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Scorpion Chilli

well I had the 'Fiery Temper' on lamb chops last night, very hot, great natural pod flavour, could really taste the Bhut. Had a nice delay going....then whap!...scorched tongue lol. Would need to try it on something with more filling like a burger to get into that flavour. I'm really looking forward to my next meal with this.

The boy tried the 'Sweet Chilli' (I bought it for him) He really enjoyed it, said it was sweet & tomatoey (theres a word) a little heat...then he dabbed about a teaspoon full onto one bite & went for the milk.....then went back for more Sweet chilli :P

Because I was working late about 1 am I fried up a quick steak and went for the 'Habanero Concentrate' Oh this stuff is gold. All the aroma, taste & sniffles of fresh Habs.

Great work Scorpion. The texture is excellent, aroma & flavour too. The next best thing to fresh pods.
Will get into 'Wrath of God' soon, maybe tonight.
sweet, next up (and gonna do soon as, mabee today ) 'Habanero Concentrate' Whoooo Hoooooo..... Looks excellent, love the colour

Hab concentrate, hab concentrate hahahaha todays chant..
yeah last night I cracked the "Wrath" smell & color very similar to 'Fiery Temper' a lot thicker though on the consistency side. I got out my crackers, hot polish salami & feta cheese and used a knife to scrape some bits out. I couldn't discern a lot of difference between wrath & FT, it may be because my tolerance is down due to currently available winter pods. To clarify...it's all really f*n hot:mouthonfire:
the delay is longer with wrath & the burn extended. Still with that magic Bhut flavor. Scorp really has that fresh pod taste down cold in all his sauces & overall wrath seems like a better quality product than FT if you can get around the pourablity.

my $0.02. - well worth throwing a few dollars at, I'll be doing it again. Not for the mild at heart.
theHippySeedCo said:
sweet, next up (and gonna do soon as, mabee today ) 'Habanero Concentrate' Whoooo Hoooooo..... Looks excellent, love the colour

Hab concentrate, hab concentrate hahahaha todays chant..

Its Bloody fantastic Niel like eating a bag of fresh Peach habs :)
Looking forward to getting my pack of bottles after reading this!!! I ordered them all but the Hab extract, can#t wait to check them out!
Chiliac said:
Looking forward to getting my pack of bottles after reading this!!! I ordered them all but the Hab extract, can#t wait to check them out!

some ozzie advice: "Put the dunny paper in the freezer now: :lol:
Cheers for the feedback Bent i'm glad you liked the sauces! I really try for an all natural flavor and i'm really glad you picked up on that. I hope you enjoy the rest. Its funny my partner here is eating a vegie stir fry with a mix of 100% Pain, hippys Jungle Juice and My hab concentrate ....and yes she is struggling! lol! Oh yes and dont let me forget (as she hits me) cut birds eyes lol (sorry love).

Chiliac your sauce shouldnt be far away...Do enjoy!