• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Scotch Bonnet & Baccatum Grow- Back IN The Saddle

So after getting off to a good start I slamed into a brick wall concerning germinating seeds it did not matter what I did.
I realized that I needed to do some serious thinking & my green thumb instincts was telling me this is what I needed to do.
So I know it is not much to look at but the plan now is to grow for this pepper Jelly recipe I came up with last year but only had enough for one test batch everyone loved it even a friend who never had any & thought she would not like it.
The ox heart tomatoes that will be grown at moms will be sold at the farmers market as well as some of my pepper Jelly
I have sowed Bronze Fennel as well & have Brazilian Starfish pods placed for possible volunteers they will have to be relocated but that's no biggie an my other herbs /flowers will probably self seed
Revised 2016 Grow List

Red MOA SB Sowed January 4th 9 Seedlings
Arkansas Peach Reaper 2 seedlings
Ancient Sweet -not yet sown
AJI Penec -not yet sown
Over Winters
Yellow Moa SB
Red Moa Mutant Hot Pink with pimples & Apple Pheno
I ordered these today form Totally Tomatoes .
Lemon Drop the pepper
Lemon Drop the cherry/grape tomato
Abracazebra Tomato a green cherry tomato not to be confused with green grape.
Golden Ghost Hybrid it says it is a Capsicum Annuum but papa joe had there habaneros & red ghost incorrectly labeled last year.
I think based on there pics of the golden ghost hybrid & orange fatalli  it is a cross between a Yellow Bhut Jolokia & the orange fatalli .
It is only a theory so I am probably wrong ;) 

There not much to report I have everything out in the garden spot now.
I am only waiting for my ccn order.
Abracazebra was destroyed by ether a tomato worm or some other critter just as bad.
The red moa bonnets after countless aphid attacks are really just twigs an I am considering just culling them as they are stunted etc
The weather has finally stablised as well so other plants should take off now
It's been a rough start but in time I am confident everything will work
itself out.
Next year I plan to sow seed on February 18th & order a few plants on April 23.
This should reduce aphid infestations .
My over winter Aji Penec is doing well as are my other plants
Jason really sorry to here about your continued attacks by aphids and your Red MoA reduced to a twig. I am sure I read that Joyner uses a spray twice a season and that does the job ... now being outside should help as the good insects can go about their work of killing aphids. Hopefully your other plants will do well ... you were kind enough to source the Red MoA so I will send you back some seed later in the year
Trident chilli said:
Jason really sorry to here about your continued attacks by aphids and your Red MoA reduced to a twig. I am sure I read that Joyner uses a spray twice a season and that does the job ... now being outside should help as the good insects can go about their work of killing aphids. Hopefully your other plants will do well ... you were kind enough to source the Red MoA so I will send you back some seed later in the year
Thanks John there still not amounting to much .
I am going to pull them there is one in a pot that may do something.
I look forward to your info on the varieties your growing this year .
I orderd Senegal form cross country nursery an got them Friday.
I will put the most likely in containers.

Sengal X Jamaican Red Habanero
The flavor of the first piece was slightly sweet ,fruity with some floral & grassy.
The second was much the same but didn't taste the floral an it still had that grassy/ sourness to it but it all was in a good way
It had a pleasant burn to it started on the tongue then spread out all over the mouth at lest for me .
The last piece lighted me up something good saving seeds for next year
Devv said:
Nice pull!
Good to see you're pulling them in ;)
Thanks Scott it's been a so so year an after the rains I have been fighting the tomato horn worms & tomato fruit worms
I have jumping spiders an some lady bugs to help out plus I added a young praying mantis today.
This is supposed to be ancient sweet but it's more chocolate in color than red
The poor plant has about had it cause of pest but hay every pod a victory
Plantguy76 said:
Thanks Scott it's been a so so year an after the rains I have been fighting the tomato horn worms & tomato fruit worms
I have jumping spiders an some lady bugs to help out plus I added a young praying mantis today.
 It certainly has been a different year here too. Nice to have the rains, which are sometimes rare here, but with that come other challenges. Feast or famine is what we get here. They last few rains have us seeing a trillion horse flies, a first in almost 28 years here. They sound like bee swarms, and they're hungry! We can't even go for a walk here lately.
Good luck!
Glob Basil
Mystery Tomato cross that came up in moms compost pile
I plan to save seeds form these an grow out till it's stable
My working theory is that it's a cross of a Cherokee purple an black cherry
It could be a cross form some green zebras I had last year if that is true probably crossed with a Mr stripy
It flavor is sweet .
Devv said:
 It certainly has been a different year here too. Nice to have the rains, which are sometimes rare here, but with that come other challenges. Feast or famine is what we get here. They last few rains have us seeing a trillion horse flies, a first in almost 28 years here. They sound like bee swarms, and they're hungry! We can't even go for a walk here lately.
Good luck!
Thanks Scott how has things been making it there?
Good luck with those horse flus hopefully some spiders will make a meal of them .
I feel sorry for the poor farm animals
I am planing on trying to scale back some next season it has been a so so year the worst I have to be honest but I have gotten pods an every pod is a victory!
Here the list so far some maybe added or taken off as time goes on
Buckeye Peppers Farmer's Market Scotch bonnet-Yellow
Trinidad Red Scotch Bonnet
Scotch Bonnet x Naga Morich F2
Big Sun Habanero
Jays peach Ghost Scorpion
Well did some much needed weedeating in the garden spot today.
I also pulled my 2 curtis cheeks tomato plants.
I only got 1% with tomtoes this year total bust really.
Thanks to the tomato worms an just not a good year the curtis cheeks would of done well if not for the temps but was starting to cool down an was starting to set fruit.
I also pulled the 2 Arkansas Peach plants I had as they was just not doing anything but taking up space as well as ancient sweet as pest done it in as well an a baccatum I can't remember the name of.
I am trying to decided if the runt of a lemon drop should be saved for next season .
Pepper production this season with lossed plants etc has been around 50 to 40% thanks in part to aji penec aji mango , aji cereza, & Brazillian Starfish an the Bonnero's a cross that was supposed to be sengal but was cross I believe with Jamaican Red Habanero .
They have been fairly productive & have a nice flavor.
At first I was bummed but have since grown to really like these plants an there phenos
I just keep telling myself every pod is a victory an I will do better next year with both peppers & tomatoes
The flowers this year though did really well so there is that at lest .
I am going to be taking seed again form the Bonnero's form some of the phenos that are closer to a bonnet.
One is pretty flat an ribbed .