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seed-plant-vendors Seed sellers in Europe

Today I got to meet the owner (or who I think is the owner, she might be an employee?) of Badskinā€™s Garden. She was all peppers and I immediately took to her. I was standing there, drooling over pepper seeds like I usually do, trying to strike up conversation. She was more than willing to chat and share information.

Together with a co-owner (?) they were at an event, selling pepper and tomato seeds and they also had some tasty jams, chilli salt and other very hot concoctions to share. šŸ”„

They have a tasting event in August which seems interesting, but is to far away for a one-day drive for me. Maybe some other Belgium forum members live closer by.

Seems like they're legit two pepper aficionados.

Today I got to meet the owner (or who I think is the owner, she might be an employee?) of Badskinā€™s Garden. She was all peppers and I immediately took to her. I was standing there, drooling over pepper seeds like I usually do, trying to strike up conversation. She was more than willing to chat and share information.

Together with a co-owner (?) they were at an event, selling pepper and tomato seeds and they also had some tasty jams, chilli salt and other very hot concoctions to share. šŸ”„

They have a tasting event in August which seems interesting, but is to far away for a one-day drive for me. Maybe some other Belgium forum members live closer by.

Seems like they're legit two pepper aficionados.

wow great selection!
I bought pepper and tomato seeds from Badskins this year - will let you know how they turn out

@Ratatouille What did you buy?
Nothing. I am superwoman!

But coming December, they will be on my list. She had some nice new varieties growing this season of which she would sell the seeds for next season. A few superhots and others.

I bought from badskins too...got exactly 0 germination on all seeds...wont order from then again
That's strange. Did you contact them? They seemed very sincere and passionate.
Nothing. I am superwoman!

But coming December, they will be on my list. She had some nice new varieties growing this season of which she would sell the seeds for next season. A few superhots and others.

That's strange. Did you contact them? They seemed very sincere and passionate.
I didnt, i bought 20 aji mango seeds from them and none of them germinated...im not aiming for 100% but 20 seeds and 0% is ridiculous
I bought from badskins too...got exactly 0 germination on all seeds...wont order from then again
In 2017 and 2018 I got a good germination rate from badskinsgarden.be, I don't remember well, maybe 50-60%.
In 2021 I tried again, I bought 10 different varieties, about 120-130 seeds... a few germinated (I don't remember well, maybe 7 or 8 in total), of which almost all died.
In the end I got a "Aji mango" plant that looks like a hybrid with white fantasy and a "pasilla bajio" plant that looks like a hybrid with some variety of common bell pepper.

It was just my experience.
The low germination rate could be due to shipping conditions. Buying directly at a stand must be better.
But the hybridizations are the responsibility of the producer, although it is also true that it is a risk that we always have when we do not buy isolated seeds.

Good luck to everyone, and whatever happens, the important thing is to learn and enjoy.
In 2017 and 2018 I got a good germination rate from badskinsgarden.be, I don't remember well, maybe 50-60%.
In 2021 I tried again, I bought 10 different varieties, about 120-130 seeds... a few germinated (I don't remember well, maybe 7 or 8 in total), of which almost all died.
In the end I got a "Aji mango" plant that looks like a hybrid with white fantasy and a "pasilla bajio" plant that looks like a hybrid with some variety of common bell pepper.

It was just my experience.
The low germination rate could be due to shipping conditions. Buying directly at a stand must be better.
But the hybridizations are the responsibility of the producer, although it is also true that it is a risk that we always have when we do not buy isolated seeds.

Good luck to everyone, and whatever happens, the important thing is to learn and enjoy.

Shipping conditions should have no or only minimal effect on seeds viability (except if they are crushed/craked during transit). Like many here I have ordered seeds from all around the world without much to complain about. Fresh and well stored seeds will most likely have high germination rate. Poor germination rate on many varieties coming from the same seller is a big red flag for me! It leads me to believe that something must be wrong with their process or their integrity (when money is involved there's always a few sharks lurking around!). Unless you are new to gardening or using old peppers seeds it should never be an issue!
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