow is up in the north east part of Germany....very small town. Originally we assumed it was Passau as well until we did more research and found it was actually Passow.
Haha, I didn't say you'd have to go all that way, we could meet somewhere inbtw. You'll probably be flyin' in to Berlin, so that'd be a start! If you don't wanna meet me, just say so! :)
Congrats Chiliac, that's an awesome place for a garden...would be even better if you could live there all the time but it's all good. Enjoy!
