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Scorpion plant buds opening then dropping off.....

Everyone of my buds are opening into a flower and then turning yellowish and falling off. Anyone have any ideas at all? Not enough warer maybe?
Maybe a lack of pollination?
Are you growing indoors or outdoors?

Try to shake the plants a little once buds open.

If they are the first buds on your plants, don't worry. For a reason that escapes me, some plants are dropping their first flowers.
Maybe too much water, or temp. problems. A lot of us get blossom drop but still get a decent harvest it's often that the conditions arn't 100%.

As Willard has often said:

Probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low
Chiliac this is my first flowers indeed and hopefully thats all it is but it worries me. I have had about 10 fall so far but have 20 more probably and 20+ little pods about to bloom so maybe Im worrying over nothing?

Rainbow I was thinking not enough water because the soil is always dry an inch in and when I water non ever drains off but I am very new to this. Let me answer as well as I can.

1. Thats a given here during the summer, everyday all day long well into the 100s. It has cooled off into the low 90s now though.

2. No problem with that one its usually in the upper 70s at night.

3. Only thing I have used is Miracle Gro Vegetable plant food thats in the pellet form. Its had two small doses of that in 2 months so I dont know??

4. Dont know about this one could be. I normally water once a day in the afternoon and as stated above the soil is always dry and none ever drains off.

5. I dont think its this, the plant seems to be getting a good 6-8 hours of direct sunlight, I actually thought it was getting too much but I dont know.

6. This one will never be a problem here. Even though its gotten cooler and eased off its always hot and humid in the summer here. 100F and up and 65% humidity and up, its only 63% now.

7. This one might be an issue as I have it on my back deck at my apartment. Kind of inclosd but still open.

8. Not sure here about this.

9. Its either a 3 or 5 gallon pot. Heres a pic of it about a 2 weeks ago to show pot size. Im going to get a pic this afternoon to show growth to see if it shows anything.


10. Dont know but I doubt it since my other plant which is a Gypsy Pepper plant is doing great and being watered and fertilized the same exact way.

Thanks for trying to help everyone.
The plants looks good, but it seems to need a litttle shade. Anyway, try to pollinate the flowers yourself and try to remember the pods you pollinated (or mark them) and see if the flowers pollinated grow pods.

I had lots of plants dropping the first 5 or 10 or even 20 pods.
Chiliac said:
The plants looks good, but it seems to need a litttle shade. Anyway, try to pollinate the flowers yourself and try to remember the pods you pollinated (or mark them) and see if the flowers pollinated grow pods.

I had lots of plants dropping the first 5 or 10 or even 20 pods.

Yeah mine has dropped alot and it alarmed me but after doing some reading I found that it is common with the type of weather we have had lately.

I am going to try to pollinate a few this afternoon myself and see if it works. Are Scorpions self pollinating or cross?

Also that was a couple of weeks ago Ill get another pic this afternoon, its alot more bushy and healthy looking.
Are you fertilizing at each watering? and have you used Epsome salt at all?

No I havent used any epsom salt and I only have fertilized twice now. I thought it would be too much since it says it works for a couple of months, the pellets anyway.

Do you spray espom salt mixed water on the blooms/leaves or water the soil with it or both??
Hey necro,,actually you`ll do both.1 works for the roots and the spray for the leaves.I`ve been doing both and have had good luck.My habs and scorps both did the dropping at 1st but got over it.It was like the plant was getting rid of weak parts.You`ll be fine and I agree with your thought that it`s weather related.Have a good one.
hixs said:
Hey necro,,actually you`ll do both.1 works for the roots and the spray for the leaves.I`ve been doing both and have had good luck.My habs and scorps both did the dropping at 1st but got over it.It was like the plant was getting rid of weak parts.You`ll be fine and I agree with your thought that it`s weather related.Have a good one.

Thanks man, Im doing my best to make sure I do your plant right. Makes me feel alot better knowing yours did it too. I guess Im just a week or so behind you. Im going to stop by the store and by some epsom salt.
Hey yours are fuller than mine,,,mine are leggy as hell but i`ll get a photo on before I leave town monday.Mine shed all there big leaves and went with smaller ones.I`m pulling weak ones off my plants all the time.When I show mine you`ll be amazed by mine are tall and thin not loaded with leaves.Pics to follow and I think you`ll be fine.Have a good one and buy malox.
I haven't had good fruit set for about 6 weeks now Necro...my guess is that it has been because of the heat wave we just went through...once night time lows reach 80F (or there abouts) fruit set diminishes greatly...it has been cool here in north Texas for the past week and we finally have had some rain (about 4" in the past 5 days) with night time lows around 70F...guess what...I inspected my plants yesterday and have bunches of new fruit...the petals have dropped off the flowers and tiny fruit is forming...

my guess is the night time temps are/were causing poor fruit set and blossom drop...
Necrocannibal said:
Everyone of my buds are opening into a flower and then turning yellowish and falling off. Anyone have any ideas at all? Not enough warer maybe?

How long do they stay open? Are they outside under the sun or inside under lights?

Also, look at one and see if the Flower Pistil (stigma, the long white thing in the center) is level with the Anthers (Things filled with pollen).

Ideally the Stigma should be sticking out past the Anthers, or at least level with it... However I had blossom drop and my Stigmas were recessed inside the flower and not visible.

And other times It would either be recessed, level or extended but the Anthers had little or no pollen in them.

An under developed flower like that will not set fruit even if you try and polinate it.

I Corrected my problem two ways, since I grow under lights I decided to put them outside in the sun, this worked great and I also gave them some Bloom Booster Fert with Micro Nutrients.

The stuff I got was 15-30-15 (N-P-K).

Also, do NOT let the plant even get close to wilting when it's flowering, another cause for flower drop is Transpiration (Plant Sweating, water evaporation).

I hear (When blooming) it's best to water deep infrequently as opposed to shallow and frequently even more so if you water with Tap Water. Another thing I hear is an Epsom Salt (1 Tblspoon per gallon) spray on the leaves and blossoms helps set fruit, I have done it and it didnt do any harm thats for sure!