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Scovie's Shenanigans.

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don't worry, shenanigans are brewing. 
calm before the storm~
Went down to the river yesterday for a nice Christmas walk.
Hogleg gonna pull some feesh outta there!
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Came back and decided to put together our favorite dips for Christmas "dinner" LOL
Spinach Dip, Devilled eggs, frozen taquitos, My special Hot-Mix, CJ's salsa and some sort of Philly Cheese-steak inspired Queso dip. I didn't wanna f**k around trying to find another recipe online or look up TBs recipe, although I would have if I could have gone right to it, (you should Pin that shiz somewhere Patron). ANyway, I just flew by the seat of my pants. Sometimes that's funner anyway...
2 slabs of frozen Steak-eez patty meat product, 3 Peños, 1/2 white onion. Cheddar and Pepperjack, and Cream cheese.
3 TBs butter in the pan with minced penos and onion, let get soft, add 1/2 can of Busch Light and 1 cup milk, added 2 TBs (TBs LOL) flour and tossed into the 2-3 cups shredded cheese and slowly added to the milky-butterry veg's. added 1/2 brick of cream cheese and browned Stake-ease. Finnally added some red savina powder and salted with SalsaLady's Peño salt or as I call it MSG. (Makes Shit Good).
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The sun's been nice the last couple days.  Cold, but sunny.  We got the work truck off the hill today, supposed to be snow in the forecast~
Scoville DeVille said:
Hogleg is commin Monday Y'all's.
Dude justs wants me for my Liver and Fava beans with a fine Keyauntie. HAHAHAHAHA,
well.. someone otta kill some fish for ALL OF US to enjoy off MY grill.
Let's go, GEMINI....
wow you have know ider how much those pics tell me fer fichin. Gin clear, no frozen edge, small log jam, a nice riffle with a back eddy cove. water temps prolly colder than cold, they gonna be lathargic, gotta piss em off cause they dont care bout eatin much right now. Gonna throw hardware (mepps, krokodil, spoons, spinners) in brown and dark green.
Oh, and the grub looks yummy too. Is that your Hot Mix or is that Mezzetta?
Did I give you some red jalapeno mix? 
Yep, it's MY Hot-Mix. I was hoping those pics would get your mouth watering. There's lots of fishing tackle here so whatever you need...

No SL! I heve none of your red. But that green is AWESOME!
red's even better....sorry, Scovie...I thought I'd given some to you guys.  Will have to remedy that ASAP!
I took a jar of the green mix up to the jobsite and Hayes started pulling it out witt his fingers and just eating straight out of the jar.  :lol:  That jar was -gone- the next day.  Not sure who absconded with it.  All 3 of the guys are chileheads, it's been fun. I took up about 10 jars of sauces, and what you saw was all that was left.  The rest got eaten and taken home.   
BTW- CJ have you seen this new faucet that Rocketman posted a picture of in the "Picture of the day" thread?
Left tap for white, right tap for red!
wine taps.jpg
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