• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Scotch Bonnet & Baccatum Grow- Back IN The Saddle

So after getting off to a good start I slamed into a brick wall concerning germinating seeds it did not matter what I did.
I realized that I needed to do some serious thinking & my green thumb instincts was telling me this is what I needed to do.
So I know it is not much to look at but the plan now is to grow for this pepper Jelly recipe I came up with last year but only had enough for one test batch everyone loved it even a friend who never had any & thought she would not like it.
The ox heart tomatoes that will be grown at moms will be sold at the farmers market as well as some of my pepper Jelly
I have sowed Bronze Fennel as well & have Brazilian Starfish pods placed for possible volunteers they will have to be relocated but that's no biggie an my other herbs /flowers will probably self seed
Revised 2016 Grow List

Red MOA SB Sowed January 4th 9 Seedlings
Arkansas Peach Reaper 2 seedlings
Ancient Sweet -not yet sown
AJI Penec -not yet sown
Over Winters
Yellow Moa SB
Red Moa Mutant Hot Pink with pimples & Apple Pheno
Sowed Feb 15th
Aji Penec - Pepperlover
Ancient Sweet Buckeye Pepper
Bahmas Red SB- Trident
Allen Boatman SB Yellow -Trident
Aji Cereza - Pepperlover
Brazilian Starfish - Pepperlover
MA Peach SB -Trident
Bahamian Goat X Butch T Yellow D3 Cross

Red Moa Scotch Bonnets in the darker green # 8 & Peach Arkansas Reaper # 2 the little seedling in the brown container is a papa dreadie select & the one in the orange container is a Trinidad SB X Trinidad 7 pot that is if they didn't get mixed up

Bahamas Red SB-6

MA Peach SB-2
In the orange container I believe is a T7 X T SB & the one in the brown container P Dreadie  Select

Bronze Smokey Fennel & ether P Dreadie Select or T7 X T SB in my opinion its P Dreadie based on its growth habit .
I have 3 Brazilian Starfish as well & pods placed last fall for possible volunteers .
I have a pack of Jamaican Red SB & a Pack of Tangerine Sweet plus some other seeds around .
told mom I have a few aji mangos seeds etc but don't want to get out of control things are in balance now then see goes & says you can always put some out at my place :rofl: 
I still have not started my tomatoes but found out that my tomato seed source is also a chilihead & has 30 plants going .
That's far from an addiction...you got a mild case of chili-wannabe. :rofl: Double...triple...quadruple those numbers :woohoo: !!!
All joking aside...best of luck this season!
Jason I had a "Allen Boatman" SB in a sponge grow into a seedling then potted on ... surprisingly another seed germinated and is growing under the leaves of the other. They say patience is a virtue ... just goes to show germination can take a while especially if the conditions are not spot on ... glad you got one ... one of the first true form bonnets in shape
Everything looking good, Jason!  Your starts look great - nice and healthy.
The OW plants look great, as well.  A little summer sun, and they will be monsters.
Just found your glog.  Will be following.  What's the lowdown on the MA SB Peach?  I read it as MoA SB Peach when I planted the seeds you sent, but now I don't know. 
The MA stands for Matthew Arthur it's another one of his creations.
I didn't think that I sent any seeds of those might of been moa SB yellow or just missed label than again maybe I did.
I am sorry John for the confusion but I can't remember.
Maybe John ( Trindent ) sent you some he who sent me some seed.
My two MA Peach SB culled themselves so there no longer among us.
The Allen Boatmans are going strong as everything else.
I picked up some grow trays for my tomatoes still haven't sowed them yet
Sowed my last flat for the 2016 season
Schneider Scotch Bonnet-Sawyer
Elysium Oxide Scotch Bonnet-Sawyer
Aji Mango- Trident Sawyer
El Oro DE Ecuador- Trident
Ancient Sweet-Buckeye Pepper Company
Tangerine Dream - Burpee via local store
Carbonero X Yellow Butch T D3
Looking in the totally tomatoes catalogue.
I think that I am going to order lemon Drop the pepper & lemon Drop the cherry tomato as they both can be in containers
The plan is to use them for making a pepper jelly that will be named after the peppers & tomatoes it will be named after
I am also still even after deciding on not ordering do to space the golden ghost hybrid it says it's capsicum annuum but I don't think that's right .
Curiosity has about got me but trying to hold out lol
PaulG said:
Everything looking good, Jason!  Your starts look great - nice and healthy.
The OW plants look great, as well.  A little summer sun, and they will be monsters.
Thanks paul hope all is well this season with your grow.
I need to catch up to people glogs
D3monic said:
If your mom liked aji starfish I highly recommend bolsa de dulce, was one of my favorite non hot peppers last year. Will probably be in my grow every year.
She loved them I will have to check out the bolsa de dulce