vendor Seed Prices

The big boys like Pepper Joe and Puckerbutt seem to be hovering around $8.00 / pack of 10.  I read a lot of folk say this is a rediculous asking, but I am none too sure.  Unlike other industry, I think super hots are still cottage.  There is still a perso with a knife sorting and cutting, dicing and drying.  All by hand.

Are their prices really that bad when you consider the amount of labor involved in the effort?
CAPCOM said:
I have to admit, I too was picking a nit when I made my hypothetical reply that you are now retorting to. Allow me to explain further what the madness of my method is. first, no seeds would be sold from the subsequent 1st cross. 1 select pod from each plant would be taken and grown in the spot of the parent and the repeat grow would ensue. this process would be repeated and again.
The point I was making is, that although these plants were not being crossed deliberately by hand, they also were not by the terms many choose to use open pollinated, in the sense that open inherently infers random. I guess I would coin the term more accuracy as (open pollination with extreme prejudice). 
And it appeared the definition of op vs. controlled was getting precariously close to contradiction, or a personal preference in terms.
Sigh, well I guess I had not noticed that open pollination (pollinated)  was being used to mean anything other than, open pollinated.
I've tried to find a good definition that would be clear and satisfy you, but I can't. I guess it is kind like what Justice Stewart said "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."
I know what OP means, but I can't give you a definition that will correctly deal with all your "what ifs."
Thank you CAPCOM for the stroll down unrelated lane. I did enjoy it.
Now, I think I'll go back to stressing over the new definition of "literally" which now includes "figuratively." Idiots!
dictionary: pollinated without human agency.
Aka mike was saying wind, bees, bears, goats anything natural not human aided.
2. controlled-pollination: pollinated with human agency
aka opposite of open, aka a human aided method like this article by jukka (fatalii)
2. self-pollination: the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower,another flower on the same plant, or the flower of a plant of the same clone.
this seems to suggest that any transfer from stigma to flower of the same plant whether it was closed or open pollinated (as it's not mentioned?)
Ok so this means if a plant breeds with itself or a clone of itself (NOTE: NOT HIS BROTHERS AND SISTERS).
3. cross-pollination: the transfer of pollen from the flower of one plant to the flower of a plant having a different genetic constitution.
ok so this means a plant breeds with another plant that is not a clone aka have same genetics.
4. isolated: an inbreeding population that is isolated from similar populations by physiological, behavioral, or geographic barriers.
this seems pretty self explanatory...
lets throw these 2 terms out first.
Peppers can be either cross or self pollinated (from themselves / clones, or from others with different genes).
All peppers, in almost any situation (unless you only have clones).
that's right, isolated peppers can cross pollinate.
now lets make a constant: all plants grown come from a seed packet from a responsible isolated grower xxx
1. did all the seeds come from the same pod? or are they stored all together then separated later into packets? This is up to the seller and has nothing to actually do with the pollination of the plant but can affect our outcome..
2. are mutations possible? yes..
Example1:: Peppers grown in green house, nothing is done to help them pollinated.
these are open pollinated, humans didn't help them.
these are isolated as all plants are from same variety and cross pollination from outside  is  prevented.
Example2:: Peppers grown in green house, grower takes the pollen from other flowers with an elec toothbrush.
these are controlled pollinated, humans helped.
these are still isolated.
Example3:: 2 different Peppers grown in basement. grower does nothing to pollinate.
these are open and or controlled. the grower did not specifically pollinate them but he did provide a barrier from natual forces to pollinate them... he controls the climate in the grow space so?
these are not isolated as they have another variety next to them and forced air / fan can still move the pollen from other variety.
Example4:: Peppers grown in field 2 ft from another field with different peppers. grower does nothing to pollinate.
these are open pollinated
these are not isolated
Example5:: Peppers grown in field 5280 ft from another field with different peppers. grower does nothing to pollinate.
these are open pollinated
these are probably isolated as it would be super unlikely for the pepper pollen to get that far.