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searching for seeds

Looking for a reputable company to purchase from already made some purchases from pepper mania and pepper Joe.. i want to get some 7 pods and some scorpions strains.. if any individuals have some stock I'd love to buy. I've got a ton of space this year and I'm going all in.. thanks in advance i need some help getting on the right track and with the knowledge so many share i know ill be growing like a seasoned vet in no time.
A lot of us on here wouldn't mind trading. But if you want awesome sources for seed stock, go to TheHippySeedCompany, or PepperLover. You can't get better quality and service out of both, PERIOD.
Yea i looked at both. pepper lovers site wasn't letting me place orders ill fiddle with it some more and I've looked at hippy as well loved the selection.. I'd Love to acquire some seeds from some members but I've got nothing to share in return. I just feel weird not having anything to offer but i know how karma works so. Thanks for chiming in
i've never tried TheHippySeedCompany, but absolutely agree 100% with HP's comments on PepperLover. great quality and great service.
Thanks everyone That's really classy and generous, Once i can get to a computer I will get back with yall my phone isn't to friendly with this site. but again it means a lot and I look forwar to the day the favor can be returned! I wish I could Live around more people with the mentality toward life and karma as you all do!

Peace, TxSkunk