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Season 2009 JungleRain

a couple more pics....

I received the seeds from someone in a swap, he said it was the "Orange Mushroom" variety....
but obviously not, perhaps its a hybrid, very unusual anyways
Here's a vid of some of the peppers in my back yard,
starting with the C. Pubescens, the weather here has been very hot and dry, the Pubescens took a bit of a knocking from the weather but they are coming back now....

Looks more like a plant nursery than a personal residence, how do you know what each variety is as I don't see any plant markers. We have been in a deep freeze in the US for the last 10 days and it's great to see plants thriving. How many do you got, looks like a lot?
yesterday got to around 44c and it didn't drop below 30c last night :hell:
all the plants have markers as well as being recorded on paper and in the computer,
there are around 560ish little babies and 212 varieties
JungleRain said:
yesterday got to around 44c and it didn't drop below 30c last night

Damn thats hot! I would be lucky if it gets to 30c or over here, no wonder so many kiwis insist on jumping the ditch to go live in aussie haha.

Anyways, cheers for the videos, everything looks awesome, Its always good to see the efforts of those dedicated to turning their yard into a chili farm!
Grant those [lants in the back garden beds are looking very lush. You are going to have fun trying to get between them all to pick pods.
Very nice. When you were showing the front garden and then turned that corner I thought what more?
That is an insane amount of plants JR. I take it they didn't like yesterday's weather. All mine were wilted and looking pretty sad. Your water bill will be huge this summer. Of the 212 varieties, how many are new to you?
Damn JR! JUst Damn. That is sick you sure did get a great start on the 2010 season!
Cannot wait to see and hear about your experience with each variety!
thanks everyone I thought I was only going to grow around 100 this season.
but then hmmm these would be good to grow then another and another and before to long.......
most of the chillis I'm growing I haven't grown before, so its going to be fun trying all the different varieties
Ciao Grant-

Duane just put his grow list together (after some admittedly female nagging). He's just about set, but he's still hoping to get his hands on some Peach Habanero and Yellow Manzano seeds. If you have seeds for that oddball Lanceolatum, that would be a fun little experiment. I've got to get ahold of Lee, too. He's got some really interesting 'off-the-beaten-path' types that would be really fun.

If you've got a trade list up somewhere, let me know. All I saw was your sort of grow log, but I want to be sure you've got plenty. I know how sparse pepper seeds can be.

Have a look at the trade list I posted in the marketplace section. All of those tomatoes I've got in very large supply.

Hey JR i request that you overwinter a small patch to see just how big you can get some of the Chinenses. Hippy has some over-wintered ones that are freakin trees i tell ya!

Absolutely amazing garden mate, kudos!
Well, I guess you have no use for a lawn mower!!! LMAO! Nice gardening, I think I would lose my happy home if I tried to do that many plants. I have enough as it is and will need to find foster homes for alot. I think if I keep 3-4 of each variety I have planted, it will be enough. Cheers mate!
That is an amazing number of plants you've got going and except for a little wilt from the heat they're looking great! I hope you keep us updated as the season goes, I love looking at picnic tables totally covered with pods!