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review Scorpions Blood Review

Novacastrian said:
Oh dear lord an extract fan!

Hey now, them's fighting words where I come from. Naw, I rate megadeath as the hottest thing I have ever tasted, not the tastiest. I use it as a novelty sauce on unsuspecting friends, not something I would seriously cook with.
imaguitargod said:
That generally means you are allergic to keytones.

My understanding was that everyone is allergic (meaning they become toxic at high concentrations) to ketones in high enough doses, its just that most people can get rid of them naturally.
Novacastrian said:
Hey guys i have had the pleasure of trying some of scorpions sauces in the past, from the fire inducing Wrath of God to the delicious fruitiness of Fiery Temper all the way down to his mild Sweet Chilli sauce.

When he announced that he was producing a very limited batch of a sauce that i had never heard of before *Scorpions Blood* i jumped at the chance to try it, i just *HAD* to obtain some!

In this sauce he manages to cram in 17 different varieties of peppers and still had time to get a cool label made:P

After a spoon full of the Blood the heat is immediatly detectable at the back of the tounge and you get a wonderful almost tangy flavour hit, the taste of Garlic is just noticeable and i detected a very "clean" taste of Fatalii with nice fresh undertones.

The heat then travels into your body and then into your face, finally settling on your lips. It doesn't seem to burn the throat much, just warms the tounge nicely and places a very nice burn to the lips.

Perspiration is apparant as well as a runny nose after 3-4 minutes and after around 8 minutes the heat had started to subside. I kind of expected a little more scorching heat however the level of heat compliments the flavours and is well balanced.

It's a shame that it is a limited batch as i think many people would enjoy this sauce.

Ingrediants: Chilli, Chilli, Lots of Chilli, Lime Juice, Olive Oil, Coriander, Garlic, Vinegar, Saffron, Salt.

Heat- 7/10
Flavour- 8/10
Consistency- 7.5/10
Moreishness- 8.5/10

All said and done it really is a nice sauce. It made my poorly cooked silverside magically edible!!

Cheers Scorps:)
I love your composition and photography on this photo mate.
Thanks Derek and Extreme, that is in fact a Pineapple plant. "Paradise Pineapple" IIRC. I picked it a bit late though and it was a tad sour.
Ive had my bottle of Scorp Blood for a few weeks now. It's an evil little sauce. I start out with a mild amount on my food and find myself adding more and more till i realise im in serious pain but just want more.
The flavour and burn are so clean.
Nice work Dave.
melv1n said:
Ive had my bottle of Scorp Blood for a few weeks now. It's an evil little sauce. I start out with a mild amount on my food and find myself adding more and more till i realise im in serious pain but just want more.
The flavour and burn are so clean.
Nice work Dave.

Cheers mate, glad you enjoyed it!! I've cranked it up a notch or two since I took on a few peeps advice! More Habs, more bhuts in the mix! Also double the corriander. I wanted to extend the burn to compliment the up front explosion and also give it more flavour!
Honestly i thought the heat level was really great. I really enjoyed the main heat basis not being a bhut burn.
Good to hear ya still refining it though.
melv1n said:
Honestly i thought the heat level was really great. I really enjoyed the main heat basis not being a bhut burn.
Good to hear ya still refining it though.

Yeah cheers mate,

The basis is yeah, certainly not meant to be about a chronic bhut style burn but to be a layered nice burn, attepting to hit all levels of the burn palate. Hopefully i've nailed it! Let me know when youd like another one...
Dave, I'll write more up later, but the general reaction to the Scorpion Blood on the weekend was 'fark', 'holy shizer', 'ooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww', or 'thats awesome!' Those who liked chilli loved it, all thought it was very yummy.