• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Scotch Bonnet & Baccatum Grow- Back IN The Saddle

So after getting off to a good start I slamed into a brick wall concerning germinating seeds it did not matter what I did.
I realized that I needed to do some serious thinking & my green thumb instincts was telling me this is what I needed to do.
So I know it is not much to look at but the plan now is to grow for this pepper Jelly recipe I came up with last year but only had enough for one test batch everyone loved it even a friend who never had any & thought she would not like it.
The ox heart tomatoes that will be grown at moms will be sold at the farmers market as well as some of my pepper Jelly
I have sowed Bronze Fennel as well & have Brazilian Starfish pods placed for possible volunteers they will have to be relocated but that's no biggie an my other herbs /flowers will probably self seed
Revised 2016 Grow List

Red MOA SB Sowed January 4th 9 Seedlings
Arkansas Peach Reaper 2 seedlings
Ancient Sweet -not yet sown
AJI Penec -not yet sown
Over Winters
Yellow Moa SB
Red Moa Mutant Hot Pink with pimples & Apple Pheno
D3monic said:
That's it? Bah, you got plenty more room. I'd double those numbers!  :dance:   :rofl:
D3 I so don't need to be tempted   :lol: 
I have already took one off & put it back on & did have two more supers plus I was trying to figure out how I could fit some more bonnet  varieties :rofl: 
I goofed up on my phone I meant for this to be under glogs   :doh:
I started with one variety and 4 plants last year. Im up to 40 variety and far too many plants. And i really can only see it getting worse in the future.

Honestly even looking at YOUR list makes me want to get more pepper seeds. I am now looking up Aji Brazillian starfish. I just love the Aji Varieties so much its hard not to grow them all
The Aji Brazilian Starfish was my moms favorite this year .
She really can't take the heat but these was very mild & sweet with awesome flavor .
I placed pods of them outside for possible volunteers as well that may or my not be crossed
The Aji Penec seeds most likely will be as aji melocoton was right across form it & a aji starfish was in front both very close
I grew Jalapino's and a LOT of Mexican Chile's over the years.
In my early days.
BUT I got addicted,
MY personal collection is over 5000,varieties,crosses,Land Race and pure seeds from the place from where it came from.
Aji's as others , aren't harder to grow,BUT are a cooler temp. variety to get to set pods.
Plants don't like to bud or set fruit in warm temps.But they row BIG plants when they don't bud out.
In S. Ca. I grow them in early Spring or Fall.They pod up earily then for me.
Other than a couple C.Baccatums,they grow pretty cool,year round.
Want a cross?
Aji Finlandia and Aji Fantacy are great for not being the the stereotype.
Only problems with Bac. I've had is a long time for pods to ripen-as with C. Pubescence.
The cross above is the same with pods all season long for me.
I know about aji fantasy but not Aji Finlandia sounds interesting .
The Brazilian Starfish took awhile to rippen but aji Penec & melocoton was a bit faster
Trident chilli said:
Jason great list but I am sure you have room for a few more ... wishing you all the best for 2016 once this terrible weather we are all getting finally dies away
John you & Michael (D3) are feeding my addiction now when I order those form buckeyes I will be going to John Fords & adding Pimenta Reaper X & Scotch Bonnet X Bell both second generation
I orderd my seeds form buckeyes yesterday & was going to order two varieties form John Ford but he only takes PayPal .
That is ok as it will keep me under control on my grow.
I was looking through my seeds & list it has been nagging on me that I forgot one sure enough I forgot Trinidad Scotch Bonnet Brown form pepperlover
Dude. What colour, El Oro Del Ecuador, are you growing. I'm not 100% but think if it's from Trident, it may be Yellow. There is also equally rare Red and Orange versions.

Great list and the very best of luck.
Heefy the seeds are form trident & yellow .
I not much for orange pods favor the yellow & red pods red being my favorite .
So will have to get ahold of the red version of the El Oro Del Ecuador.
I do like the peach SS