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review Scorpions Blood Review

Hey guys i have had the pleasure of trying some of scorpions sauces in the past, from the fire inducing Wrath of God to the delicious fruitiness of Fiery Temper all the way down to his mild Sweet Chilli sauce.

When he announced that he was producing a very limited batch of a sauce that i had never heard of before *Scorpions Blood* i jumped at the chance to try it, i just *HAD* to obtain some!

In this sauce he manages to cram in 17 different varieties of peppers and still had time to get a cool label made:P

After a spoon full of the Blood the heat is immediatly detectable at the back of the tounge and you get a wonderful almost tangy flavour hit, the taste of Garlic is just noticeable and i detected a very "clean" taste of Fatalii with nice fresh undertones.

The heat then travels into your body and then into your face, finally settling on your lips. It doesn't seem to burn the throat much, just warms the tounge nicely and places a very nice burn to the lips.

Perspiration is apparant as well as a runny nose after 3-4 minutes and after around 8 minutes the heat had started to subside. I kind of expected a little more scorching heat however the level of heat compliments the flavours and is well balanced.

It's a shame that it is a limited batch as i think many people would enjoy this sauce.

Ingrediants: Chilli, Chilli, Lots of Chilli, Lime Juice, Olive Oil, Coriander, Garlic, Vinegar, Saffron, Salt.

Heat- 7/10
Flavour- 8/10
Consistency- 7.5/10
Moreishness- 8.5/10

All said and done it really is a nice sauce. It made my poorly cooked silverside magically edible!!

Cheers Scorps:)
Cheers for the review mate.....Im still laughing from your photo shots....excellent work mate....Just so you know i have tweaked the blood a little, adding a few more bhuts and a couple of habs, plus some more corriander...let me know what you rekon if you win the auction! Still laughing...excellent pics man! Memories oh memories!
Glad you like Dave. As if i won't win the auction, it's in the bag. Only 9 days to go now!
imaguitargod said:
OHHH!!! YOu are doing the tie down meathod! I did that one year and it worked wonders!!

Yes Iggy, i did this method two years running around four years ago, one of my plants produced 3.3lbs of dried head!!!
Mr Nova I believe im going to make you a very special sauce one day.....he he he....Evil contemplative laugh!!!
Nova, Im not sure how different the recipe I got in my bottle differs from yours, if at all, but I would say the same things you did. A very nice sauce, I think it complements everything I have tried it with, the only thing it didnt go with was oily food. At the time it was great, but the next day things ended badly for the septic plumbing.

Scorpion, is that going to be a very special release sauce? "Hippy scorpion blood", perhaps?
Thanks for that Mcgoo, it's great to hear that i am not full of contripe! I mean that serious too, that was my first review:)
I just re-read your review, I missed it the first time round, what exactly is 'moreishness'? Doesn't involve morish nuts, does it?
I saw on chillifreaks that they have, under the 'review this product' section, two seperate questions:
1) How hot would you rate this product?
2) How hot would your friends rate this product?
I was intriuged that this was the first time I had seen someone make the distinction, as I think it is a very valid point.

Anyway, in regards to Scorpion Blood, I would say:
1) 7/10
2) 9.7/10

So far a 10 for me is megadeath sauce.
Oh dear lord an extract fan! Nothing wrong with that just it causes me to keel over in pain and want my mumma, extracts just obliterate my gut.

You already know how hot i rate this sauce and my mother has tried a pin head too, also a co-worker.

The co-worker took it without flinching (i do feed him peppers every day though) as where my mother was like "Sweet jesus someone has just dropped a bomb in my mouth and refuses to extract it". I tried to get an average mark on the overall heat.